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Authors:Kasumovic, Lejla (Author)
Kleindienst, Petra (Mentor) More about this co-author... New window
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FUDS - School of advanced social studies
Abstract:Študij na daljavo, ki ima sicer dolgo zgodovino, je z izbruhom epidemije Covid-19 doživel preobrazbo. Tradicionalno izobraževanje, ki temelji na fizični prisotnosti v učilnicah, je bilo prisiljeno preiti na digitalne platforme. Študij na daljavo se je izkazal za ključno rešitev v času, ko so bile fizične institucije zaprte, omogočal je kontinuirano izobraževanje z uporabo spletnih učilnic in videopredavanj. Hibridna oblika študija, ki združuje elemente študija na daljavo in tradicionalnega študija, študentom omogoča večjo prilagodljivost in interakcijo s profesorji ter sošolci. V diplomski nalogi smo obravnavali percepcije študentov Fakultete za uporabne družbene študije v Novi Gorici o študiju na daljavo med epidemijo Covid-19 in o hibridni obliki študija po epidemiji. Raziskava je vključevala študente dodiplomskega univerzitetnega študijskega programa Socialni menedžment, pri čemer smo zajeli tako domače kot tuje študente. Za namen izvedbe raziskave smo uporabili kvalitativno metodo raziskovanja, in sicer metodo fokusnih skupin. Raziskava je pokazala, da so se med epidemijo Covid-19 percepcije študentov razlikovale, od izgube motivacije in potrebe po socializaciji pri študiju na daljavo do cenjenja tradicionalnega izobraževanja zaradi omejitev, ki jih prinaša študij na daljavo. Hibridni model izobraževanja je nekaterim študentom prinesel olajšanje in prilagodljivost, drugim pa dodatne izzive. Kljub temu so študenti priznali, da brez izkušenj s študijem na daljavo ne bi izbrali hibridnega izobraževanja. Kljub temu da raziskava ni odkrila večjih razlik v izkušnjah med domačimi in tujimi študenti, so slednji pogosteje izbrali hibridno obliko. V zaključku raziskava predlaga nadaljnje raziskovanje hibridnega izobraževanja, saj le-to predstavlja relativno novo prakso v slovenskem izobraževalnem sistemu. To odpira vprašanja o dolgoročnih vplivih in učinkovitosti te oblike študija v primerjavi s tradicionalnimi pristopi in nakazuje, kako bo to vplivalo na prihodnje generacije študentov ter oblikovanje izobraževalnih sistemov po svetu.
Keywords:Epidemija Covid-19, študij na daljavo, hibridno izobraževanje, online, percepcije.
Year of publishing:2024
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Secondary language

Abstract:Distance learning, which has a long history, underwent a transformation with the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic. Traditional education, based on physical presence in classrooms, was forced to shift to digital platforms. Distance learning proved to be a key solution when physical institutions were closed, enabling continuous education through online classrooms and video lectures. A hybrid form of study, combining elements of distance and traditional education, allows students greater flexibility and interaction with professors and peers. In our bachelor thesis, we addressed the perceptions of students from the Faculty of Applied Social Studies about distance learning during the Covid-19 epidemic and the hybrid form of study post-epidemic. The study included students from the undergraduate Social Management program, covering both domestic and foreign students. For the purpose of conducting the research, we used a qualitative research method, namely focus groups. The research showed that student perceptions during the Covid-19 pandemic varied, from a loss of motivation and the need for socialization in distance learning to an appreciation of traditional education due to the limitations of distance learning. The hybrid education model brought relief and flexibility for some students, while presenting additional challenges for others. However, students acknowledged that without the experience of distance learning, they would not have chosen hybrid education. While the study did not reveal major differences in experiences between domestic and foreign students, the latter more frequently chose the hybrid form. In conclusion, the research suggests further investigation of hybrid education, as it represents a relatively new practice in the Slovenian education system. This opens questions about the long-term impacts and effectiveness of this form of study compared to traditional approaches and indicates how it will affect future generations of students and the shaping of educational systems worldwide.
Keywords:COVID-19 epidemic, distance learning, hybrid education, online education, perceptions.
