Naslov: | Addressing the social issues of widows and widowers through the Institute of a Guaranteed Widow’s Pension |
Avtorji: | ID Korošec, Sabina (Avtor) |
Datoteke: | 02_Sabina_Korosec_101.pdf (103,75 KB) MD5: DF5EF8E61B35D541EA814B91368998AE
Jezik: | Angleški jezik |
Vrsta gradiva: | Neznano |
Tipologija: | 1.01 - Izvirni znanstveni članek |
Organizacija: | FDŠ - Nova Univerza - Fakulteta za državne in evropske študije
Opis: | The article deals with the question of the adequacy of reintroducing a guaranteed widow’s pension into pension legislation to address the social issues faced by widows and widowers. It answers questions regarding the rules for calculating widow’s pensions, the main differences between two different social security systems (insurance system and social protection system), the development of the guaranteed widow’s pension institute through the legislation of independent Slovenia, and the current system in place today. During the legislative process of adopting the amendment ZPIZ-2N, the original draft of the law was slightly supplemented and modified, which is seen as positive as it better follows the principle of proportionality and prevents situations where a widow or widower would receive a higher amount than the combined pensions of both partners. Despite this, the article notes that it would be better to raise all widow’s pensions to maintain the insurance principle, as this would also increase the amounts of the part of the widow’s pensions. Finally, the article highlights that future interventions in the existing system must ensure that legislative changes consider the contributions paid by the insured into the pension fund and that social adjustments in social insurance are permissible but should not disrupt the balance
among retirees. |
Ključne besede: | calculation of widow’s pension, guaranteed widow’s pension, death insurance, social security systems, changes in pension legislation |
Datum objave: | 01.01.2024 |
Leto izida: | 2024 |
Št. strani: | str. 9-21 |
Številčenje: | [Št.] 101 |
PID: | 20.500.12556/ReVIS-11411  |
UDK: | 34(497.4) |
ISSN pri članku: | 1408-9653 |
COBISS.SI-ID: | 222344707  |
Datum objave v ReVIS: | 31.01.2025 |
Število ogledov: | 98 |
Število prenosov: | 0 |
Metapodatki: |  |
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