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Učinkoviti načini motiviranja na delovnem mestu : diplomska naloga
Žan Šalehar, 2024, diplomsko delo

Ključne besede: motivacija, komunikacija, načini motiviranja, nagrajevanje, vodje, dilpomske naloge
Objavljeno v ReVIS: 18.12.2024; Ogledov: 261; Prenosov: 44
.pdf Celotno besedilo (927,84 KB)

Applying supply chain management practices : case study on NRG (bakery and coffee bar), Saudi Arabia
Basem Thabit, diplomsko delo

Opis: Supply Chain Management (SCM) is a complicated subject, which is a significance indicator of success or failure of any manufacturing enterprise. Supply Chain Management is a set of facilities that produce raw inputs (materials), transform them into Semi-finished product and then final output (products), and deliver the products to customers through a distribution system. The management of the supply chain and the roles of various actors involved differ from industry to industry and company to company. It is absolutely essential for executives of manufacturing enterprises to be thoroughly aware about all the essential components of supply chain management and understand the impact that it might apply in the overall efficiency of the organization. This paperwork attempts to provide the reader an overview of supply chain management applied on a small food industry company Called NRG. It presents the main ideas of supply chain through some real-life practical activities for bigger Understanding of supply chain management. This research is the result of years of studies of international business and sustainable management at the prestigio reputable International Business School of Ljubljana. In this report, a small company, NRG Brewing Co., is used as a case study to transfer my theoretical knowledge of the concepts acquired at IBS regarding supply chain management to NRG. Although this report displays several objects as a problem/solution. It's not a collection of everything I've learned in my academic career at IBS, but it's what's been found as necessary for this case study. NRG Brewing Co. is a small company in the city of Jeddah (Saudi Arabia). Most of the information that would otherwise be confidential is now available for research because of this report and perhaps also to improve the small business itself. As a result, this work is an attempt to educate other observers on the idea of entrepreneurship in order to enter and find their nish through the lens of this case study; where they can use raw data to develop their business feasibility studies and the like.
Ključne besede: supply chain management, food industry, supply chain tools, NRG
Objavljeno v ReVIS: 13.12.2024; Ogledov: 248; Prenosov: 1
.pdf Celotno besedilo (1,58 MB)

Vodenje podjetja v kriznih časih : diplomska naloga
Jan Jankovič, 2024, diplomsko delo

Ključne besede: kriza, krizni manager, krizni načrt, vodenje v kriznih časih, značilnosti krize, vodenje
Objavljeno v ReVIS: 08.11.2024; Ogledov: 266; Prenosov: 7
.pdf Celotno besedilo (919,15 KB)

Uspešen menedžer : diplomska naloga
Almina Džinić, 2023, diplomsko delo

Ključne besede: menedžer, uspešen menedžer, menedžment, organizacija, sposobnosti, lastnosti
Objavljeno v ReVIS: 22.07.2024; Ogledov: 427; Prenosov: 1
.pdf Celotno besedilo (747,13 KB)

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