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Naslov:Samopodoba žensk z ADHD v sodobni družbi : diplomska naloga
Avtorji:ID Rupnik, Anja (Avtor)
ID Karajić, Emil (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Novo okno
Datoteke:.pdf RAZ_Rupnik_Anja_i2021.pdf (1,18 MB)
MD5: D746E373E3F1B761992D80F041092430
Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija:FUDS - Fakulteta za uporabne družbene študije
Opis:Omemba motnje ADHD se v sodobni družbi pojavlja vedno večkrat. Zaradi nerazumevanja in neinformiranosti o motnji, še vedno prihaja do stigmatizacije obolelih. V diplomski nalogi smo raziskovali, kako se ženske z ADHD doživljajo, kako doživljajo svojo vlogo v družbi in kako se stigma zaradi ADHD potencialno povezuje z njihovo samopodobo. V teoretičnem delu smo najprej predstavili trenuten položaj žensk v družbi in kako se je ta položaj skozi čas spreminjal. Nekaj besed smo namenili seksizmu in sistemu patriarhata, ter kako vplivata na blagostanje žensk in družbe kot celote. Nato smo predstavili spol in spolne vloge ter stereotipe o ženskah, saj so pomembni dejavniki pri boljšem razumevanju problematike. Opredelili smo samopodobo, identiteto in samospoštovanje, ki tvorijo celoto samodoživljanja posameznika. V zadnjem delu teoretičnega dela smo opredelili ADHD, opisali simptomatiko, kako se ga odkriva in zdravi, razlike med spoli ter posledice in komorbidnost motnje. Empirični del zajema kvalitativno analizo petih polstrukturiranih intervjujev. Vzorec so sestavljale ženske, stare od 20 do 42 let, s potrjeno diagnozo ADHD. Vprašanja so se osredotočala na odnos žensk do družbe ter njihovega položaja v njej, na odnos družbe do ADHD in žensk z ADHD do te motnje ter kako se vse skupaj povezuje z njihovo samopodobo. Rezultate smo predstavili z izseki intervjujev, ki so pripomogli h globljemu razumevanju problematike. Pokazali so, da je potrditev in sprejemanje diagnoze ADHD udeleženkam izjemno pomembna in da sta stigmatizacija ter nerazumevanje družbe pripomogla k njihovi slabši samopodobi. Majhen vzorec in število mlajših udeleženk sta bili glavni omejitvi, zato rezultatov nismo mogli posplošiti na celotno populacijo. Ugotovitve raziskave so lahko smernice za nadaljnje raziskovanje vsakodnevnega doživljanja žensk z ADHD in kako se nerazumevanje in stigmatizacija s strani družbe povezujeta z njihovo samopodobo.
Ključne besede:motnja ADHD, samopodoba, ženske, spolne vloge, sodobna družba, diplomske naloge
Kraj izida:Ljubljana
Kraj izvedbe:Ljubljana
Založnik:[A. Rupnik]
Leto izida:2021
Leto izvedbe:2021
Št. strani:61 str., [64] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-8842 Novo okno
COBISS.SI-ID:93928707 Novo okno
Opomba:Študijski program Psihosocialna pomoč;
Datum objave v ReVIS:17.05.2022
Število ogledov:1016
Število prenosov:103
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Opis:Mention of ADHD occurs more and more often in contemporary society. Due to the misunderstanding and uninformedness related to the disorder, there is still stigmatization of the sufferers. In the dissertation, we explore how women with ADHD experience themselves, how they experience their role in society, and how is the stigma surrounding ADHD potentially related to their self-esteem. In the theoretical part, we first presented the current position of women in society and how this position has changed over time. We devoted a few words to sexism and the system of patriarchy, and how they affect the well-being of women and society as a whole. We then presented gender, gender roles and stereotypes of women, as they are important factors in better understanding of the issue. We defined the self-esteem, identity and self-repect, that form the whole self-experience of an individual. In the last section of the theoretical part, we defined ADHD, described the symptoms, how it is detected and treated, gender differences and the consequences and comorbidity of the disorder. The empirical part includes a qualitative analysis of five semi-structured interviews. The sample consisted of women aged 20 to 42, with a confirmed diagnosis of ADHD. The questions focused on the attitude of women towards society and their position in it, society towards ADHD and women towards ADHD and how it all relates to their self-esteem. We presented the results with excerpts from the interviews, which contributed to a deeper understanding of the issue. They showed that confirming and accepting the diagnosis of ADHD was extremely important to the participants and that stigmatization and misunderstanding of society have contributed to their poorer self-esteem. The small sample and the number of younger participants were the main limitations, so we could not generalize the results to the entire population. The findings of this research can serve as guidelines for further research into the daily experience of women with ADHD and how misunderstanding and stigmatization from society relate to their self-esteem.
