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Authors:ID Nikolić, Monika (Author)
ID Rakuša Krašovec, Kristina (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Nikolic_Monika_i2024.pdf (1,35 MB)
MD5: C80EB1B388CF67584D28145084928981
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:UNM FZV - University of Novo mesto - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Porodno obdobje je obdobje, ko se v materinem telesu dogajajo številne anatomske in fiziološke spremembe, katerih končni cilj je, da se telo vrne v stanje pred nosečnostjo. Po porodu pride do krčenja maternice, ki naj bi približno po šestih do osmih tednih spet dobila obliko, kakršna je bila pred porodom. Po porodu je velika možnost nastanka okužb, ki nastanejo med samim porodom, carskim rezom, lahko pride do okužbe rane po porodu in okužbe presredka. Do laktacije pride med nosečnostjo in po porodu zaradi hormonskih sprememb, ki se dogajajo v telesu. Pomembno je, da ženska svojega novorojenega otroka čim hitreje po porodu pristavi k prsim. Pri samem dojenju lahko pride do številnih nevšečnosti, kot so razpokane bradavice, boleče, občutljive prsi in mastitis. Tukaj ima zelo pomembno vlogo medicinska sestra z zdravstvenovzgojnim delom, saj žensko pouči o pravilni negi dojk. Medicinska sestra žensko pouči, kako otroka pravilno pristaviti k prsim, da bo otrok lažje sesal mleko. Seveda pa po porodu ne smemo pozabiti na telesno aktivnost in na zdrav način prehranjevanja. S telesno aktivnostjo se lahko prične, ko se ženska počuti dovolj dobro, da začne rahlo telesno aktivnost, kot je na primer sprehod. Ženska, ki doji, mora paziti na svojo prehrano, saj kar koli poje, vpliva tudi na otroka. Beljakovine v prehrani doječe matere so pomembne, ker omogočajo rast, razvoj in krepitev mišičnega tkiva pri otroku. Maščobe predstavljajo energijsko vrednost, kar se pozna tudi na materinem mleku, zato naj doječa mati uživa olja rastlinskega izvora, različna semena in oreške. Mati naj ne pozabi na zadosten vnos sadja in zelenjave, kar bo dobro vlivalo na samo prebavo. Doječa ženska naj se izogiba pitju alkohola, močnim začimbam, surovemu mesu, kajenju. Porod je zelo stresen dogodek tako za žensko kot za partnerja. Po porodu je pomembno, da ženska izrazi svoja čustva in občutke, ki jih je doživljala oziroma jih še doživlja. Po porodu lahko pride pri ženski do duševnih sprememb, kot so poporodna depresija, poporodna otožnost in poporodna psihoza. V takih primerih ima pomembno vlogo partner, da pravočasno prepozna, da se z žensko nekaj dogaja, da se je začela drugače obnašati, da je postala občutljiva, jokava, da je začela spreminjati razpoloženje. Če partner prepozna te znake, je treba ženski poiskati ustrezno pomoč. Seveda pa imajo nekatere ženske duševne motnje že pred samo nosečnostjo, zaradi česar moramo biti pri teh ženskah po porodu še bolj pozorni. Kar se tiče spolnosti po porodu, je najboljše, da se ženska sama odloči, kdaj začeti s spolnimi odnosi, saj sama najbolje pozna svoje telo in svoje počutje. Z rezultati, ki smo jih pridobili z raziskavo, ugotavljamo in svetujemo, da naj matere po porodu uživajo več sadja zelenjave, naj se gibajo vsak dan, naj si vzamejo čas za počitek, skrbijo naj za svoje duševno zdravje in za zdravje svojega telesa.
Keywords:zdravstvena vzgoja, poporodno obdobje, čišča, poporodne krvavitve, poporodne duševne motnje, vzpostavitev laktacije, težave pri dojenju, mastitis, gibanje po porodu, spolnost po porodu, spanje in počitek
Year of publishing:2024
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-10439 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:190890499 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:22.03.2024
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Secondary language

Abstract:The postpartum period is a period when many anatomical and physiological changes take place in the mother's body, the ultimate goal of which is to return the body to its pre-pregnancy state. After childbirth, the uterus contracts, and after about six to eight weeks, it returns to its pre-birth shape. After childbirth, there is a great possibility of infections that occur during childbirth, caesarean section, infection of the postpartum wound and infection of the perineum. Lactation occurs during pregnancy and after childbirth due to hormonal changes that occur in the body. It is important that a woman puts her newborn baby to the breast as soon as possible after birth. Breastfeeding itself can cause many inconveniences, such as cracked nipples, sore, tender breasts and mastitis. Here, the nurse with health education work plays a very important role, as she teaches the woman about proper breast care. The nurse teaches the woman how to properly attach the baby to the breast so that the baby can suck milk more easily. Of course, after giving birth, we must not forget about physical activity and a healthy way of eating. Physical activity can begin when a woman feels well enough to begin light physical activity, such as walking. A woman who is breastfeeding must pay attention to her diet, because whatever she eats also affects the baby. Proteins in the diet of a nursing mother are important because they enable the growth, development and strengthening of muscle tissue in the child. Fats represent an energy value, which is also known in breast milk, so a nursing mother should consume oils of vegetable origin, various seeds and nuts. The mother should not forget to eat enough fruits and vegetables, which will have a good effect on digestion itself. A nursing woman should avoid drinking alcohol, strong spices, raw meat, and smoking. Childbirth is a very stressful event for both the woman and the partner. After giving birth, it is important for a woman to express her emotions and feelings that she experienced or is still experiencing. After giving birth, a woman can experience mental changes such as postpartum depression, postpartum sadness and postpartum psychosis. In such cases, the partner has an important role to recognize in time that something is happening with the woman, that she has started behaving differently, that she has become sensitive, crying, that she has started to change her mood. If the partner recognizes these signs, the woman should seek appropriate help. Of course, some women have mental disorders even before pregnancy itself, which is why we have to be even more careful with these women after giving birth. As for sex after childbirth, it is best for a woman to decide when to start having sex, because she knows her body and how she feels best. With the results obtained from the research, we conclude and advise that mothers should eat more fruits and vegetables after giving birth, exercise every day, take time to rest, and take care of their mental health and the health of their bodies.
Keywords:Health education, postpartum period, cleansing, postpartum bleeding, postpartum mental disorders, establishment of lactation, problems with breastfeeding, mastitis, movement after childbirth, sex after childbirth, sleep and rest
