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Authors:ID Šercer, Marina (Author)
ID Šimec, Mateja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf DIP_Sercer_Marina_2024.pdf (1,41 MB)
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:UNM FZV - University of Novo mesto - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Izhodišča: Tako kot v vsaki dejavnosti, so tudi v zdravstvu delavci izpostavljeni različnim zdravju škodljivim snovem. Največkrat se tega zdravstveno osebje sploh ne zaveda ali pa ne pozna vseh nevarnih snovi, s katerimi prihaja v stik; izpostavljeni so kemičnim snovem, biološkim snovem in fizikalnim dejavnikom ter nevarnim odpadkom. Varno uporabo in skladiščenje zdravju škodljivih snovi v zdravstveni dejavnosti ureja več predpisov. Za varno rabo in zaščito pred škodljivimi učinki so bistveni dejavniki ustrezna usposobljenost, poznavanje snovi in njihovih nevarnosti, uporaba osebnih zaščitnih sredstev ter delo po sprejetih postopkih. Namen naloge je bil raziskati izpostavljenost zdravstvenih delavcev škodljivim snovem v zdravstvu. V sklopu raziskave smo med zdravstvenim osebjem ugotavljali zavedanje navzočnosti nevarnih snovi pri njihovem delu, poznavanje predpisov, poznavanje ukrepov za varno delo in poznavanje snovi, ki lahko povzročijo poklicne bolezni. Metode: Raziskava je temeljila na kvalitativnem raziskovalnem pristopu in deskriptivni metodi dela. Vzorec je vključeval šest zdravstvenih delavcev različne starosti in posledično z različnim obsegom delovnih izkušenj. V intervju smo vključili 3 medicinske sestre oziroma srednje zdravstvenike, diplomirano medicinsko sestro, diplomirano inženirko radiološke tehnologije in doktorico medicine. Rezultati: Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da se zdravstveno osebje zaveda škodljivih snovi pri svojem delu, a ne pozna vseh nevarnih snovi in njihovih lastnosti. Ključna za zavedanje nevarnosti sta poznavanje lastnosti snovi in ustrezna usposobljenost zdravstvenega osebja. Tega se zavedajo tudi vsi intervjuvanci, saj so poudarili obvezno uporabo osebnih zaščitnih sredstev. Zdravju škodljive snovi v zdravstvu se tako kot sicer pojavljajo v različnih predmetih in okoljih. Zdravstveni delavci se zavedajo, da lahko izpostavljenost tem snovem povzroči kronične ali akutne posledice oziroma obolenja, odvisno od časa izpostavljenosti in intenzivnosti izpostavljenosti (koncentracije oz. količine). Nekatere snovi lahko ob dolgotrajni izpostavljenosti povzročijo tudi poklicne bolezni, vendar intervjuvanci snovi, s katerimi delajo, niso prepoznali kot nevarne za take vrste obolenj. Iz intervjujev in zbranih rezultatov je bilo ugotovljeno, da poznavanje zakonodaje ter opredelitev zdravju škodljivih snovi in posledic, ki jih te povzročajo v zdravstveni dejavnosti, predstavljata za večino zdravstvenega osebja pretežko nalogo. Razprava: Glede na ugotovitve iz raziskave bi bilo treba zdravstveno osebje pogosteje in podrobneje poučiti o nevarnih snoveh, s katerimi prihajajo v stik, poleg tega pa bi bilo treba nove snovi pred pričetkom uporabe ustrezno predstaviti zaposlenim. Ključno je poznati nevarne značilnosti snovi, jih ustrezno shranjevati oziroma označevati ter poznati način zaščite pred njimi. Poleg tega je pomembna tudi seznanjenost z nevarnimi snovmi, ki povzročajo poklicne bolezni, saj se je v raziskavi izkazalo, da je to področje kljub navzočnosti takšnih snovi v zdravstvu slabo poznano.
Keywords:škodljive snovi, zdravstveni delavci, bolezni, vpliv na zdravje, izpostavljenost zdravju škodljivim snovem.
Place of publishing:Novo mesto
Place of performance:Novo mesto
Publisher:M. Šercer
Year of publishing:2024
Number of pages:[5], 42 str., [1] f. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-10634 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:201219843 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:05.07.2024
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Secondary language

Abstract:Starting points: As in any activity, workers in healthcare are exposed to various substances harmful to health. Most of the time, medical personnel are not even aware of this, or they are not familiar with all the dangerous substances they come into contact. Medical personnel are exposed to chemical substances, biological substances and physical substances or factors and hazardous waste at work. The safe use and storage of substances harmful to health in healthcare is determined by a lot of regulations. The key to their safe use and protection against them is adequate training, knowledge of substances and their dangers, use of personal protective equipment and work according to accepted procedures. The aim of the research task was to investigate the exposure of employees in healthcare activities to substances harmful to health in healthcare. As part of the research, we found out whether medical personnel are aware of dangerous substances they come into contact during their work,knowledge of regulations, knowledge of measures for safe work and knowledge that could lead to occupational diseases. Methods: The research was based on a qualitative research approach and a descriptive work method. The sample included six health workers, of different age groups and consequently with different years of work experience. In the interview, we included 3 nurses, a graduate nurse, a graduate engineer in radiological technology and a Doctor of Medicine. Results: The results of the research showed that medical personnel are aware of working with substances harmful to health, but despite this, they do not know all dangerous substances and their properties. The key to awareness of the danger is knowledge of the substances properties and the appropriate training of medical personnel. All the interviewees are also aware of this, and they also highlighted the mandatory use of personal protective equipment. Harmful substances in health care, like anything else, appear in various objects and surroundings. Health professionals are aware that exposure to these substances can develop chronic or acute consequences or diseases depending on exposure time and intensity of exposure (concentration or amount of the substance). Some substances can also cause occupational diseases after long-term exposure, but the interviewees did not identify the substances they handle as dangerous for such types of diseases. Through interviews and the collected results, it was established that knowledge of the legislation, the definition of health harmful substances and the consequences they cause in healthcare represent a difficult task for most healthcare professionals. Discussion: According to the findings from the research, it would be necessary to train medical personnel more often and with better quality about the dangerous substances they handle and in addition, new substances would be needed that should be properly used in the presentation of employees. The key is knowing the dangers that the substance can cause, their proper storage and labeling, and how to protect against them. In addition, familiarity with dangerous substances that cause occupational diseases is also important, as research shows that this area is poorly known, despite that substances cause occupational diseases also occur in healthcare.
Keywords:harmful substances, health workers, diseases, impact on health, exposure to substances harmful to health.
