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Naslov:Surogatno materinstvo : doktorska disertacija
Avtorji:ID Sep, Martina (Avtor)
ID Dežman, Aljoša (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Novo okno
Datoteke:.pdf RAZ_Sep_Martina_i2022.pdf (3,91 MB)
MD5: 4B6BCBA8BEEC053ABB299AA9F8054435
Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Vrsta gradiva:Doktorsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.08 - Doktorska disertacija
Organizacija:EVRO-PF - Nova Univerza - Evropska pravna fakulteta
Opis:Hiter razvoj medicine je tudi na področju starševstva prinesel bistvene spremembe. Do nedavnega je veljalo, da sta ženska in moški lahko postala biološka starša le, če sta otroka spočela po naravni poti. Če to ni bilo mogoče, jima je bila dana možnost posvojitve tujega otroka. Danes pa je na voljo surogatno (imenovano tudi nadomestno) materinstvo. Pri surogatnem materinstvu gre za dogovor med surogatno (nadomestno) materjo in bodočimi starši. Surogatna mati z biomedicinsko pomočjo (umetna oploditev) zanosi in otroka po rojstvu prepusti bodočim staršem. Surogatna mati se pri tem odpove kakršnim koli pravicam in obveznostim do otroka. Surogatno materinstvo je po svetu različno sprejeto. Samo najliberalnejše države surogatno materinstvo dovoljujejo. Velika večina držav Evropske unije ta institut v celoti oz. v določenih oblikah prepoveduje, medtem ko je v Združenih državah Amerike surogatno materinstvo precej razširjeno in predstavlja destinacijo reproduktivnega turizma. Če pogledamo na globalni ravni se družinsko pravo vedno bolj prilagaja družbeni realnosti. Na ta način postaja surogatno materinstvo vedno bolj sprejemljivo. Naklonjenost surogatnemu materinstvo lahko zaznamo tudi v Evropi, ki je od nekdaj poznana po tradicionalnem pojmovanju družine in s tem tudi starševstva. V Sloveniji velja prepoved sodelovanja zdravnika pri postopku, ki bi lahko privedel do surogatnega materinstva. Protipravno opravljen postopek oploditve z biomedicinsko pomočjo z namenom nadomestnega materinstva prestavlja kaznivo dejanje. Po obligacijskem pravu je morebiten sporazum, vezan na surogatno materinstvo, ničen. Problematika surogatnega materinstva pri nas si zagotovo zasluži multidisciplinarno razpravo, vezano na reformo družinskega prava.
Ključne besede:surogatno materinstvo, surogatna mati, otroci, starši, starševske pravice, bodoči starši, problematika surogatnega materinstva
Kraj izida:Ljubljana
Kraj izvedbe:Ljubljana
Založnik:[M. Sep]
Leto izida:2022
Leto izvedbe:2022
Št. strani:223 str.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-8703 Novo okno
COBISS.SI-ID:95571459 Novo okno
Opomba:Doktorska disertacija 3. stopnje bolonjskega študija;
Datum objave v ReVIS:22.02.2022
Število ogledov:1624
Število prenosov:201
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Opis:Rapid development in medicine in the field of parenting has brought essential changes. Just recently there has been a standard rule that only if they conceive a child naturally, a woman and a man can become biological parents. However, today surrogate mother or so – called substitute mother is available. When speaking about a surrogate motherhood, we talk about an arrangement between a mother and child’s future parents. The surrogate mother becomes pregnant with the help of biomedicine (artificial insemination) and delivers and gives the child over to her future parents when born. The surrogate mother also terminates any rights or obligations towards the born child. All over the world, people accept the surrogate motherhood with very different emotions. Only the most liberal countries allow the existence of surrogate motherhood. Most of the countries in the European Union forbid this institute on the whole or to a certain degree, whereas in the United States of America the surrogate motherhood is very common and represents a destination for reproductive tourism. If we take into account the global picture, the family law adapts the society’s reality more and more. Through doing so the surrogate motherhood becomes acceptable more and more. The preference for surrogate motherhood can be also found in Europe that has been known to only recognize the traditional family frame, thus traditional parenting. In Slovenia, the law forbids the doctor to participate in any procedure that would lead to surrogate motherhood. It is a criminal offence and against the law if there has been a procedure of insemination with the help of biomedicine and with the aim to initiate surrogate motherhood carried out. Under the obligations code any arrangement that would be tied to surrogate motherhood is void. The issues of surrogate motherhood need to be discussed on a multidisciplinary level and is closely connected to the reform of family law.
