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Naslov:Uporabna vojaška etika Za vključujočo in varno družbo prihodnosti : magistrsko delo
Avtorji:ID Kečanović, Sabina (Avtor)
ID Strahovnik, Vojko (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Novo okno
ID Okovič, Dejan (Komentor)
Datoteke:.pdf RAZ_Kecanovic_Sabina_i2020.pdf (1,03 MB)
MD5: BD71FD547C7272F001022494509F4051
Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija:FDŠ - Nova Univerza - Fakulteta za državne in evropske študije
Opis:Bistvo obravnavane teme, na katerem sloni celotna argumentacija tega magistrskega dela, je iskanje uporabnih odgovorov na ključno vprašanje, kako v razmerah globalne negotovosti, kompleksnih varnostnih groženj, problemov in izzivov razviti nov in učinkovitejši način razmišljanja, kar je v danih razmerah visoke negotovosti in globalnega varnostnega tveganja že na svetovni ravni široko sprejet, nujen in neizogiben pogoj za preživetje ljudi in planeta Zemlja. Ob upoštevanju integralnega vidika raziskovanja so kot poglavitne metode uporabljene dialektična, primerjalna, zgodovinska in antropološka ter sociološka in aksiološka-deontološka metoda. Z mikrosociološkim pristopom, z delno strukturiranim intervjujem, s študijo primera (angl. case study) in z analizo sekundarnega gradiva so teoretične ugotovitve, ki potrjujejo glavno in delovne hipoteze, dodatno podkrepljene. Namen in cilj skupaj z rezultati raziskovalnega dela utemeljujejo potrebo po uporabni vojaški etiki in njenem integrativnem pristopu v Slovenski vojski. To je ključni rezultat tega magistrskega dela. V celoti je primerljiv s svetovnimi cilji trajnostnega razvoja ter vključujoče in varne družbe prihodnosti v Agendi 2030. Izvirnost in uporabnost sta doktrinarno utemeljeni s prizadevanji sodobnih moralnih filozofov za vrnitev etike k vsebinskim vprašanjem ter s primerjalnimi ugotovitvami, da je uporabna vojaška etika v svetovnem merilu uveljavljena v vojskah različnih držav in Zavezništva. Z vsem navedenim magistrsko delo Uporabna vojaška etika za vključujočo in varno družbo prihodnosti predstavlja nov in učinkovitejši pristop h krepitvi etike v Slovenski vojski, na vseh ravneh in področjih njenega normativnega okvira in delovanja, tako v nacionalnem varnostnem in obrambnem kot mednarodnem in diplomatskem pogledu.
Ključne besede:etika, moralna teorija, vključujoča in varna družba, uporabna vojaška etika
Kraj izida:Kranj
Kraj izvedbe:Kranj
Založnik:[S. Kečanović]
Leto izida:2020
Leto izvedbe:2020
Št. strani:1 spletni vir (1 datoteka PDF (107 str.))
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-8678 Novo okno
COBISS.SI-ID:96302595 Novo okno
Opomba:Mag. delo 2. stopnje bolonjskega študija; Nasl. z nasl. zaslona; Opis vira z dne 3. 2. 2022;
Datum objave v ReVIS:04.02.2022
Število ogledov:1349
Število prenosov:71
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Opis:The focal point of the topic at hand and indeed the main focus of this dissertation as a whole, is finding useful and objectively applicable solutions to the perplexing conundrum that is introducing a new and more effective way of thinking, the eventual introduction of which has already been recognised as an unavoidable necessity worldwide, in order to preserve both our existence and that of the planet we inhabit, into a world marked by global insecurity and periled by ever more complex threats to security, security problems and challenges. The main methods used, taking into account the integral nature of research, were the following: dialectic method, method of comparative analysis, method of comparative historical analysis, anthropological method, sociological method and the axiological-deontological approach as a research method. This microsociological approach, consisting of a semi-structured interview, a case study and involving the analysis of secondary sources, gives further credence to my findings, which were consistent with both the main and the working hypotheses. The impetus for the research, its aims and the gotten results all substantiate the need for more applicable military ethics and their integration into the Slovenian military institution. This realisation is also the key conclusion drawn from my dissertation. It is wholly comparable to worldwide aims of Agenda 2030, for sustainable development and for an inclusive and secure future society. The necessity for their introduction and their effectiveness also find support in the doctrine of contemporary philosophers, whose works deal with ethics and morality, who strive towards the return of ethics to the realm of substance and real-world problems, their own comparative findings being, that such applicable military ethics have already been established in several countries and alliances of the world. My dissertation, titled APPLIED MILITARY ETHICS FOR INCLUSIVE AND SAFE SOCIETY OF THE FUTURE, with its findings, offers a new and more efficient approach towards strengthening existing ethics of the Slovenian armed forces, on each and every level of their normative structure, on both the inward focused front of national security and defence and on the front of internationaThe focal point of the topic at hand and indeed the main focus of this dissertation as a whole, is finding useful and objectively applicable solutions to the perplexing conundrum that is introducing a new and more effective way of thinking, the eventual introduction of which has already been recognised as an unavoidable necessity worldwide, in order to preserve both our existence and that of the planet we inhabit, into a world marked by global insecurity and periled by ever more complex threats to security, security problems and challenges. The main methods used, taking into account the integral nature of research, were the following: dialectic method, method of comparative analysis, method of comparative historical analysis, anthropological method, sociological method and the axiological-deontological approach as a research method. This microsociological approach, consisting of a semi-structured interview, a case study and involving the analysis of secondary sources, gives further credence to my findings, which were consistent with both the main and the working hypotheses. The impetus for the research, its aims and the gotten results all substantiate the need for more applicable military ethics and their integration into the Slovenian military institution. This realisation is also the key conclusion drawn from my dissertation. It is wholly comparable to worldwide aims of Agenda 2030, for sustainable development and for an inclusive and secure future society. The necessity for their introduction and their effectiveness also find support in the doctrine of contemporary philosophers, whose works deal with ethics and morality, who strive towards the return of ethics to the realm of substance and real-world problems, their own comparative findings being, that such applicable military ethics have already been established in several countries and alliances of the world. My dissertation, titled APPLIED MILITARY ETHICS FOR INCLUSIVE AND SAFE SOCIETY OF THE FUTURE, with its findings, offers a new and more efficient approach towards strengthening existing ethics of the Slovenian armed forces, on each and every level of their normative structure, on both the inward focused front of national security and defence and on the front of international diplomacy facing outward.l diplomacy facing outward.
