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Title:Kosovo Police and its role for peace and stability in the region of South East Europe : doctoral dissertation
Authors:ID Hasanaj, Agron (Author)
ID Brožič, Liliana (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf FDS-2024_Argon_Hasanaj.pdf (4,22 MB)
MD5: 1713E39C1B5F5F54B1D48E3A63971952
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:FDŠ - Nova Univerza - The Graduate School of Government and European Studies
Abstract:In this doctoral dissertation thesis, we discussed the problem of the Kosovo’s security and the role of the Kosovo Police (KP) since the war of 1998-1999, a time when policing in Kosovo has seen a complete transformation. This dissertation makes a thorough inquiry and draws a roadmap of the KP professional progress and development. We analysed the training and education system and discipline reforms of the KP since its creation on 1999 and its capacities to act in accordance with European police standard ethics. Having in mind the relatively short time since formatted, the research critically examines professional KP gaps in its way of fostering identity and culture of its own. The dissertation explores the existing literature on the subject and aims to expand the research on the field of the Kosovo’s security and its capacity to grant its stable security and export it outside Kosovo, not only to the South East-Europe region. In addition, we evaluated relationships between international and local security actors in Kosovo, revealing the fact that the rivalry, confusion and competition were present for a long time and somehow are still common. Through extensive analysis of laws, reports and official documents, this work attempts to answer the question of how this unusual composition of security forces managed cooperation. Kosovo’s North neighbor - Serbia - with unsparing support of its main allies - Russia and China - has managed to prevent the membership of the Kosovo security institutions on most international security mechanisms, the fundamental one being the membership in the Interpol. This thesis provides recommendations, especially in the fields of training and discipline aspects, intending to reduce the negative effects of relatively short KP experience, while a comprehensive research aspect finds that the possibilities for international co-operation and membership offered to the KP are limited, consequently challenging its effectiveness and professional development in line with European standards.
Keywords:security, Republic of Kosovo, Kosovo Police, police education, police ethics, law enforcement, security co-operation, European Union
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:A. Hasanaj
Year of publishing:2024
Year of performance:2024
Number of pages:291 str.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-10902 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:212200451 New window
Note:Doktorska disertacija 3. stopnje bolonjskega študija;
Publication date in ReVIS:21.10.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Kosovska policija in njena vloga za mir in stabilnost v jugovzhodni Evropi
Abstract:V tezi sta predstavljena problem varnosti na Kosovu in vloga oziroma vpliv Kosovske policije na varnost od konca vojne, ki je trajala med letoma 1998 in 1999. Od takrat je policija na Kosovu doživela popolno spremembo. Disertacija poizveduje, oceni in natančno predstavi profesionalni napredek Kosovske policije. Analizira usposabljanje, izobraževanje in disciplinske reforme ter vodenje policije od njenega nastanka leta 1999, prav tako preuči, koliko se je zmožna ravnati po evropski policijski standardni etiki. Pri tem je treba upoštevati, da je bila policija ustanovljena nedolgo tega in čeprav ima še vedno slabosti, si zagotovo želi na nacionalni ravni pridobiti spoštovanje in uspeh. Raziskana je bila obstoječa literatura o tej temi, pri čemer bi lahko raziskovanje razširili na področje sposobnosti zagotovitve varnosti Kosova tudi zunaj njegovih meja, in ne samo v regiji Jugozahodnega Balkana. V tezi so predstavljena tudi razmerja med mednarodnimi in lokalnimi akterji na področju varnosti, prav tako je poudarjeno dejstvo, da so medsebojno rivalstvo in zmeda ter lastni interesi vplivali na odločitve, vse to pa je do neke mere še zmeraj prisotno. Po natančnih analizah pravnega sistema, poročil in uradnih dokumentov ugotavljamo, kako lahko varnostni organi medsebojno sodelujejo in delujejo glede na svojo raznovrstnost. Opisano je tudi, kako severna soseda Srbija s podporo Rusije in Kitajske aktivno nasprotuje včlanitvi Kosovske policije v mednarodne varnostne organizacije, vključno z včlanitvijo v Interpol. V tezi so predstavljeni tudi predlogi, še posebej na področju urjenja in disciplinskih postopkov, ki so namenjeni zmanjšanju negativnih učinkov tega, da kosovska policija obstaja relativno malo časa. Prav tako spoznamo, da so možnosti kosovske policije za mednarodno sodelovanje omejene, kar posledično zavira efektivnost in profesionalni razvoj v skladu z evropskimi standardi.
Keywords:varnost, Republika Kosovo, kosovska policija, policijska izobrazba, policijska etika, uveljavljanje zakona, sodelovanje na področju varnosti, Evropska Unija
