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Authors:ID Atanasova, Gala (Author)
ID Reichenberg, Mitja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: F9EFAAA6C2378D5BC4B88C410CF8E6E4
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FUDS - School of advanced social studies
Abstract:Cilj diplomske naloge je bil opraviti raziskavo in raziskati zapleten svet filma in filmske produkcije s poudarkom na razlikah v proračunu in finančnih vidikih, moči mreženja in kreativnega reševanja problemov, ki se pojavijo med produkcijo. Ta študija se osredotoča na analizo različnih elementov v procesu filmske produkcije in na uspeh filma glede na kategorijo proračuna. Ključna metoda v tej nalogi je kvalitativna raziskava, ki je odličen način za raziskovanje in preučevanje moje hipoteze. Z analizo vsebine uporabljenih pisnih virov so raziskane različne vrste proračunov s preučevanjem treh izstopajočih filmov, kjer vsak predstavlja eno specifično kategorijo; slovenski brezproračunski film Gepack, nizkoproračunski film Med nami in visokoproračunski film Avatar: Pot vode. Poleg tega diplomska naloga poudarja pomen mreženja in sodelovanja med filmskimi ustvarjalci v svetu filmske produkcije in je posebej namenjena mladim, ambicioznim filmskim ustvarjalcem, ki se spoprijemajo s številnimi izzivi in različnimi priložnostmi za rast in napredek. Pokaže tudi, da popolnoma brezproračunski film ne more biti uspešen. Nazadnje je treba dati prednost mreženju in sodelovanju ter poudariti, kako brezproračunska filmska produkcija povečuje ustvarjalnost filmskega ustvarjalca. Filmska industrija nenehno stremi k inovacijam in prilagoditvam kljub svojim omejitvam. Zato ta naloga prikazuje, kako je mogoče s kreativnostjo, predanostjo in organizacijo doseči cilje ne glede na različne omejitve.
Keywords:film, filmska produkcija, proračuni, financiranje, filmski ustvarjalec, kreativnost
Year of publishing:2024
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-10745 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:31.08.2024
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Secondary language

Abstract:The objective of this thesis was to conduct research and explore the realm of film and film production, focusing on budgeting and financial considerations, the power of networking and creative problem-solving during production. This study centres on the analysis of different elements within the film production process and the issue of financial success, looking at films with very different budgets. A qualitative research approach is used to examine the hypotheses. Through content analysis of the selected written sources, different types of budgeting are examined by looking at three films, each representing a different level of financial investment: the Slovenian no-budget film Gepack, the low-budget American film Between Us, and the high-budget American film Avatar: The Way of Water. This thesis emphasises the significance of networking and collaboration among filmmakers in the filmmaking world, and it specifically targets young aspiring filmmakers who encounter numerous challenges alongside different opportunities for growth and advancement. Furthermore, it shows that there is no possibility of making a successful no-budget film. Finally, priority should be given to networking and collaboration, and emphasis should be put on how no-budget filmmaking enhances the filmmaker's creativity. The film industry is in constant pursuit of innovation and always needs to adapt to changing conditions. However, this thesis shows how, regardless of the challenges that always exist for new filmmakers, success can be achieved with the application of creativity, dedication and organisation.
Keywords:film, film production, budgeting, financing, filmmaker, creativity
