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Title:Ocena uporabnosti posameznih elementov spletne aplikacije za izvajanje fizioterapevtske vadbe za paciente z osteoartrozo kolena
Authors:ID Ćatipi, Hira (Author)
ID Hussein, Mohsen (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Catipi_Hira_2024.pdf (1,28 MB)
MD5: 3EC260C56CE9E71F3188F67109996731
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:UNM FZV - University of Novo mesto - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Izhodišča: Osteoartroza kolena (OA) je kronična, progresivna degenerativna bolezen, ki se vse pogosteje pojavlja tako na globalni kot na nacionalni ravni, kar predstavlja znaten izziv tako za bolnika kot za zdravstveni sistem. Bolezen močno vpliva na kakovost življenja posameznika in povzroča breme tudi za ožje in širše socialno okolje. Poleg uveljavljenih dejavnikov tveganja, kot so genetsko nagnjenje, debelost, travme ter motnje v biomehanskih osnih obremenitvah spodnjega uda, se vse bolj prepoznavajo tudi dolgoročne posledice nezdravljenih poškodb sklepnega hrustanca, meniskusa in vezi. Še posebej pomembno vlogo pri razvoju OA igrajo ponavljajoče se mikrotravme, ki nastajajo kot posledica športnih in poklicnih dejavnosti. V sodobni literaturi se vedno bolj poudarja potreba po zgodnjem prepoznavanju in zdravljenju OA, saj so v začetnih fazah bolezni simptomi običajno blagi, degenerativne spremembe na hrustancu pa minimalne. Intervencije v tej fazi lahko pomembno upočasnijo napredovanje bolezni, saj hrustančno tkivo še vedno ohranja del regenerativnega potenciala. Kljub temu je zgodnja faza pogosto premalo obravnavana v klinični praksi, čeprav nudi največje možnosti za uspešno konservativno zdravljenje. Le-to vključuje fizioterapevtske ukrepe, izobraževanje bolnikov in promocijo samostojnega upravljanja simptomov. Eden ključnih izzivov sodobnega zdravstvenega sistema je pomanjkanje pravočasne in ustrezne oskrbe bolnikov z zgodnjimi simptomi OA, kar pogosto vodi v prepozno napotitev k ortopedu. Hkrati se v kontekstu digitalizacije zdravstvenih storitev pojavlja potreba po razvoju učinkovitejših programov telemedicinske fizioterapije. Ti programi, kljub začetnemu zanimanju bolnikov, pogosto ne dosežejo pričakovanih rezultatov zaradi slabe motivacije uporabnikov in pomanjkanja individualizacije vaj. Zato se postavlja vprašanje, kako izboljšati zasnovo teh programov, da bi ti v večji meri upoštevali specifične potrebe posameznikov in jih učinkoviteje vključevali v proces zdravljenja. Metoda: Raziskava temelji na deskriptivnem kvantitativnem pristopu, pri katerem je bila uporabljena metoda anketiranja. Zbrani podatki so bili pridobljeni s pomočjo strukturiranega vprašalnika, sestavljenega iz 11 vprašanj. Prvi del vprašalnika je obravnaval sociodemografske značilnosti udeležencev, vključno s spolom, starostjo, stopnjo izobrazbe, stopnjo fizične aktivnosti in digitalno zdravstveno pismenostjo. Drugi del vprašalnika je bil osredotočen na ocenjevanje pričakovanj udeležencev do spletnih programov vadbe, pri čemer so bile izpostavljene ključne komponente, kot so: relevantnost informacij o bolezni, določanje terapevtskih ciljev, motivacija bolnikov, možnost komunikacije s fizioterapevtom po telefonu ali video klicu, enostavnost uporabe spletne aplikacije ter organizacija in dostopnost sistemskih informacij. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 82 bolnikov, ki so med marcem in aprilom 2024 obiskali Artros Center za ortopedijo v Ljubljani ter ortopedsko ambulanto v Novem mestu. Med 82 bolniki z osteoartrozo kolena, ki so pravilno in v celoti izpolnili anketni vprašalnik, je bilo 55 žensk (67,1 %) in 27 moških (32,9 %). Rezultati: Rezultati so pokazali, da so uporabniki spletne aplikacije v povprečju najvišje ocenili enostavnost uporabe in jasnost prikaza vaj (M = 4,78). Prav tako so visoko vrednotili pomen natančnih navodil za izvajanje vaj, namenjenih povečanju gibljivosti kolenskega sklepa in krepitvi mišic (M = 4,77), ter podporo pri pravilni izvedbi vaj in dobro organizacijo informacij (M = 4,76). Najnižje ocene je prejela možnost interakcije s fizioterapevtom preko različnih komunikacijskih kanalov (M = 4,41). Analiza rezultatov je razkrila, da imajo bolniki visoka pričakovanja glede uporabnosti spletnih programov vadbe, pri čemer so moški in mlajši posamezniki izražali večjo zaznano koristnost teh digitalnih rešitev v primerjavi z ženskami in starejšimi bolniki. Prav tako je bilo ugotovljeno, da so bolniki z nižjo stopnjo fizične aktivnosti bolj naklonjeni uporabi spletnih programov vadbe. Statistično pomembnih razlik glede na stopnjo formalne izobrazbe in zdravstvene pismenosti nismo ugotovili. Razprava: Nadaljnje raziskave so ključne za razvoj in implementacijo spletnih vadbenih programov za bolnike z osteoartrozo kolena. Kljub naraščajočemu številu aplikacij v zadnjem desetletju je le malo teh prilagojenih specifičnim potrebam bolnikov. Ta raziskava potrjuje znatno zanimanje in visoka pričakovanja bolnikov glede takšnih programov. Za uspešen razvoj in uporabo digitalnega zdravstva sta ključna tako dobra zdravstvena in digitalna pismenost bolnikov kot tudi ustrezno usposobljen zdravstveni kader. Pri razvoju spletnih programov je treba upoštevati elemente, ki so jih bolniki izpostavili kot pomembne za uspešno uporabo.
