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The fundamental right to a healthy environment and climate-related lawsuits
Elijah Sriroshan Sritharan, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Of all the prominent environmental issues in recent decades, global climate change is the most serious and has been widely regarded as the most pressing global environmental problem of the current age. Ongoing carbon emissions from burning fossil fuels are behind the planet’s warming trend. The fossil fuel industry has had a unique role in causing, shaping, advancing, and defining the current unsustainable fossil fuel-dependent global economy. Climate science demands we decarbonise our entire economy to limit global warming to 1.5° Celsius. This paper builds its arguments starting from the universal recognition of the human right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment by the United Nations General Assembly in 2022. A healthy and functioning environment is a precondition for human welfare. Recognition of the right to a healthy environment contributes to improved environmental outcomes, including cleaner air, enhanced access to safe drinking water and reduced greenhouse gas emissions. One notable development in recent years has been an explosion in climate litigation. The cases are being brought against governments and corporate emitters for breach of environmental and human rights obligations to pressure them to take more ambitious climate action. The two analysed cases from the Netherlands aptly illustrate that human rights arguments played a crucial role in the rulings.
Ključne besede: Human right to a healthy environment, Human rights-based climate change litigation, Urgenda case, hell judgement, sustainable development goals
Objavljeno v ReVIS: 06.02.2025; Ogledov: 44; Prenosov: 0
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The analysis of the reporting persons protection act through the prism of the OECD indicators
Helena Mazi Golob, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The article presents an analysis of the Reporting Persons Protection Act as an example of a methodology for the substantive evaluation of a new law. The article is divided into three parts. In the first part, standards and examples of good practices in the legislation of countries with a longer tradition in whistleblower protection are collected. In the second part, we analysed the Reporting Persons Protection Act through the indicators of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). We found that the Reporting Persons Protection Act fully complies with thirteen indicators, partially complies with four indicators, and ignores eight out of twenty-five indicators. Therefore, in the concluding part of the article, we sought the proponent’s arguments for not considering these indicators and suggested some other improvements to the law.
Ključne besede: Reporting Persons Protection Act, whistleblowing, protection of reporting persons, whistleblower protection
Objavljeno v ReVIS: 31.01.2025; Ogledov: 92; Prenosov: 1
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Pravni in drugi vidiki položaja žensk v policiji in na vodstvenih delovnih mestih
Tomaž Čas, Klara Podnar, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: V slovenski policiji je zaposlenih približno 80% policistov in približno 20% policistk. Kljub takim številkam le približno 3% policistk zaseda vodstvena delovna mesta. Čeprav zakonodaja primerno ureja prepoved diskriminacije in zagotavljanje enakopravnosti, še vedno obstaja neuravnoteženost zasedenosti vodstvenih delovnih mest v policiji po spolu. Policistke se v vlogi vodij srečujejo z mnogimi izzivi in dodatno energijo porabijo za razbijanje stereotipov in predsodkov, ne glede na to, da so enako sposobne vodenja kot policisti. Ugotovili smo, da bi bilo smiselno sprejeti določene ukrepe za izboljšanje stanja na tem področju.
Ključne besede: ženske, policija, vodenje, enakost, položaj žensk
Objavljeno v ReVIS: 31.01.2025; Ogledov: 98; Prenosov: 2
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Addressing the social issues of widows and widowers through the Institute of a Guaranteed Widow’s Pension
Sabina Korošec, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: The article deals with the question of the adequacy of reintroducing a guaranteed widow’s pension into pension legislation to address the social issues faced by widows and widowers. It answers questions regarding the rules for calculating widow’s pensions, the main differences between two different social security systems (insurance system and social protection system), the development of the guaranteed widow’s pension institute through the legislation of independent Slovenia, and the current system in place today. During the legislative process of adopting the amendment ZPIZ-2N, the original draft of the law was slightly supplemented and modified, which is seen as positive as it better follows the principle of proportionality and prevents situations where a widow or widower would receive a higher amount than the combined pensions of both partners. Despite this, the article notes that it would be better to raise all widow’s pensions to maintain the insurance principle, as this would also increase the amounts of the part of the widow’s pensions. Finally, the article highlights that future interventions in the existing system must ensure that legislative changes consider the contributions paid by the insured into the pension fund and that social adjustments in social insurance are permissible but should not disrupt the balance among retirees.
Ključne besede: calculation of widow’s pension, guaranteed widow’s pension, death insurance, social security systems, changes in pension legislation
Objavljeno v ReVIS: 31.01.2025; Ogledov: 98; Prenosov: 0
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Blockchain, energy concerns and sustainability : examining the future of a circular economy
Gorazd Justinek, 2024, predgovor, uvodnik, spremna beseda

Objavljeno v ReVIS: 31.01.2025; Ogledov: 82; Prenosov: 0
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Skrbni pregled varstva človekovih pravic in okolja v dobavnih verigah največjih gospodarskih družb : primer nemškega zakona o dobavnih verigah
Jernej Letnar Černič, 2024, izvirni znanstveni članek

Opis: Države in gospodarske družbe nosijo negativne in pozitivne obveznosti za varstvo človekovih pravic in okolja v gospodarstvu. Pozitivne obveznosti gospodarskih družb se nanašajo tudi na opredelitev, spremljanje, nadzor in sprejemanje ukrepov za varstvo človekovih pravic in okolja v njihovih dobavnih verig. Ker je globalno gospodarstvo prepleteno na več ravneh, se zato pojavljajo številni izzivi za učinkovito zagotavljanje človekovega dostojanstva. Nekatere evropske države so v zadnjih letih sprejele domače zakone, ki določajo obveznost izvajanja skrbnega pregleda okolja in varstva okolja v dobavnih verigah gospodarskih družb. Med njimi izstopa nemški zakon o dobavnih verigah, ki predstavlja enega od modelov za oblikovanje skrbnega pregleda varstva človekovih pravic in okolja v dobavnih verigah največjih gospodarskih družb. Pričujoči prispevek zato obravnava njegove temeljne pojme ter izpostavlja prednosti in nekatere pomanjkljivosti.
Ključne besede: varstvo človekovih pravic, varstvo okolja, gospodarstvo, skrbni pregled, dobavne verige, zakoni
Objavljeno v ReVIS: 31.01.2025; Ogledov: 89; Prenosov: 1
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The future of supervision mechanisms under the OECD guidelines for multinational enterprises on responsible business conduct
Jernej Letnar Černič, 2024, samostojni znanstveni sestavek ali poglavje v monografski publikaciji

Opis: The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises for Responsible Business Conduct are a quasi-legal document imposing obligations on the state to regulate the activities of multinational enterprises when doing business at home and outside the Member States of the OECD. This chapter discusses the current state of the OECD Guidelines for Responsible Business Conduct and their added value for rights holders concerning corporate adverse human rights conduct. It first describes the origins and background of adopting the document and then moves to analyse the supervision mechanisms of the OECD Guidelines. As such, it concentrates on the added value of the specific instance procedures before the National Contact Points (NCPs). In this regard, it also analyses the role of the OECD Investment Committee and its peer review mechanism of the NCPs. As a result, it argues that the OECD Governing body should strengthen enforcement mechanisms under the OECD Guidelines.
Ključne besede: business and human rights, protection of environment, economy, companies, OECD Guidelines
Objavljeno v ReVIS: 20.01.2025; Ogledov: 127; Prenosov: 3
.pdf Celotno besedilo (206,11 KB)
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