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Title:Vpliv rusko-ukrajinske krize na neto izvoz Slovenije
Authors:ID Perše, Simona (Author)
ID Devjak, Srečko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Perse_Simona_2024.pdf (1,54 MB)
MD5: CA0B8501E22F2CB97E79489E4B22A315
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:UNM FEI - University of Novo mesto - Faculty of Economics and Informatics
Abstract:Mednarodna trgovina je danes ključen del svetovnega gospodarstva in ustvarja medsebojno odvisnost med gospodarstvi. To pomeni, da makroekonomska dogajanja v eni državi vplivajo tudi na druge države. Pomembnejši dogodek, ki je v zadnjem času vplival na svetovno gospodarstvo in mednarodno trgovino, je ruska invazija na Ukrajino, ki se je začela februarja 2022. V magistrskem delu smo preučili vpliv ruske invazije na neto izvoz Slovenije v obdobju od novembra 2020 do vključno junija 2023. Pri tem smo analizirali vpliv na neto izvoz Slovenije kot celoto, neto izvoz v Rusijo in Ukrajino, neto izvoz mineralnih goriv in maziv ter živil in živih živali, hkrati pa smo preučili uvoz ruskih mineralnih goriv in maziv v Slovenijo. Podatke za analizo smo pridobili iz podatkovne baze Banke Slovenije in podatkovne baze SiStat. Ugotovili smo, da je bil vpliv invazije na neto izvoz Slovenije omejen na leto 2022 in da je zaradi invazije neto izvoz upadel. Izjema je le neto izvoz v Ukrajino, saj vojna nanj ni imela bistvenega vpliva. Razlog za upad neto izvoza je v hitrejši rasti uvoza nad izvozom. Tudi uvedene sankcije so imele velik vpliv na neto izvoz Slovenije v Rusijo. Zaradi navzkrižij med rezultati statističnih analiz in rezultati na podlagi grafičnega prikaza podatkov bi bilo morda smiselno skrajšati opazovano časovno obdobje in ponovno izvesti statistične analize.
Keywords:mednarodna trgovina, neto izvoz, rusko-ukrajinska kriza, ruska invazija, Slovenija
Year of publishing:2024
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-10632 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:200878083 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:04.07.2024
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Secondary language

Title:The impact of the Russian-Ukrainian crisis on Slovenia´s net export
Abstract:International trade is a key part of the world economy and creates mutual dependence among economies. This means that macroeconomic events in one country affect other countries as well. An important event that has recently affected the global economy and international trade is the Russian invasion of Ukraine, which began in February 2022. This Master's thesis examines the impact of the Russian invasion on Slovenia's net exports in the period from November 2020 to June 2023 inclusive. We examine the impact on Slovenia's net exports as a whole, net exports to Russia and Ukraine, net exports of Mineral Fuels and Lubricants, Foods and Live Animals, and the import of Russian Mineral Fuels and Lubricants into Slovenia. Data for the analysis were obtained from the Bank of Slovenia database and the SiStat database. Results show that the impact of the invasion on Slovenia's net exports was limited to 2022 and that net exports declined due to the invasion. The only exception is net exports to Ukraine, which were not significantly affected by the war. The decline in net exports is due to imports growing faster than exports. The imposed sanctions also had a major impact on Slovenia's net exports to Russia. Due to conflicting results of the statistical analyses and the results based on the graphical presentation of the data, it might be reasonable to shorten the observation period and perform the statistical analyses again.
Keywords:international trade, net export, Russian-Ukrainian crisis, Russian invasion, Slovenia
