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Title:Uporaba teorije Calliste Roy pri obravnavi pacienta po poškodbi obraznih kosti
Authors:ID Petković, Sebastian (Author)
ID Laznik, Gorazd (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf DIP_Petkovic_Sebastian_2024.pdf (2,05 MB)
MD5: E8914681514A25813EA6B92CA2E455F2
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:UNM FZV - University of Novo mesto - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Teoretična izhodišča: Maksilofacialno področje zdravstva se osredotoča na anatomijo zgornje čeljusti in obraznih kosti ter njihovo vlogo pri žvečenju, govoru in izražanju čustev, ki se kažejo skozi več pomembnih funkcij posameznika, npr. skozi mimiko obraza. Natančneje se maksilofacialno področje ukvarja z motnjami in poškodbami, ki prizadenejo glavo, obraz, vrat in usta, vključno s prirojenimi napakami, boleznimi in travmatičnimi poškodbami. Poškodbe obraznega predela so lahko posledica prometnih nesreč, športnih padcev in pretepov, simptomi pa vključujejo močno bolečino, otekline in težave pri žvečenju in govorjenju, ki sta temeljni funkciji tega dela glave. Namen naše raziskave je opredeliti uporabnost teorije Calliste Roy pri obravnavi pacienta po poškodbi obraznih kosti. Metodologija: Podatke smo pridobili s sistematičnim pregledom strokovne in znanstvene literature. Za namen raziskave smo uporabili domačo in tujo znanstveno literaturo, ki proučuje teoretični model Calliste Roy, uporabnost modela v praksi in povezanost modela s področjem maksilofacialnih poškodb oziroma poškodb obraznih kosti. Zadetke literature smo iskali v brezpačno dostopnih bibilografskih bazah (Google Učenjak, PubMed, COBISS, DKUM in Cochrane), uporabili pa smo izključitvene kriterije: leto objave članka (objava med 2008 in 2023), jezik (angleščina, slovenščina) in prosta dostopnost članka v celotnem obsegu ter ključne besede (v slovenskem jeziku: pacient, zdravstvena nega, Callista Roy, poškodba obraznih kosti; v angleškem jeziku: patient, nursing, Callista Roy, facial bones trauma). Pri iskanju smo ključne besede v iskalnik posamezne bibliografske baze vpisali v istem vrstnem redu tako v slovenščini kot v angleščini, uporabili pa smo “Boolov operator”. Rezultati: Zdravljenje maksilofacialnega področja zahteva multidisciplinarni pristop, v katerem med drugim sodelujejo oralni kirurgi in zobozdravniki, temeljna pa sta osredotočenost na povrnitev funkcije in estetske korekcije. Medicinske sestre so tu pomembne predvsem v predoperativni in postoperativni oskrbi ter pri obvladovanju bolečine in čustveni podpori, ki jo nudijo pacientom in njihovim družinam. Razprava: Teorija Calliste Roy se osredotoča na prilagajanje in obvladovanje stresorjev, saj je to zelo pomemben dejavnik za delo medicinskih sester. C. Roy definira zdravje kot daljico, ki jo oblikujejo posameznikove sposobnosti prilagajanja ter poudarja fizične in psihosocialne potrebe pacientov. Uporaba teorije C. Roy omogoča celovito obravnavo in spodbujanje pacientove aktivne vloge v rehabilitaciji, kar pripomore k izboljšanju kakovosti življenja po poškodbi.
Keywords:pacient, zdravstvena nega, Callista Roy, poškodba obraznih kosti
Year of publishing:2024
Publication date in ReVIS:08.12.2024
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Secondary language

Title:Application of Callista Roy's Theory in the Treatment of Patients After Facial Bone Trauma
Abstract:Theoretical starting points: The maxillofacial field of healthcare focuses on the anatomy of the upper jaw and facial bones and their role in chewing, speaking and expressing emotions - which are manifested through several important functions of the individual, e.g. through facial expressions. Specifically, the maxillofacial field deals with disorders and injuries affecting the head, face, neck, and mouth—including birth defects, diseases, and traumatic injuries. Injuries to the facial area can be the result of car accidents, sports falls and fights, and symptoms include severe pain, swelling and difficulty in chewing and speaking - the basic functions of this area. The purpose of our research is to define the applicability of Callista Roy's theory in the treatment of a patient after a facial bone injury. Methodology: We obtained data through a systematic review of professional and scientific literature. For the purpose of the research, we used both domestic and foreign scientific literature examining Callista Roy's theoretical model, its practical applicability, and its connection to the field of maxillofacial injuries, particularly facial bone injuries. Literature was searched in freely accessible bibliographic databases (Google Scholar, PubMed, COBISS, DKUM, and Cochrane), with exclusion criteria applied as follows: publication year of the article (published between 2008 and 2023), language (English or Slovenian), full open access to the article, and specific keywords (in Slovenian: pacient, zdravstvena nega, Callista Roy, poškodba obraznih kosti; in English: patient, nursing, Callista Roy, facial bones trauma). In the search, keywords were entered in the same order in each bibliographic database, both in Slovenian and English, using the "Boolean operator." Results: Treatment of the maxillofacial area requires a multidisciplinary approach involving oral surgeons and dentists, where the primary focus is on restoring function and aesthetic correction. Nurses are important here mainly in pre-operative and post-operative care, pain management and the emotional support they provide to patients and their families. Discussion: Callista Roy's theory focuses on adapting and coping with stressors, as within this is an important framework for the work of nurses. Royeva defines health as a distance shaped by the individual's ability to adapt and emphasizes the physical and psychosocial needs of patients. The use of C. Roy's theory enables a comprehensive treatment and promotion of the patient's active role in rehabilitation, which helps to improve the quality of life after an injury.
Keywords:Patient, nursing, Callista Roy, facial bones trauma
