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Authors:Horvat, Ema (Author)
Karajić, Emil (Mentor) More about this co-author... New window
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FUDS - School of advanced social studies
Abstract:V današnjem hitro spreminjajočem se digitalnem svetu smo priča nenehnemu napredku tehnologije, ki je postala osrednji del vsakodnevnega življenja. Digitalne naprave, kot so pametni telefoni, tablice, računalniki in televizorji, so postale nepogrešljiv spremljevalec tako za otroke kot odrasle. Tehnološki napredek je prinesel številne koristi, ki so izboljšale naš način življenja, hkrati pa so se pojavili tudi izzivi in pomisleki, zlasti v vzgoji otrok, ki so še vedno v razvoju. Diplomska naloga se osredotoča na prekomerno uporabo zaslonov pri otrocih in na vlogo, ki jo imajo starši pri obvladovanju tega izziva. Otroci odraščajo v digitalni dobi, obkroženi z digitalnimi napravami, kar postavlja starše pred pomembno nalogo: kako uravnotežiti otrokovo uporabo tehnologije z drugimi pomembnimi vidiki njihovega razvoja. V našem delu smo raziskovali, kako se starši spopadajo s prekomerno uporabo zaslonov pri svojih otrocih. Opravili smo poglobljene intervjuje z osmimi mamami, ki imajo otroke v starosti med 6 in 9 let, ter analizirali njihove odgovore. Raziskali smo, kakšno znanje imajo starši o škodljivosti zaslonov, kako se izobražujejo na tem področju, katere pozitivne in negativne vplive opažajo pri svojih otrocih ter kako se spopadajo z izzivi, ki jih prinaša digitalna doba. V empiričnem delu bomo predstavili ključne ugotovitve iz naše raziskave, ki bodo prispevale k razpravi o pomembnosti vzpostavljanja uravnoteženega razmerja med digitalno tehnologijo in otrokovim razvojem. Raziskava poudarja, da so postavljene omejitve in doslednost ključni koraki pri obvladovanju negativnih posledic prekomerne uporabe zaslonov. Starši, ki se aktivno vključujejo v otrokovo uporabo digitalnih naprav, lahko pomagajo svojim otrokom razviti uravnotežen odnos s tehnologijo. Rezultati raziskave razkrivajo, da se starši spopadajo z izzivi, kot so rutina, izsiljevanje, vpliv vrstnikov, zasvojenost, časovna stiska in izguba avtoritete.
Keywords:otroci, zasloni, starši, omejitve, ovire, slabe posledice, dobre posledice
Year of publishing:2023
Files:.pdf 5601$$zakljucno_delo.pdf (1,45 MB)
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Secondary language

Abstract:In today's rapidly changing digital world, we witness the constant advancement of technology, which has become a central part of everyday life. Digital devices such as smartphones, tablets, computers and televisions have become an indispensable companion for both children and adults. Technological advances have brought many benefits that have improved the way we live, but at the same time, there have also been challenges and concerns, especially in raising children who are still developing. The thesis focuses on the excessive use of screens in children and the role that parents play in managing this challenge. Children are growing up in a digital age, surrounded by digital devices, which presents parents with an important task: how to balance their child's use of technology with other important aspects of their development. In our work, we investigated how parents deal with the excessive use of screens by their children. We conducted in-depth interviews with eight mothers who have children between the ages of 6 and 9 and analyzed their responses. We investigated what knowledge parents have about the harmful effects of screens, how they are educated in this area, what positive and negative influences they see in their children, and how they cope with the challenges brought by the digital age. In the empirical part, we will present the key findings from our research, which will contribute to the discussion about the importance of establishing a balanced relationship between digital technology and child development. The research highlights that setting limits and consistency are key steps in managing the negative consequences of excessive screen use. Parents who are actively involved in their child's use of digital devices can help their children develop a balanced relationship with technology. The results of the survey reveal that parents struggle with challenges such as routine, blackmail, peer influence, addiction, time constraints and loss of authority.
Keywords:children, screens, parents, restrictions, barriers, bad consequences, good consequences.
