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Authors:ID Zver, Urša (Author)
ID Tomšič, Matevž (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: BE48C342C62C1C62C727A612A5196401
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FUDS - School of advanced social studies
Abstract:Evropska unija (EU) je skupnost narodov, ki je zrasla na temelju skupne identitete, pripadnosti med ljudmi v širšem evropskem prostoru. Evropejci iz različnih držav članic imamo skupne vrednote, kulturo, bogato zgodovino in kulturno dediščino, simbole in institucije EU, svobodo gibanja ter cilje, ki so značilni za Evropo. EU pa temelji tudi na raznolikosti in ne izključuje nacionalnih identitet. Le kot taka lahko uresničuje svoje poslanstvo. Kljub temu pa prihaja do različnih kriz, ki ne pestijo samo držav članic, temveč tudi EU kot skupnost. Z njimi je povezan tudi pojav, ki ga imenujemo evroskepticizem. V magistrski nalogi po teoretičnem delu o EU analiziramo evropske volitve od 2004 do 2019. V Evropskem parlamentu se redno oblikujejo tudi evroskeptične politične skupine. Osredotočimo se zlasti na analizo vzpona evroskepticizma in vzroke zanj. Evroskepticizem je najvišjo raven, odkar obstaja EU, dosegel leta 2008, takoj po splošni finančni krizi. Ta kriza je privedla do najvišjega nezaupanja v EU in nezadovoljstva z delovanjem njenih institucij. EU je kljub temu ostala stabilna, čeprav je kasneje izgubila še pomembno članico, tj. Združeno kraljestvo, članico od 70. let. Veliko vlogo pri tem so odigrale migracije, tako legalne kot ilegalne. Migrantska kriza pa je privedla do ponovnega porasta nezaupanja v EU in porasta evroskepticizma. Posledično se to konstantno izraža v nizki udeležbi na evropskih volitvah (v primerjavi z udeležbo nacionalnih volitev) in z vzponom evroskeptičnih strank.
Keywords:Evropska unija, finančna kriza, evroskepticizem, migracije, brexit, evroskeptične stranke
Year of publishing:2024
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-10704 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:13.08.2024
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Secondary language

Abstract:The European Union (EU) is a community of nations that has been established on the basis of a shared identity, a sense of belonging among people in the wider European area. Europeans from different member states share the values, culture, rich history and heritage, the symbols and institutions of the EU, freedom of movement and the goals that make Europe unique. The EU is also based on diversity and does not exclude national identities. Only as such can it fulfil its mission. Nevertheless, various crises are occurring, affecting not only the member states but also the EU as a community. They are also linked to a phenomenon known as euroscepticism. In the Master's thesis after the theoretical work on the EU, we analyse the European elections from 2004 to 2019. Eurosceptic political groups are also regularly formed in the European Parliament. We focus particularly on the analysis of the rise of Euroscepticism and its causes. Euroscepticism is at its highest level since the EU came into being in 2008, just after the global financial crisis. This crisis has led to the highest levels of mistrust of the EU and dissatisfaction with the functioning of its institutions. The EU nevertheless remained stable, even though it later lost an important member, the United Kingdom, a member since the 70s. Migration, both legal and illegal, has played a major role. But the migrant crisis has led to a renewed distrust of the EU and a rise in euroscepticism. Consequently, this is constantly reflected in the low turnout in European elections (compared to the turnout in national elections) and the rise of eurosceptic parties.
Keywords:European Union, financial crisis, euroscepticism, migration, Brexit, eurosceptic parties
