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Authors:ID Goljar, Janko (Author)
ID Kleindienst, Petra (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf 7046$$zakljucno_delo.pdf (2,00 MB)
MD5: D3D685F83E75AA277B638335D2CDF947
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FUDS - School of advanced social studies
Abstract:V magistrski nalogi preučujemo precepcije netradicionalnih študentov o terciarnem izobraževanju v Republiki Sloveniji. Med številnimi različnimi skupinami netradicionalnih študentov v nalogi pozornost posvečamo predvsem odraslim netradicionalnim študentom. Omenjene študente v pričujoči raziskavi opisuje starost 25 let ali več in vsaj še ena od družbenih vlog, ki so značilne za odrasle osebe. Na način izbrane kvalitativne raziskovalne paradigme iščemo motive odraslih netradicionalnih študentov za njihov prvi ali ponovni vstop v procese terciarnega izobraževanja v Republiki Sloveniji, ugotavljamo kakšne so njihove študijske izkušnje in kako doživljajo vplive lastne vključitve v procese terciarnega izobraževanja. V magistrskem delu v okviru raziskovalnega vzorca ugotovimo prisotnost uravnoteženosti humanističnih in ekonomističnih motivov za vključitev odraslih oseb v procese terciarnega izobraževanja. Pri študiju odraslim netradicionalnim študentom največ ovir predstavljajo t. i. situacijske ovire. Pomembna ugotovitev je, da so osebe namenskega raziskovalnega vzorca z lastno terciarno izobraževalno izkušnjo na splošno zadovoljne. S pomočjo povezovanja predhodnih teoretičnih ugotovitev in rezultatov pričujoče raziskave, je namen magistrskega dela ugotoviti, kaj lahko v prihodnosti deležniki sistemov terciarnega izobraževanja prispevajo za še izboljšanje terciarnega izobraževanja. Omenjene izboljšave ne bi prinesle koristi le netradicionalnim odraslim študentom, pač pa celotni populaciji študentov ter nenazadnje tudi izobraževalnim inštitucijam, ki sledijo ciljem po povečanju števila vpisov novih tradicionalnih in netradicionalnih študentov. Izsledki raziskave so prav tako lahko v korist vsem odraslim, ki o vključitvi v procese terciarnega izobraževanja šele razmišljajo. Termin »netradicionalni študenti« se v Sloveniji pojavlja relativno kratek čas. V magistrski nalogi preučujemo uporabo tega izraza na podlagi zapisov tujih avtorjev in raziskujemo primernost obravnavanega termina za slovensko družbeno okolje.
Keywords:netradicionalni odrasli študenti, terciarno izobraževanje, motivi, ovire, vplivi
Year of publishing:2024
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-10602 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:15.06.2024
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Secondary language

Abstract:n this master's thesis, we examine the perception of non-traditional students about tertiary education in the Republic of Slovenia. Among the many groups of non-traditional students, the thesis focuses on adult non-traditional students. The students in the present study are at least 25 years old and hold at least one of the social roles typical for adults. The qualitative research paradigm is used to explore the motives of adult non-traditional students for their first entry or re-entry into tertiary education processes in the Republic of Slovenia. We identify their study experiences and how they experience the impact of their inclusion in tertiary education processes. In the master's thesis, we have used a research sample to determine the presence of a balance of humanistic and economistic motives for including adults in tertiary education processes. The most significant barriers for non-traditional adult students are the so-called situational barriers. An important finding is that the subjects of the purposive research sample are generally satisfied with their tertiary education experience. By combining the previous theoretical findings with the results of the present research, the master's thesis aims to identify what tertiary learners can contribute to the improvement of tertiary education in the future. These improvements would benefit not only non-traditional adult students but also the student population as a whole and educational institutions seeking to increase the enrolment of new traditional and non-traditional students. The survey findings may also benefit all adults still considering entering tertiary education. The term 'non traditional students' has been used in Slovenia for a relatively short time. In this thesis, we examine the use of this term based on the writings of foreign authors and explore its suitability for the Slovenian social environment.
Keywords:non-traditional adult students, tertiary education, motives, barriers, influences
