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Authors:Pipan, Sara (Author)
Stepišnik Perdih, Tjaša (Mentor) More about this co-author... New window
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FUDS - School of advanced social studies
Abstract:Magistrsko delo obravnava tematiko motenj hranjenja kot načina čustvene regulacije. Teoretični del smo razdelili na tri dele. V prvem delu smo opredelili motnje hranjenja in podrobno opisali anoreksijo nervozo, bulimijo nervozo, kompulzivno prenajedanje, ortoreksijo in bigoreksijo. V drugem delu smo čustveno regulacijo opredelili in podrobno opisali opredelitev čustev, regulacijo čustev in strategije za spoprijemanje s čustvi. V tretjem delu smo razložili povezavo med čustveno regulacijo in prehranjevanjem, podrobno smo opisali simboliko hrane, pojem emocionalnega prehranjevanja ter proces učenja samoregulacije hranjenja in čustev v zgodnjih letih. V drugem, empiričnem delu pričujočega magistrskega dela, smo predstavili kvalitativno raziskavo, katere glavni namen je bil raziskati povezanost med motnjami hranjenja oziroma simptomi, značilnimi za motnje hranjenja pri posameznikih, in čustveno regulacijo. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 10 udeležencev, pri čemer so bili vsi udeleženci ženskega spola. Podatke za raziskavo smo pridobivali z intervjuji, s katerimi smo raziskovali posameznikovo izkušnjo z motnjami hranjenja oziroma s simptomi, značilnimi za motnje hranjenja, odnos udeležencev do procesa prehranjevanja in odnos udeležencev do čustvenih stanj. Analiza dobljenih odgovorov je pokazala, da so posamezniki pred nezmožnostjo regulacij čustev bežali v motnje hranjenja oziroma simptome, značilne za motnje hranjenja. Tako smo potrdili raziskovalno vprašanje, da udeleženci raziskave doživljajo motnje hranjenja kot način čustvene regulacije.
Keywords:motnje hranjenja, čustva, čustvena regulacija, samoregulacija, interoceptivno zavedanje
Year of publishing:2024
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Secondary language

Abstract:The master's thesis deals with the topic of eating disorders as a way of emotional regulation. The theoretical part was further divided into three parts. In the first part, eating disorders were defined and described in detail: anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, compulsive overeating, orthorexia and bigorexia. In the second part, we defined emotional regulation and described in detail: the definition of emotions, the regulation of emotions and strategies for dealing with emotions. In the third part, we explained the connection between emotional regulation and eating and described in detail the symbolism of food, the concept of emotional eating and the process of learning self-regulation of eating and emotions in the early years. In the second empirical part of the current master's thesis, we presented qualitative research whose main purpose was to investigate the connection between eating disorders and emotional regulation in individuals. 10 participants were included in the research, all of whom were female. The data for the research was obtained through interviews through which we explored the participants' experience with eating disorders, their attitude towards the eating process and their attitude towards various emotional states. The analysis of the received answers showed that individuals ran from the inability to regulate their emotions into eating disorders, and thus we confirmed the research question that the research participants experience eating disorders as a way of emotional regulation.
Keywords:eating disorders, emotions, emotional regulation, self regulation, interoceptive awareness
