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Title:Potreba po psihosocialni obravnavi atletov v pionirskih in mladinskih kategorijah
Authors:ID Fratina Žagar, Tina (Author)
ID Stepišnik Perdih, Tjaša (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
ID Karajić, Emil (Comentor)
Files:.pdf 2993$$zakljucno_delo.pdf (2,27 MB)
MD5: 6EEAB0517D888C1D1E73C2908768E233
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FUDS - School of advanced social studies
Abstract:V mnogih raziskavah se izpostavlja pomembnost celostne obravnave športnikov, saj je le-ta izredno kompleksna. Priprava športnika zajema fizično, tehnično in nazadnje tudi psihološko pripravo. Potrebo po psihosocialni obravnavi športnika v pionirskih in mladinskih kategorijah smo želeli v tej magistrski nalogi prepoznati kot ključni element razvoja posameznika, in sicer ne le kot športnika, ki potrebuje interdisciplinarno obravnavo, temveč kot osebo, ki se razvija in osebnostno raste. V teoretičnem delu naloge smo s pomočjo strokovne literature, člankov, publikacij in drugih virov opisali pomembnost športa za otroke – mladostnike. Čustva smo opredelili glede na njihov vpliv. Dotaknili smo se psihološkega razvoja otrok in zahtev športa ter odkrivali značilnosti dvojne kariere med mladimi športniki. V osrednjem delu smo spoznavali tekmovalni režim v Sloveniji in Italiji ter pomen vseh akterjev na športnikovi poti. V zadnjem delu pa smo se dotaknili športnikove kognicije, kjer smo predstavili trenutno situacijo psihosocialne pomoči mladim športnikom v Sloveniji. V empiričnem delu naloge smo predstavili rezultate kvantitativne raziskave. Opravili smo jo na vzorcu 115 mladih športnikov, starih 12-19 let, ki so izpolnili anketni vprašalnik, usmerjen v prepoznavanje športnikovega zavedanja negativnih čustev ter prepoznavanje potreb po psihosocialni obravnavi. V tem delu smo predstavili tudi rezultate kvalitativne raziskave, ki smo jo opravili na vzorcu sedmih pionirskih športnikov s pomočjo izvajanja petih individualnih srečanj. Na podlagi individualnih srečanj so športniki podali svoj pogled na to izkušnjo. Rezultati, ki smo jih pridobili z raziskavo, v veliki meri potrjujejo potrebo po psihosocialni obravnavi športnikov kot preventiva pred nastankom duševnih stisk.
Keywords:celostna obravnava, psihološko priprava, psihosocialna obravnava, pionirske in mladinske kategorije, razvoja posameznika, interdisciplinarna obravnava, športnik, pomembnost športa, osebnostna rast, čustva, dvojna kariera, tekmovalni režim, duševna stisk
Year of publishing:2023
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-10299 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:01.02.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Need for psychosocial treatment of athletes in pioneer and junior categories
Abstract:There are many researches that emphasize the importance of the holistic approach to athlete development, mainly because it is such a complex issue. The athlete development consists of physical, technical and psychological preparation. This thesis aims at recognizing the need of psychosocial treatment of an athlete in pioneer and junior categories as a key element regarding the individual development, not only as an athlete who needs interdisciplinary approach, but also as a person who is growing and personally developing. The importance of sports in children's and teenagers' life was addressed in the theoretical part of this thesis based on expert literature, articles, publications other resources. The emotions were ranged according to the effect that they have. The psychological development of children, demands that sport imposes on them and question of dual career were also addressed in this part. The main theoretical part focuses on the system of competitions in Slovenia compared to that in Italy and also on the importance of each and every person involved in the process of athlete development. The last theoretical part focuses on the athlete cognition and the current situation regarding psychosocial help for young athletes in Slovenia. The empirical part of the thesis shows the results of quantitative research. 115 young athletes aged from 12 to 19 participated in answering a questionnaire about recognizing and being aware of negative emotions and also about their need of psychosocial treatment. In this part of the thesis the results of qualitative research with 7 athletes are also presented. Each athlete was given five individual treatments and was later asked to analyse the experience. The results obtained prove to a great extent the need of psychosocial approach towards the athletes, mainly in the eyes of preventing mental distress.
Keywords:holistic approach, psychological preparation, psychosocial approach, pioneer and junior categories, individual development, interdisciplinary approach, athlete, importance of sports, personal development, emotions, dual career, system of competitions
