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Authors:Falež, Nina (Author)
Rojko, Katarina (Mentor) More about this co-author... New window
Rek, Mateja (Co-mentor)
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FUDS - School of advanced social studies
Abstract:Diplomska naloga proučuje razlike v izvedbi vplivnostnega marketinga med platformama Instagram in TikTok. Čedalje več podjetij v svoje marketinške strategije vključuje sodelovanje z vplivneži, pri tem pa nastane dilema o tem, katero platformo uporabiti in na kakšen način, da bo kampanja uspešna. Uporabniki TikToka so, demografsko gledano, mlajši posamezniki, stari med 13 in 24 let, ki večinoma neposredno še nimajo kupne moči oziroma jo imajo posredno prek staršev. Uporabniki Instagrama pa so v izsledkih raziskave v povprečju nekoliko starejši, stari med 25 in 34 let, ki so že finančno samostojni in se v procesu nakupa obrnejo za nasvet pogosto prav na vplivneže. Posledično bi tako pričakovali, da je Instagram za izvedbo kampanj vplivnostnega marketinga bolj primeren, vendar kot kažejo zadnje raziskave, se za TikTok odloča čedalje več oglaševalcev. Naloga na podlagi teoretskih izhodišč oziroma analitične primerjave sekundarnih virov in študij primerov, ki temeljijo na podatkih, pridobljenih s pomočjo standardiziranih intervjujev, ter kvalitativni in kvantitativni analizi družbenih profilov treh izbranih blagovnih znamk, ugotavlja, kakšne so razlike v izvedbi vplivnostnega marketinga med platformama Instagram in TikTok oziroma katera od proučevanih platform je bolj primerna za vplivnostni marketing in kako velik delež za oglaševanje v slovenskih podjetjih namenjajo vplivnežem. Uspešno kampanjo vplivnostnega marketinga je mogoče izvesti na obeh preučevanih platformah. Pri tem pa je treba poznat načine delovanja posamezne platforme in upoštevati različne dejavnike, med katerimi so najpomembnejši ciljna skupina, izbor vplivnežev in vsebina objav.
Keywords:besede: vplivnostni marketing, vplivneži, tiktokerji, Instagram, TikTok, ciljne skupine, vsebina.
Year of publishing:2024
Files:.pdf 6763$$Nina_Falez_diplomska_naloga_koncna_verzija_1.pdf (2,17 MB)
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Secondary language

Abstract:This paper studies the differences in the implementation of influencer marketing between Instagram and TikTok platforms. There is a growing number of companies that include the collaboration with influencers into their marketing strategies, but they are uncertain what platform and method they should opt for to ensure the success of the campaign. From a demographic viewpoint, TikTok users are younger individuals aged from 13 to 24 years, who mostly have no direct purchasing power or they do have it indirectly, through their parents. Based on research results, Instagram users are, however, somewhat older on average, as they are aged between 25 and 34 years, are already financially independent and often seek advice in the purchasing process from influences. Consequently, one might expect Instagram to be more appropriate to run influencer marketing campaigns, but according to recent research, more and more advertisers opt for TikTok. Based on theoretical findings and an analytical comparison of secondary sources and case studies, which are based on the data acquired through standardised interviews, and a qualitative and quantitative analysis of social media profiles of three selected brands, this paper determines the differences in the implementation of influencer marketing between Instagram and TikTok platforms. It also finds which of the studied platforms is more appropriate for influencer marketing and what proportion of marketing expenditure Slovenian companies attribute to influencers. A successful influencer marketing campaign can be conducted on both platforms studied. In doing so, one has to be familiar with the methods of operation of individual platforms and consider different factors, with the most prominent comprising the target group, the selection of influencers and the content of posts.
Keywords:influencer marketing, influencers, TikTokers, Instagram, TikTok, target groups, content
