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Authors:ID Potočnik, Ajda (Author)
ID Pavlič Založnik, Simona (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf 2225$$diploma_final_word_brez_pregl2.pdf (1,48 MB)
MD5: 6B88367FC97B7915B69F6517DF482953
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Abstract:Uvod in namen: Poškodbe kolenskega sklepa so vse bolj pogoste. Ena izmed njih je poškodba meniskusa. Do poškodbe lahko pride zaradi prevelike zunanje sile ali nekoordiniranih gibov ali pa gre za poškodbo, ki spremlja kompleksnejše poškodbe kolena. Meniskus je hrustančno fibrozna ploščica v obliki črke C, ki ščiti sklepni hrustanec pred velikimi obremenitvami. Zdravljenje zajema predvsem konzervativno možnost fizikalne terapije. Če ta metoda ne privede do izboljšanja, se svetuje kirurško zdravljenje. Učinkovite metode in tehnike zdravljenja so terapija TECAR, ultrazvok, laser, manualna terapija, hlajenje in funkcijska vadba. Namen diplomske naloge je pregled strokovne literature o rehabilitaciji po artroskopiji kolena. Zanimalo nas je, ali je treba z vajami pričeti takoj po posegu. Želeli smo tudi ugotoviti, ali so rezultati zgodnje postoperativne rehabilitacije uspešnejši, če pacient poleg fizioterapevtske obravnave opravlja samostojno vaje tudi doma. Metode: Sistematični pregled literature o učinkovitosti fizioterapevtske obravnave pri pacientih s poškodbo meniskusa s pomočjo elektronskih baz podatkov PubMed, Cochraine Library in PEDro. Rezultati: V diplomski nalogi smo s pregledom desetih strokovnih člankov analizirali različne metode in tehnike za zdravljenje poškodbe meniskusa. Uporabnost: Predstavitev najnovejših pristopov fizioterapevtske obravnave pacienta s poškodbo meniskusa na podlagi strokovne in znanstvene literature. Omejitve: Majhno število visokokakovostnih študij in majhni vzorci preiskovancev. Ključne besede: meniskus, koleno, fizioterapija, rehabilitacija, artroskopija kolena, kirurški poseg, bolečina.
Keywords:meniskus, koleno, fizioterapija, rehabilitacija, artroskopija kolena, kirurški poseg, bolečina
Year of publishing:2024
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-10803 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:24.09.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Physiotherapy treatment of a patient after meniscus injury
Abstract:Introduction and purpose: Knee joint injuries are becoming more and more common. One of them is a meniscus injury. The injury can occur due to excessive external force, uncoordinated movements, or simply an injury that accompanies more complex knee injuries. The meniscus is a cartilaginous fibrous plate in the shape of the letter C, which protects the articular cartilage from heavy loads. Treatment mainly includes the conservative option of physical therapy. If this method does not lead to improvement, surgical treatment is advised. Effective treatment methods and techniques are TECAR therapy, ultrasound, laser, manual therapy, cooling and functional training. The aim of the diploma thesis is to review the professional literature on rehabilitation after knee arthroscopy, if it is necessary to start immediately after the procedure. We wanted to find out whether the results of early postoperative rehabilitation are more successful if the patient performs independent exercises at home in addition to physiotherapy treatment. Methods: A systematic review of the literature on the effectiveness of physiotherapy treatment in patients with meniscal injury using the electronic databases PubMed, Cochraine Library and PEDro. Results: In the diploma thesis, we analyzed ten professional articles and analyzed various methods and techniques for the treatment of meniscus injuries. Usability: Presentation of the latest approachesphysiotherapy treatment of a patient with a meniscus injury based on expertise and scientific literature. Limitations: Few high-quality studies and smallsamples of subjects. Key words: meniscus, knee, physiotherapy, rehabilitation, knee arthroscopy, surgery, pain.
Keywords:meniscus, knee, physiotherapy, rehabilitation, knee arthroscopy, surgery, pain
