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Authors:ID Huremović, Haris (Author)
ID Laznik, Gorazd (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf DIP_Huremovic_Haris_2024.pdf (1,44 MB)
MD5: 2A1E925C42CF877E5B247244B60250E6
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:UNM FZV - University of Novo mesto - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:POVZETEK Izhodišča: Medgeneracijsko sodelovanje je pomembna interakcija med posamezniki iz različnih starostnih skupin. Sam koncept je pomemben v družinskih, skupnostnih in institucionalnih okoljih, saj temelji na razumevanju, empatiji in medsebojni podpori med različnimi profili posameznikov. S tem prinaša priložnost za učenje z različnih perspektiv, zaradi česar se zmanjšujejo socioekonomske, ideološke in druge razlike, povezane s starostjo. Namen naše raziskave je opredeliti prednosti in izzive za spodbujanje medgeneracijskih interakcij v institucionalnem varstvu. Cilj naše raziskave je raziskati vlogo medgeneracijskih dejavnosti pri spodbujanju kognitivne stimulacije in duševnega zdravja med starejšimi odraslimi in mlajšimi udeleženci. Prav tako nameravamo preučiti dojemanja in izkušnje stanovalcev, negovalcev in družin o koristih in izzivih medgeneracijskih programov v institucionalnem varstvu. Na koncu želimo prepoznati najboljše prakse in strategije za učinkovito izvajanje medgeneracijskih programov, ki se lahko sproti vključijo v vsakodnevne rutine nege. Metode: Uporabili smo kvalitativni raziskovalni pristop in deskriptivno metodo dela. Primarne podatke smo pridobili s tehniko intervjuvanja z vnaprej pripravljeno predlogo vprašanj za polstrukturirani intervju. Za teoretični del diplomske naloge smo uporabili primarne in sekundarne vire, pridobljene iz podatkovnih baz COBISS, PubMed, Google učenjak in iz univerzitetne knjižnice. Rezultati: V intervjujih je sodelovalo šest oseb, od tega štirje moški in dve ženski, v starosti od 24 do 78 let. Intervjuvanci so na naša vprašanja med drugim odgovorili, da se z vključevanjem različnih generacij v skupne aktivnosti spodbujajo povezanost, rast kognitivnih sposobnosti in empatija, zvišuje pa se tudi raven socializacije. Izpostavili pa so tudi določene izzive, kot na primer razlike v starosti, interesih in sposobnostih, ter nekatere omejitve, ki so povezane z raznimi bolezenskimi stanji posameznikov. V skupku vsega intervjuvanci kot idealen program izpostavljajo tistega, ki je celovit - tj. aktiven in izobraževalen, kar pomeni, da enakopravno vključuje vse in jim da možnost razvoja in druženja. Razprava: Ugotavljamo, da učinkovito medgeneracijsko sodelovanje lahko v teh okoljih izboljša kakovost življenja in dobro počutje stanovalcev, vendar pa je treba premagati prejšnje strukture - tiste, ki so poudarjale segregacijo in socialno izolacijo. Diplomska naloga poudarja, da je medgeneracijsko sodelovanje ključno za spodbujanje razumevanja in povezovanja med različnimi generacijami, kar vodi k izboljšanju medosebnih odnosov in kakovosti oskrbe v institucionalnih okoljih. S sodobnimi pristopi in potencialno uporabo novih tehnologij lahko ustvarimo podporna okolja, ki so dobra za vse - tako za oskrbovance kot tudi za zaposlene v teh ustanovah.
Keywords:starostna skupina, sodelovanje, institucionalno varstvo, mladi, stari
Year of publishing:2024
COBISS.SI-ID:221193475 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:08.12.2024
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Secondary language

Abstract:ABSTRACT Background: Intergenerational cooperation represents an important interaction between individuals from different age groups. The concept holds significant value in family, community, and institutional environments, as it is based on understanding, empathy, and mutual support among diverse profiles of individuals. It provides an opportunity to learn from different perspectives, which contributes to reducing socio-economic disparities, ideological differences, and other age-related distinctions. The aim of our research is to identify the advantages and challenges of promoting intergenerational interactions in institutional care. Our research objectives are to explore the role of intergenerational activities in fostering cognitive stimulation and mental health among older adults and younger participants. We also intend to examine the perceptions and experiences of residents, caregivers, and families regarding the benefits and challenges of intergenerational programs in institutional care. Finally, we aim to identify best practices and strategies for effectively implementing intergenerational programs that can be seamlessly integrated into everyday caregiving routines. Methods: We used a qualitative research approach and a descriptive method of work. Primary data were obtained using the interview technique with a pre-prepared question template for a semi-structured interview. For the theoretical part of the thesis, we used primary and secondary sources obtained from the databases COBISS, PubMed, Google Scholar and the university library. Results: Six people participated in the interview, of which four were men and two were women, and the age range was from 24 to 78 years. The interviewees answered our questions, among other things, that the inclusion of different generations in joint activities encourages connection, the growth of cognitive abilities, empathy and an increased level of socialization. However, they also pointed out certain challenges, such as differences in age, interests, abilities, and certain limitations related to various medical conditions of individuals. In the sum of everything, the interviewees highlight as the ideal program the one that is comprehensive - i.e. active and educational, which means that it includes everyone equally and gives them the opportunity to develop and socialize. Discussion: We find that effective intergenerational collaboration can enhance the quality of life and well-being of residents in these environments; however, it is necessary to overcome previous structures that emphasized segregation and social isolation. The thesis highlights that intergenerational collaboration is crucial for fostering understanding and connection between different generations, leading to improved interpersonal relationships and the quality of care in institutional settings. By adopting modern approaches and potentially utilizing new technologies, we can create supportive environments that benefit everyone—both residents and staff in these institutions
Keywords:age group, cooperation, institutional care, young, old
