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Authors:Širovnik, Simona (Author)
Besednjak Valič, Tamara (Mentor) More about this co-author... New window
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FUDS - School of advanced social studies
Abstract:Skupina Slovenske železnice je skupina, ki ima na dnevni bazi veliko opravka s komuniciranjem. Tej skupini je pravilna raba in uporaba komunikacije ključna za nemoteno poslovanje ter sodelovanje med zaposlenimi. S pomočjo ankete in intervjuja, ki smo ga opravili s to skupino, nam je dal jasne odgovore o vplivu neverbalne komunikacije med zaposlenimi v podjetju. Kvantitativno raziskavo smo opravljali s pomočjo ankete, ki je bila razdeljena v fizični obliki zaposlenim na sedežu skupine Slovenske železnice. Vse ankete, ki so bile razdeljene med zaposlene, smo dobili v enakem številu tudi nazaj. Vse ankete smo analizirali in jih prikazali v tabelaričnem prikazu. Tako smo lažje in bolj razčlenjeno prišli do boljših rezultatov znotraj podjetja. Vprašanja so se nanašala na delovni tim, ki vsakodnevno delajo skupaj in komunicirajo. Zanimalo nas je, koliko so vešči neverbalne komunikacije, kaj za njih to pomeni v praksi, koliko neverbalna komunikacija pomaga pri izboljšanju samih odnosov med zaposleni in kateri elementi so za njih bistveni, kadar se sporazumevajo neverbalno. Kvalitativni del smo opravljali s pomočjo intervjuja, ki smo jih opravili z vodilnimi, vodji prodaje, storitev in nabave, vodji invalidskih delavnic in invalidov ter vodji prodajnih avtomatov po Sloveniji. Vprašanja so se nanašala na to, koliko vodje uporabljajo neverbalno komunikacijo s svojimi zaposlenimi, kaj je za njih pomembnejše, kakšna so njihova opažanja glede uporabe neverbalne komunikacije med zaposlenimi ter ali so pri njih pomemben del izobraževanja tematike neverbalne komunikacije.
Keywords:zaposleni, komuniciranje, neverbalno komuniciranje, organizacijska kultura, Slovenske železnice
Year of publishing:2024
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Secondary language

Abstract:The Slovenian Railways Group is a group that has a lot to do with communication on a daily basis. For this group, the correct use and application of communication is key to smooth operations and cooperation between employees. With the help of a survey and an interview we conducted with this group, it gave us clear answers about the impact of non-verbal communication between company employees. The employees of SŽ are well aware of the importance of non-verbal communication, as they mostly use it during conversations with other employees. Non-verbal communication itself can also influence better relations between employees and improve the climate itself. The quantitative research was carried out with the help of a survey, which was distributed in physical form to the employees at the headquarters of the Slovenske železnice group. All the surveys that were distributed among the employees were also returned in the same number. We analyzed all surveys and presented them in a tabular display. In this way, we achieved better results within the company more easily and in a more detailed manner. The questions were about a work team that works together and communicates on a daily basis. We carried out the qualitative part with the help of interviews with people who are leaders in the field, managers of sales, services and procurement, managers of disabled workshops and disabled people, and managers of vending machines in Slovenia. The questions related to how much managers use non-verbal communication with their employees, what is more important to them, what are their observations regarding the use of non-verbal communication among employees and whether non-verbal communication is an important part of their education.
Keywords:employees, communication, non-verbal communication, organizational culture Slovenian Railways Group
