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Title:Mladi kot potrošniki v času epidemije covida-19
Authors:ID Iskra, Martina (Author)
ID Grivec, Malči (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Iskra_Martina_i2024.pdf (4,24 MB)
MD5: ED463556FB90FC4D11CD567EEA9DDCE6
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:UNM FEI - University of Novo mesto - Faculty of Economics and Informatics
Abstract:Četudi so spremembe edina stalnica v življenju, si nismo znali pojasniti, da se lahko zgodi sprememba, ki ohromi ves svet. Nenadoma se je vse ustavilo. Življenja kot smo ga poznali, ni bilo več. Pojavil se je covid-19. Da bi se uspešno spopadli z virusom, so bili tako v Sloveniji kot tudi po svetu uvedeni številni ukrepi, ki so se prilagajali na epidemiološko situacijo v državi in širši regiji. Imeli smo dostop le do storitev, s katerimi je bila zagotovljena preskrba z osnovnimi življenjskimi potrebščinami. Vse ostale, ki sicer niso življenjskega pomena, imajo pa veliko in pomembno vlogo v našem življenju, pa so bile ukinjene. Gre za možnosti, s katerimi si povečujemo kakovost življenja, in šele takrat, ko te storitve niso bile več dosegljive, smo opazili, da jih dejansko pogrešamo. K tem lahko uvrščamo osebne, razvedrilne, športne in druge storitve. Ne glede na vse omejitve smo ugotovili, da smo ljudje zelo prilagodljivi, saj smo se težavam hitro prilagodili, vsak na svoj način, pri tem pa pridobili nove navade, vedenja in rutine. Vse navedeno so tudi rezultati naše raziskave.
Keywords:covid-19, potrošniki, storitev, izdelek, nakupne navade
Year of publishing:2024
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-10480 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:193742339 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:21.04.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Young people as consumers during the Coivd-19 epidemic
Abstract:Despite changes being the only constant in life, we could not imagine that a change could occur that would paralyze the entire world. Suddenly, everything came to a halt. The life we knew was no more. Covid Covid-19 arrived and reshaped us. To cope with the virus, numerous measures were implemented in Slovenia and around the world, adjusting to the epidemiological situation in each country and region. We had access only to essential services that ensured the supply of basic necessities. All other services, which may not be essential for survival but play a significant and important role in our lives, were closed. These are the services that enhance our quality of life, and it was only when they were no longer availa ble that we realized how muc h we missed them. This includes personal, recreational, sports, and other services. As humans, we are highly adaptable, and we quickly adjusted, each in our own way, developing new habits, behaviours, and routines. This is also shown by the results of our research.
Keywords:covidovid-19, consumers, services, products, habits habits
