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Title:Učinki tehnike TRE na kakovost življenja posameznikov s sindromom fibromialgije : magistrska naloga
Authors:ID Plajh, Lara (Author)
ID Stepišnik Perdih, Tjaša (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Plajh_Lara_i2023.pdf (2,47 MB)
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FUDS - School of advanced social studies
Abstract:Fibromialgija je ena hujših oblik kronično razširjene bolečine po telesu, ki prizadetemu posamezniku znižuje kakovost življenja. Za fibromialgijo je značilna kompleksna polisimptomatika. Uspešnega zdravljenja trenutno še ne poznamo, zato z različnimi farmakološkimi in nefarmakološkimi pristopi blažimo zgolj njeno simptomatiko. Eden tovrstnih je tudi tehnika »Tension, Stress and Trauma Release« - TRE, ki je serija telesnih vaj, pri katerih se s samoindiciranimi nevrogenimi tremorji sproščajo notranje napetosti, kar posledično vpliva tudi na boljše počutje posameznika. Zaradi pozitivnih učinkov, ki naj bi jih imela tehnika TRE, smo se odločili, da raziščemo njene učinke na kakovost življenja posameznikov s fibromialgijo. Za namene raziskave sta bili oblikovalni dve skupini, vsaka po štiri udeleženke, ki so v šestih zaporednih tednih opravile skupno 11 TRE vaj. Od tega enkrat individualno s TRE inštruktorjem, petkrat v okviru TRE skupine pod vodstvom TRE inštruktorja in sočasno petkrat samostojno doma. Zaradi kompleksnosti problema je bil uporabljen kombiniran raziskovalni pristop. Vrednostno nevtralni in objektivni podatki so bili preučevani s kvantitativno metodo z uporabo različnih raziskovalnih instrumentov pred, med in po TRE srečanjih. S kvalitativno metodo v obliki delno strukturiranega intervjuja, izvedenega šest mesecev po TRE srečanjih, so bila pridobljena osebna mnenja in doživljanja udeleženk, s čimer so končne objektivne ugotovitve povezane v koncept. Kljub začetnim pomislekom, da tehnika TRE ne bo dosegla želenih rezultatov, v raziskavi ugotavljamo, da je TRE učinkovita metoda, s katero lahko posamezniki s fibromialgijo kratkoročno izboljšajo fizično, dolgoročno pa tudi psihično počutje, kar ima pozitiven vpliv na kakovost življenja. Ena od udeleženk pravi: »Je blo sigurn izboljšanje. Bom rekla splošnega počutja«. In druga: »Tak je blo, ko da ti je nekdo neko blokado v glavi odpr. … Bolj mirna sem bila.«
Keywords:fibromialgija, nefarmakološki pristopi, psihosomatika, stres, vaje za sproščanje, napetost, travme, magistrske naloge
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Place of performance:Nova Gorica
Publisher:[L. Plajh]
Year of publishing:2023
Year of performance:2023
Number of pages:110 str., [35] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-10038 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:152326915 New window
Note:Študijski program Psihosocialno svetovanje;
Publication date in ReVIS:27.10.2023
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Secondary language

Abstract:Fibromyalgia is one of the more severe forms of chronic widespread pain throughout the body, which reduces the quality of life of the affected individual. Fibromyalgia is characterised by complex polysymptomatics. There is currently no successful treatment, so various pharmacological and non-pharmacological approaches are used to alleviate only the symptomatology. One of these is the "Tension, Stress and Trauma Release" technique - TRE, which is a series of physical exercises that release internal tensions through self-induced neurogenic tremors, resulting in a better sense of well-being. Due to the positive effects that the TRE technique is thought to have, we decided to investigate its effects on the quality of life of individuals with fibromyalgia. For the purpose of the study, 2 groups of 4 participants each were formed, who completed a total of 11 TRE exercises over 6 consecutive weeks. Of these, once individually with a TRE instructor, five times as part of a TRE group led by a TRE instructor, and simultaneously five times independently at home. Due to the complexity of the problem, a combined research approach was used. Value-neutral and objective data were studied using a quantitative method with different research instruments before, during and after the TRE sessions. A qualitative method in the form of a semi-structured interview conducted six months after the TRE sessions was used to obtain the personal opinions and experiences of the participants, thus linking the final objective findings to the concept. Despite the initial concerns that the TRE technique would not achieve the desired results, the study concludes that TRE is an effective method for individuals with fibromyalgia to improve their physical well-being in the short term and their psychological well-being in the long term, with a positive impact on their quality of life. One participant says: "There was definitely an improvement. I'll say in general well-being". And another: "It was like having someone open a blockage in your head. ... I was calmer".
