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Naslov:Reševanje konfliktov med otroki in starši : magistrska naloga študijskega programa druge stopnje
Avtorji:ID Podlipnik, Ana (Avtor)
ID Oravecz, Robert (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Novo okno
Datoteke:.pdf RAZ_Podlipnik_Ana_i2018.pdf (1,17 MB)
MD5: 9E04FDC151B1F7A298E59D078BCFA94B
Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija:FUDS - Fakulteta za uporabne družbene študije
Opis:Magistrsko delo z naslovom »Reševanje konfliktov med otroki in starši« obravnava odnose in komunikacijo med otroki in starši, reševanje konfliktov med njimi ter načine ravnanja v takšnih situacijah. Ambicija magistrskega dela je ugotoviti, kako se starši odzovejo na konflikte, ki nastanejo v odnosih z otroki, in analizirati, ali so njihovi odzivi ustrezni ter če niso, kakšni bi morali biti. Ugotovitve lahko psihosocialnim svetovalcem pomagajo pri delu s starši, ki imajo težave pri komunikaciji z otroki pri razreševanju konfliktov. Vsebina magistrskega dela je razdeljena na tri glavne vsebinske sklope: teoretičnega, empiričnega in tistega, v katerem avtorica izvede analizo empiričnega dela ter poda svoje predloge. Uvod in zaključek povezujeta magistrsko delo v zaključeno celoto. V teoretičnem delu se avtorica osredotoča na obravnavo družine ter odnosov znotraj nje. Posebno pozornost namenja opredelitvi družine, komunikacijskim procesom ter soočanju s problemi. Avtorica opisuje tudi potrebe otrok, vplive družinskega okolja na razvoj otrok ter vrste vzgojnih slogov. Empirični del vsebuje bistvene povzetke intervjujev, ki jih je avtorica izvedla s starši, ki imajo svoje otroke vpisane v vrtec na Vrhniki. Vprašanja intervjuvancem se osredotočajo na izzive v komunikaciji med starši in otroki ter na načine reševanja konfliktov, ki nastanejo v odnosih med njimi. Analiza odgovorov staršev, ki so odgovarjali na vprašanja, kaže, da se starši s svojimi otroki premalo pogovarjajo in preživijo premalo časa skupaj, nadalje tudi, da je materam bolj kot očetom neprijetno z otrokom spregovoriti o težkih temah, da je neupoštevanje ritualov najpogostejši vzrok za prepire v družini ter da starši v konfliktnih situacijah najpogosteje dvignejo glas in da takrat tudi pogosto spregovorijo o svojih občutkih.
Ključne besede:družina, vzgoja, odnosi, konflikti, komunikacija, reševanje težav, magistrske naloge
Kraj izida:Vrhnika
Kraj izvedbe:Vrhnika
Založnik:[A. Podlipnik]
Leto izida:2018
Leto izvedbe:2018
Št. strani:64 str., [25] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-8012 Novo okno
COBISS.SI-ID:26485251 Novo okno
Datum objave v ReVIS:28.07.2021
Število ogledov:1356
Število prenosov:121
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Opis:The master's thesis "Solving Conflicts between Children and Parents" deals with the relationships and communication between children and parents, conflict resolution between them and their (re)actions in such situations. The ambition of this thesis is to determine how parents respond to conflicts that arise between them and their children, to analyze whether their reactions in such situations are appropriate and if they are not how they should react. The author’s findings can help psychosocial counselors that work with parents who have communication and conflict resolving problems with their children. The content of this thesis is divided into three main sections: theoretical, empirical, and the one in which the author performs an analysis of the empirical part and presents her own proposals. The introduction and the conclusion make this master's thesis a complete research work. In the theoretical part, the author focuses on the treatment of the family and the relationships within it. A special attention is devoted to different family definitions, communication processes, and confrontations with problems. The author also describes the needs of children, the impact of the family environment on the development of children, and the types of educational styles. The empirical part contains the essential summaries of the interviews conducted by the author with parents who enrolled their children in the kindergarten in Vrhnika. Questions to interviewees focus on the challenges of communicating between parents and children and on how to resolve conflicts that arise in relationships between them. The analysis of the interviewed parents responses shows that parents and their children do not have enough time to communicate and hang out together, and furthermore, that it is more difficult for mothers to speak with their children about difficult topics, that failure to observe the rituals is the most common cause of family disputes, that in conflict situations parents most often raise their voices, and that they often talk about their feelings in those situations.
