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Authors:Zobarič, Gašper (Author)
Omejec, Gregor (Mentor) More about this co-author... New window
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Tipology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Abstract:Kronična BvK je ena najpogostejših zdravstvenih težav v razvitem svetu. Poleg zdravstvenih težav se pacienti s kronično BvK srečujejo tudi s socialno-ekonomsko izključenostjo, kar negativno vpliva na njihovo duševno stanje in počutje. Kronična BvK je glavni razlog za odsotnost z dela in eden od glavnih razlogov za obisk pri zdravniku. Pri sestavi vadbenega programa za paciente s kronično BvK je zato potrebna kar se da celostna obravnava. Poleg njihovega zdravstvenega stanja je treba upoštevati njihov poklic, dnevne navade, psihično stanje ter športno dejavnost, če se z njo ukvarjajo. Bistveno premalo pozornosti je namenjeno preventivi pri BvK. Z osnovnim preventivnim izobraževanjem o zdravi hrbtenici ter učenjem aktivacije stabilizatorjev trupa bi morali začeti že pri otrocih v osnovni šoli, takrat se namreč začne dolgotrajno nezdravo sedenje. Zaradi vse večje odsotnosti iz službe zaradi kronične BvK bi bilo smiselno tudi zaposlene izobraziti o preventivnih korakih za preprečevanje BvK in s tem razbremeniti zdravstveni sistem. Veliko pacientov trpi za kronično BvK, ki je posledica raznih biopsihosocialnih dejavnikov. Fizioterapevtska obravnava kronične BvK zajema različne metode, najpomembnejša med njimi pa je uporaba vadbe. V zadnjih letih se pogosto uporabljajo vaje za stabilizacijo trupa, zato smo želeli z diplomsko nalogo preveriti njihovo učinkovitost glede na ostale vrste vadb, ki se še uporabljajo pri zmanjševanju kronične BvK. Pregled literature je pokazal, da so tako vaje za stabilizacijo trupa kot ostale vadbe enako učinkovite srednjeročno in dolgoročno. Vaje za stabilizacijo trupa pa so bolj učinkovite pri zmanjšanju bolečine ter izboljšanju funkcionalnega statusa kratkoročno. Zato je uporaba vaj za stabilizacijo trupa smiselna v prvi fazi rehabilitacije, kjer paciente naučimo aktivacije globokih mišic trupa. Nejasni dokazi o učinkovitosti vaj za stabilizacijo trupa so predvsem posledica pomanjkanja standardiziranih vadbenih programov ter premajhnega števila dolgoročnih raziskav. Pregled literature je pokazal, da je potreba po standardiziranih programih vadbe za paciente s kronično BvK velika. Pomembna je celostna obravnava pacientov za preprečevanje kronične BvK. V prihodnje bi bilo smiselno to področje podrobneje raziskati in s tem prispevati k še kakovostnejši fizioterapevtski obravnavi pacientov s kronično BvK ter pripraviti standardizirane vadbene programe, ki bi bili v pomoč tako stroki kot pacientom.
Keywords:kronična, bolečina, križ, vaje, stabilizacija
Year of publishing:2024
COBISS_ID:188073475 Link is opened in a new window
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Secondary language

Title:The impact of core stabilization exercises on chronic low back pain
Abstract:Chronic low back pain is one of the most common health problems in the developed world. Chronic low back pain is one of the biggest socio-economic problems faced by health care. It is the main reason for absenteeism at work and one of the main reasons for visiting the doctor. Learning how to activate core muscles should start with children in elementary school, because that is when long-term unhealthy sitting begins. It would also make sense to educate employees about preventive steps to prevent chronic low back pain. Many patients suffer from chronic low back pain, which is the result of various biopsychosocial factors. Physiotherapy treatment of chronic low back pain includes various methods, the most important of which is the use of exercise. In recent years, core stabilization exercises have been widely used, so we wanted to check their effectiveness in the graduation thesis in relation to other types of exercises that are still used to reduce chronic low back pain. A review of literature showed that both core stabilization exercises and other exercises are equally effective in the medium and long term. Core stabilization exercises are more effective in reducing pain and improving functional status in the short term. Therefore, the use of core stabilization exercises makes sense in the first phase of rehabilitation, where patients are taught to activate the deep muscles of the trunk. The lack of evidence for the effectiveness of core stabilization exercises is mainly due to the lack of standardized exercise programs and the lack of long-term research. A review of literature showed that there is a great need for standardized exercise programs for patients with chronic low back pain. Holistic treatment of the patient is important, so when creating an exercise program, we also take into account his occupation, daily habits, mental health and sports activity, if he is involved in it. Significantly insufficient attention is also devoted to the prevention of chronic low back pain. Preventive education about a healthy spine should start with children and it would also be recommended to educate all employees about preventive steps to prevent low back pain. In the future, it would make sense to investigate this area in more detail and thereby contribute to even better quality physiotherapy treatment of patients with chronic low back pain and to prepare standardized exercise programs that would be helpful to both professionals and patients.
Keywords:chronic, pain, back, exercises, stabilization
