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Title:Fizioterapija pri nategu zadnjih stegenskih mišic in povratek v šport : pregled literature
Authors:ID Otoničar, Živa, ECM (Author)
ID Gazibara, Šejla, ECM (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf Otonicar_Ziva_dd_2023.pdf (1,49 MB)
MD5: 8B108A906CC276F966C8E30F265070C1
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:UAMEU - Alma Mater Europaea University
Abstract:Teoretično izhodišče: Nateg zadnje stegenske mišice je relativno pogosta poškodba pri športnikih. Večkrat se zgodi pri športih, ki vsebujejo hiter tek s spremembami smeri, brcanje in kombinacijo fleksije kolka in ekstenzije kolena. Vzrokov za nastanek poškodbe je veliko, visok pa je tudi rizik za ponovitev. Poškodbo prepoznamo po oteženi hoji in nezmožnosti prenosa teže na poškodovano nogo, po nezmožnosti popolno iztegniti nogo, po težkem upogibu noge, ekhimozi in hematomu. Namen: S pregledom literature ugotoviti in predstaviti fizioterapevtske metode in tehnike, ki se jih uporablja pri nategu zadnjih stegenskih mišic, ter ugotoviti, kako lahko fizioterapevt oceni, kdaj je primeren čas za vrnitev v šport po nategu zadnjih stegenskih mišic, in sicer z minimalnim tveganjem za ponovno poškodbo. Metode dela: V diplomski nalogi smo uporabili kvalitativno raziskovalno metodo. Literaturo smo poiskali preko podatkovnih baz: PEDro, PubMed, ResearchGate, Google Učenjak in COBISS. Članke smo iskali s pomočjo ključnih besed: hamstring strain injury, physiotherapy, rehabilitation, return to sport. V pregled literature smo vključili 8 člankov, ki so mlajši od 10 let. Rezultati: Po pregledu literature smo ugotovili, da večina avtorjev navaja podoben kriterij za povratek v šport in večina tudi podobno obravnava samo poškodbo. Razprava: S pregledom literature smo ugotovili, da sta težavnost poškodbe in čas vrnitve v šport sorazmerno povezana, torej težja poškodba pomeni kasnejšo vrnitev v šport. Ekscentrična vadba za zadnje stegenske mišice zmanjšuje rizik za ponovno poškodbo. Rehabilitacija, ki je ne spremlja bolečina, je hitrejša od rehabilitacije, ki jo spremlja bolečina. Fizioterapevti večinoma odobrijo povratek v šport ko je športnik brez bolečin, ko pridobi zadostno ekscentrično moč in zadostno gibljivost.
Keywords:nateg zadnje stegenske mišice, fizioterapija, rehabilitacija, povratek v šport
Year of publishing:2023
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-11051 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:216227843 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:26.11.2024
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Secondary language

Abstract:Theoretical background: Hamstring strain injury is a relatively common injury among athlets. It most frequently occurs in sports involving sprinting, rapid changes of direction, kicking, and combination of hip flexion and knee extension. There are many causes for its occurrence, and the risk of recurrence is also high. The injury is characterized by difficulty walking, inability to bear weight on the injured leg, inability to fully extend the leg, difficulty in leg flexion, brusing, and hematoma. Purpose: Through a literature review, determine and present physiotherapy methods and techniques used in hamstring strain injuries and ascertain how a physiotherapist can assess the appropriate time for return to sports after such an injury with minimal risk of recurrence. Methods: A qualitative research method was employed in this thesis. Literature was obtained through databases: PEDro, PubMed, ResearchGate, Google Scholar, and COBISS. Articles were searched using keywords: hamstring strain injury, physiotherapy, rehabilitation, return to sport. The literature review included 8 articles published within the last 10 years. Results: From the literature review, it was found that most authors mention a similar criterion for returning to sports and mostly treat the injury similarly. Discussion: The literature review revealed that injury severity and the time of return to sports are proportionally related – a more severe injury leads to a later return to sports. Eccentric exercises for the hamstring muscles reduce the risk of recurrence. Rehabilitation without pain progresses faster than rehabilitation with pain. Physiotherapists mostly approve a return to sports when athletes are pain-free, have sufficient eccentric strength, and appropriate flexibility.
Keywords:hamstring strain injury, physiotherapy, rehabilitation, return to sport
