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Title:Kakovost dela in zadovoljstvo fizioterapevtov, zaposlenih na primarni ravni zdravstvenega varstva
Authors:ID Stopinšek, Nika (Author)
ID Zupančič, Vesna (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Stopinsek_Nika_2024.pdf (2,23 MB)
MD5: 8F436A399C488D20A50C0222221D3439
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:UNM FZV - University of Novo mesto - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Izhodišča: Kakovost in učinkovitost fizioterapevtske obravnave morata biti opazni vsem deležnikom v zdravstvenem sistemu. Najpogosteje ju ocenjujemo s kazalniki kakovosti, ki predstavljajo pomembno merilno orodje, saj opredeljujejo stopnjo kakovosti zdravstvene prakse in se uporabljajo za merjenje ter ocenjevanje zdravstvenih procesov, organizacijske strukture in izidov zdravljenja. Številne raziskave potrjujejo, da zadovoljni zaposleni z veseljem in bolj kakovostno opravljajo svoje delo, svoje zadovoljstvo prenašajo na druge zaposlene, se veselijo novih nalog in izzivov, so produktivnejši in motivirani ter s tem pomembno prispevajo k zadovoljstvu pacientov in uspešnosti celotnega zavoda. Obstaja sicer veliko študij o poklicnem zadovoljstvu zdravstvenih delavcev, le malo pa o zadovoljstvu fizioterapevtov. Metode: Magistrska naloga je temeljila na pregledu literature in kvantitativni metodi dela. V namen raziskovanja je bila uporabljena kvantitativna metoda zbiranja podatkov. Kot instrument je bila uporabljena anketa, s pomočjo katere je bilo ugotovljeno, kakšno je zadovoljstvo fizioterapevtov, zaposlenih na primarni ravni zdravstvenega varstva. V raziskavi so sodelovali fizioterapevti, zaposleni na primarni ravni zdravstvenega varstva v Sloveniji, ki jim je bil prek družbenih omrežij in službene elektronske pošte posredovan anketni vprašalnik, pripravljen v spletnem orodju 1ka. Rezultati so bili preneseni in analizirani s pomočjo programa SPSS, prikazani pa so grafično in tabelarno. Rezultati: V raziskavi je sodelovalo 150 fizioterapevtov, zaposlenih na primarni ravni zdravstvenega varstva, ki so svoje zadovoljstvo pri delu ocenili s povprečno oceno 3,6 na petstopenjski Likertovi lestvici. Najbolj zadovoljni so pri delu s stalnostjo zaposlitve, medosebnimi odnosi v timu in s kakovostjo lastnega dela, najmanj pa s plačo. Anketiranci so s kakovostjo lastnega dela na primarni ravni zadovoljni in jo najpogosteje ocenjujejo s samoocenjevanjem lastnega dela. Kazalnike kakovosti za ocenjevanje lastnega dela večina uporablja le občasno, kot najpogosteje uporabljen kazalnik pa so navedli razliko stanja bolečine med začetno in končno obravnavo (po VAS). Razprava: Z raziskavo, ki smo jo izvedli, smo pridobili pomembne informacije o zadovoljstvu in dejavnikih, ki vplivajo na zadovoljstvo fizioterapevtov, zaposlenih na primarni ravni zdravstvenega varstva. Poleg tega magistrska naloga predstavlja načine, s katerimi fizioterapevti ocenjujejo kakovost svojega dela in pogostost uporabe kazalnikov kakovosti pri njihovem vsakdanjem delu v praksi. Kakovost v zdravstvu je pomembna, saj deležnikom omogoča primerjavo s konkurenco ter daje občutek primerljivosti, naklonjenosti in spoštovanja. Odgovornost do pacientov fizioterapevtom narekuje, da je dosežke treba meriti in opazovati z vidika kazalnikov kakovosti kot potrditev uspešnosti izvedenih storitev. Glede na ugotovitve, da je področje kazalnikov kakovosti na področju fizioterapije še vedno precej neurejeno, svetujemo čimprejšnjo uvedbo predlaganih kazalnikov, ki so primerni za uporabo na vseh treh ravneh zdravstvenega varstva, pri pacientih vseh starosti in na vseh področjih fizioterapije.
Keywords:Primarno zdravstvo, zadovoljstvo fizioterapevtov, kakovost, kazalniki kakovosti.
Year of publishing:2024
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-11132 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:220380931 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:08.12.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Quality of work and satisfaction among physiotherapists working on the primary level of health care
Abstract:Introduction: The quality and effectiveness of physiotherapeutic treatment must be visible to all stakeholders in the health system. It is most often assessed by quality indicators, which are an important measurement tool, as they define the level of quality of health practice and are used to measure and evaluate health care processes, organizational structure and treatment outcomes. Numerous studies confirm that satisfied employees are happy to do their job with better quality, transfer their satisfaction to other employees, look forward to new tasks and challenges, are more productive and motivated, and thus significantly contribute to patient satisfaction and the success of the entire institution. While there are many studies on the occupational satisfaction of healthcare professionals, few on the satisfaction of physiotherapists. Methods: The master's thesis was based on a literature review and a quantitative method of work. A quantitative method of data collection was used for the purpose of the research. A survey was used as an instrument to determine the satisfaction of physiotherapists employed at the primary level of health care. Physiotherapists employed at the primary level of health care in Slovenia participated in the research, to whom a questionnaire prepared in the online tool 1ka was sent via social networks and work e-mail. The results were downloaded and analysed using the SPSS program, and are presented graphically and tabulated. Results: The survey involved 150 physical therapists employed at the primary level of health care, who rated their job satisfaction with an average score of 3.6 on a five-point Likert scale. They are most satisfied with the continuity of employment, interpersonal relationships in the team and the quality of their own work, and the least with their salary. Respondents are satisfied with the quality of their own work at the primary level and most often assess it by self-assessment of their own work. The majority use quality indicators for the evaluation of one's own work only occasionally, but the difference in the state of pain between the initial and final treatment (according to VAS) was cited as the most commonly used indicator. Discussion: Through the research we conducted, we obtained important information about the satisfaction and factors that affect the satisfaction of physiotherapists employed at the primary level of healthcare. In addition, the master's thesis presents the ways in which physiotherapists assess the quality of their work and the frequency of use of quality indicators in their daily work in practice. Quality in healthcare is important because it allows stakeholders to compare with the competition and gives a sense of comparability, affection and respect. Responsibility towards patients dictates to physiotherapists that achievements should be measured and observed in terms of quality indicators, as a confirmation of the success of the services provided. Given the findings that the field of quality indicators in the field of physiotherapy is still quite unregulated, we advise the introduction of the proposed indicators as soon as possible, which are suitable for use at all three levels of health care, in patients of all ages and in all areas of physiotherapy.
Keywords:Primary healthcare, physiotherapists satisfaction, quality, quality indicators.
