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Authors:Hvalič Erzetič, dr. Barbara (Author)
Krivec, Jana (Mentor) More about this co-author... New window
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FUDS - School of advanced social studies
Abstract:V današnjem času, času hitrih sprememb na vseh področjih življenja, je podjetništvo ključni dejavnik razvoja, ključna gonilna sila pa so podjetniki, ljudje, ki jih vodi želja, da bi nekaj novega ustvarili, izboljšali. Podjetniki preživljajo veliko časa v podjetju, odločati se morajo o prihodnosti podjetja, pri tem tvegajo kapital, ki so ga vložili v podjetje, reševati morajo svoje težave in pogosteje še težave zaposlenih, povezujejo poslovno in zasebno življenje, probleme, ki nastajajo v podjetju, rešujejo v prostem času, kar povečuje stres. Takšno okolje lahko negativno vpliva na duševno zdravje podjetnikov, posledično pa lahko vodi v slabše odločitve, zmanjšano produktivnost, slabe medosebne odnose z zaposlenimi ter ovira kreativnost in inovativnost, kar ima negativen vpliv na podjetnikovo uspešnost. Ugotavljali smo povezanost med duševnim zdravjem podjetnikov in podjetnikovo uspešnostjo, ki jo sestavljata poslovni uspeh in zadovoljstvo z življenjem. Želeli smo raziskati, kdo so podjetniki z boljšim duševnim zdravjem. Duševno zdravje smo merili z vprašalnikom DASS-21, poslovni uspeh s finančnimi kazalniki, povprečno stopnjo rasti dobička, prihodka in števila zaposlenih v zadnjih štirih letih, zadovoljstvo z življenjem pa z vprašalnikom o zadovoljstvu z življenjem. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 289 slovenskih podjetnikov. Ugotovili smo, da so podjetniki z boljšim duševnim zdravjem bolj zadovoljni z življenjem, medtem ko povezava med duševnim zdravjem in poslovnim uspehom ni bila statistično značilna. Ugotovili smo, da so podjetniki boljšega duševnega zdravje kot podjetnice, prav tako so boljšega duševnega zdravja tisti podjetniki, ki imajo podjetje že dalj časa kot podjetniki začetniki. Pokazalo se je, da je preventivno delovanje podjetnikov za preprečevanje in obvladovanje stresa povezano z boljšim duševnim zdravjem v primeru telesne dejavnosti in izvajanju sprostitvenih tehnik. Z raziskavo smo dodali nova spoznanja na področju proučevanja duševnega zdravja podjetnikov, podjetnike pa smo želeli ozavestiti o pomenu duševnega zdravja v podjetju in skrbi za duševno zdravje podjetnikov in njihovih zaposlenih.
Keywords:duševno zdravje, podjetnik, podjetniški uspeh, stres na delovnem mestu, podjetniški stres, skrb za duševno zdravje
Year of publishing:2023
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Secondary language

Abstract:In today's world, a time of rapid change in all areas of life, entrepreneurship is a key factor for development. However, the most important driving force is entrepreneurs, people who are driven by the desire to create and improve something new. Entrepreneurs spend a lot of time in the company, they have to make decisions about the future of the company, they risk their own capital, they have to solve their own problems and often the problems of employees, they combine business and personal life, they solve problems that arise in the company in their free time, which increases stress. Such an environment can have a negative impact on the mental health of entrepreneurs, and poor mental health can lead to poorer decision-making, lower productivity, poor interpersonal relationships with employees, and hinder creativity and innovation, which negatively affects the success of the entrepreneur. We established a link between entrepreneurs' mental health and entrepreneur success, which consists of business success and life satisfaction. We wanted to investigate who are the entrepreneurs with better mental health. Mental health was measured with the DASS-21 questionnaire, business success with financial indicators, overage growth rate of profit, sales, and number of employees in the last four years, and life satisfaction with the life satisfaction questionnaire. 289 Slovenian entrepreneurs participated in the survey. We found that entrepreneurs with better mental health were more satisfied with their lives, while the relationship between mental health and business success was not statistically significant. We found that male entrepreneurs have better mental health than female entrepreneurs, and that entrepreneurs who have had a business for longer have better mental health than first-time entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs' preventive measures to avoid and manage stress were found to be associated with better mental health when they engaged in physical activity and used relaxation techniques. With this study, we gained new insights in the field of studying entrepreneurs' mental health. We wanted to raise awareness among entrepreneurs about the importance of mental health in business and to take care of the mental health of entrepreneurs and their employees.
Keywords:mental health, entrepreneur, business success, workplace stress, business stress, mental health care