Keywords:osteoartroza kolena, koleno, vadba, fizioterapija, spletne aplikacije, zdravstvena pismenost, bolnik.
Year of publishing:2024
COBISS.SI-ID:220342019 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:14.01.2025
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Secondary language

Title:Evaluation of the usefulness of individual elements of the web application for the implementation of physiotherapy exercises for patiens with osteoarthritis of the knee
Abstract:Introduction: Osteoarthritis of the knee (OA) is a chronic, progressive degenerative disease that is increasingly occurring both globally and nationally, posing a significant challenge to both the patient and the healthcare system. The disease strongly affects the quality of life of the individual and also causes a burden for the immediate and wider social environment. In addition to established risk factors, such as genetic predisposition, obesity, trauma and disturbances in the biomechanical axial loads of the lower limb, the long-term consequences of untreated articular cartilage, meniscus and ligament injuries are increasingly recognized. A particularly important role in the development of OA is played by repeated microtraumas that occur as a result of sports and professional activities. In modern literature, the need for early recognition and treatment of OA is increasingly emphasized, since in the initial stages of the disease the symptoms are usually mild, and the degenerative changes in the cartilage are minimal. Interventions in this phase can significantly slow down the progression of the disease, as the cartilage tissue still retains part of its regenerative potential. Nevertheless, the early stage is often under-treated in clinical practice, although it offers the greatest chances for successful conservative treatment. This includes physiotherapy measures, patient education and promotion of self-management of symptoms. One of the key challenges of the modern healthcare system is the lack of timely and adequate care for patients with early symptoms of OA, which often leads to late referral to an orthopedist. At the same time, in the context of digitalization of health services, there is a need to develop more effective telemedicine physiotherapy programs. These programs, despite the initial interest of patients, often do not achieve the expected results due to poor motivation of users and lack of individualization of exercises. Therefore, the question arises as to how to improve the design of these programs so that they take into account the specific needs of individuals to a greater extent and include them more effectively in the treatment process. Methods: The research is based on a descriptive quantitative approach, in which the survey method was used. The collected data were obtained using a structured questionnaire consisting of 11 questions. The first part of the questionnaire addressed the socio-demographic characteristics of the participants, including gender, age, level of education, level of physical activity and digital health literacy. The second part of the questionnaire was focused on assessing participants' expectations of online exercise programs, highlighting key components such as: relevance of information about the disease, setting therapeutic goals, patient motivation, possibility of communication with the physiotherapist via phone or video call, ease of use web applications and the organization and accessibility of system information. 82 patients who visited the Artros Center for Orthopedics in Ljubljana and the orthopedic outpatient clinic in Novi Mesto between March and April 2024 took part in the research. Among the 82 patients with osteoarthritis of the knee who filled out the questionnaire correctly and completely, there were 55 women (67.1%) and 27 men (32.9%). Results: The results showed that, on average, the users of the web application rated the ease of use and the clarity of the exercise presentation the highest (M = 4.78). They also highly valued the importance of precise instructions for performing exercises aimed at increasing the mobility of the knee joint and strengthening muscles (M = 4.77), as well as support in the correct execution of exercises and good organization of information (M = 4.76). The possibility of interacting with the physiotherapist through various communication channels received the lowest marks (M = 4.41). Analysis of the results revealed that patients have high expectations regarding the usefulness of online exercise programs, with men and younger individuals expressing greater perceived usefulness of these digital solutions compared to women and older patients. It was also found that patients with a lower level of physical activity are more inclined to use online exercise programs. We did not find statistically significant differences according to the level of formal education and health literacy. Discussion: Further research is essential for the development and implementation of online exercise programs for patients with knee osteoarthritis. Despite the growing number of applications in the last decade, few of them are adapted to the specific needs of patients. This survey confirms significant interest and high patient expectations for such programs. For the successful development and use of digital healthcare, both good medical and digital literacy of patients as well as properly trained medical personnel are key. When developing online programs, it is necessary to take into account the elements that patients have highlighted as important for successful use. Key words: knee osteoarthritis, knee, exercise, physiotherapy, online applications, health literacy.
Keywords:knee osteoarthritis, knee, exercise, physiotherapy, online applications, health literacy.
