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Authors:ID Paščinski, Tadej (Author)
ID Omejec, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: E3848B5D2A30C040AC1394457ED287A7
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Abstract:Poškodba SKV ni le mehanska poškodba mišično skeletnega sistema temveč je tudi kompleksna nevrofiziološka disfunkcija. Poleg znanih dejavnikov tveganje obstajajo tudi nevrološki biomarkerji za poškodbo SKV. Poleg dejavnikov tveganja se po poškodbi SKV, začnejo odvijati nevroplastične spremembe v centralnem živčnem sistemu. Sprva se te spremembe pojavijo na ravni hrbtenjače znotraj refleksnih poti, kasneje pa se začnejo pojavljati višje v CŽS na ravni možganov. Sprememba refleksnih poti vodi v tako imenovano artrogeno mišično inhibicijo, ki povzroči šibkost sprednjih stegenskih mišic. Nevroplastične spremembe CŽS pa se kažejo kot zmanjšana vzdražnost motoričnega korteksa in spremenjeno ponderiranje somatosenzoričnih in vidnih informacij. Te spremembe so lahko vzrok za neuspele rehabilitacije ter velik delež ponovnih poškodb. Prav zaradi tega je pomembno apliciranje principov motoričnega učenja v rehabilitacijo s tem pa omejimo nastanek nevroplastičnih sprememb.
Keywords:Poškodba SKV, živčno-mišične spremembe po poškodbi SKV, senzomotorične spremembe po poškodbi SKV, nevroplastičnost po poškodbi SKV, motorično učenje po poškodbi SKV, živčno-mišični trening in rehabilitacija po poškodbi SKV
Year of publishing:2024
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-10543 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:197243907 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:21.05.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The role of neurological pathways in non - contact anterior cruciate ligament injury and rehabilitation
Abstract:Injury of anterior cruciate ligament is not just mechanical injury of the musculoskeletal system, but is also complex neurophysiological dysfunction. Beside known risk factors there are also neurological biomarkers for ACL injury. There are also neurological changes in the central nervous system after ACL injury. Firstly they start at the level of the spinal cord in the reflexive pathways, later they also start developing at the higher levels of the CNS, in the brain. Changes in the reflexive pathways lead to arthrogenic muscle inhibition, which causes weakness of quadriceps muscles. Neuroplastic changes in brain cause decreased excitability of motor cortex and changes weighting of visual and somatosensory information. These changes could be cause of unsuccessful rehabilitations and high rate of recurrent ACL injuries. That is why, we need to apply principles of motor learning to our rehabilitation and in this way limit the development of neuroplastic changes.
Keywords:ACL injury, neuromuscular changes after ACL injury, sensomotor changes after the ACL injury, neuroplastic changes after ACL injury, motor learning after ACL injury, neuromuscular training and rehabilitation after ACL injury.
