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Authors:ID Lamovšek, Jožica (Author)
ID Šimec, Mateja (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf 318$$celostna_obravnava_pacietna_s_krvnim_obolenjem.pdf (1,67 MB)
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:UNM FZV - University of Novo mesto - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Izhodišča: Za pacienta s krvnim obolenjem sta bolezen in zdravljenje težka in naporna ter vplivata na fizično, psihično, socialno in duhovno zdravje. Zato je ključno, da je zdravstvena obravnava pacienta s krvnim obolenjem celostna in da so v obravnavo vključeni različni strokovnjaki. S takim pristopom pripomoremo k boljšemu zdravljenju in večji kakovosti pacientovega življenja. Namen raziskave je bil raziskati celostno obravnavo pacienta s krvnim obolenjem. Metoda: Podatke za raziskavo smo zbrali s kvalitativnim raziskovalnim pristopom in deskriptivno metodo dela. Primarni podatki za analizo so bili pridobljeni s tehniko intervjuvanja. Kot instrument za zbiranje podatkov je bila izdelana predloga za polstrukturiran intervju. Vzorec je bil namenski in je zajemal šest medicinski sester, ki imajo več kot pet let delovnih izkušenj na področju dela s pacienti s krvnimi obolenji. Rezultati: Ugotovili smo, da obravnava pacienta s krvnim obolenjem poteka celostno in vključuje zdravnike, medicinske sestre, dietetika, psihologa, fizioterapevta, socialno službo in duhovnika. Tim strokovnjakov obravnava pacienta individualno in se vključuje sistematično ter kadar se pokaže potreba po obravnavi. Medicinske sestre imajo pomembno vlogo pri zdravstveni negi in zdravstveni vzgoji pacienta. Pacienti se spopadajo tudi z depresijo, anksioznostjo in socialno izoliranostjo in potrebujejo obravnavo drugih služb pri življenjskih aktivnostih samooskrbe, gibanja, prehrane in izražanja čustev. Razprava: Ugotovili smo, da so vsa področja celostne obravnave za pacienta pomembna, zato je vključevanje, sodelovanje in komuniciranje med člani strokovnega tima pomembno za kakovostno obravnavo pacienta. V nadaljevanju bi bilo smiselno raziskati vsako področje celostne obravnave posebej in v raziskavo vključiti tudi paciente, da bi pridobili še njihov pogled.
Keywords:krvna obolenja, medicinska sestra, celostna obravnava pacienta, pacient
Year of publishing:2024
Publication date in ReVIS:28.09.2024
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Secondary language

Abstract:Basics: For a patient with a blood disorder, the disease itself and the treatment are difficult and tiring, and it affects physical, psychological, social and spiritual health. It is therefore crucial that the medical treatment of a patient with a blood disorder is comprehensive and that various specialists are involved in the treatment. With this approach, we contribute to better treatment and a higher quality of the patient's life. The purpose of the research was to investigate the holistic treatment of a patient with a blood disorder. Methods: Data for the research was collected using a qualitative research approach and a descriptive method of work. The primary data for the analysis was obtained using the interview technique. A semi-structured interview template was developed as an instrument for data collection. The sample was purposive and included six nurses who have more than five years of work experience in the field of working with patients with blood disorders. Results: We found that the treatment of a patient with a blood disorder is holistic and includes doctors, nurses, dietitians, psychologists, physiotherapists, social services and a priest. The team of experts treats the patient individually and is involved systematically and when the need for treatment is shown. Nurses play an important role in patient care and health education. Patients also struggle with depression, anxiety and social isolation. Patients need consideration of other services in life activities of self-care, movement, nutrition and expression of emotions. Discussion: We found that all areas of holistic treatment are important for the patient, so inclusion, cooperation and communication between members of the professional team is important for quality treatment of the patient. In the following, it would be reasonable to investigate each area of holistic treatment separately and to include patients in the research in order to obtain their point of view.
Keywords:blood diseases, nurse, comprehensive treatment of the patient, patient
