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Authors:ID Furlan, Anja (Author)
ID Lamut, Urša (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf 11279$$zakljucno_delo.pdf (1,40 MB, This file will be accessible after 05.01.2026)
MD5: 3E2D3E24C46C3AD47DFD4C5F24290A26
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FUDS - School of advanced social studies
Abstract:Magistrsko delo se osredotoča na preučevanje doživljanja ločitve ali razveze staršev pri mladostnikih ob podpori podporne skupine. Raziskava obravnava razsežnosti in kompleksnost družinske dinamike, še posebej v kontekstu čustvenega, kognitivnega in socialnega odziva mladostnikov na ločitev staršev. V teoretičnem delu naloge smo pregledali literaturo, ki obravnava vplive ločitve na mladostnike, vključno z njihovimi čustvenimi, kognitivnimi in socialnimi odzivi, ter pregledali vlogo strokovne podpore, ki jo lahko mladostniki prejmejo bodisi od vrstniških skupin, šole ali podpornih skupin za samopomoč. Poseben poudarek je bil namenjen teoretičnim vidikom ločitve v okviru družinske dinamike. Naša raziskava se je osredotočila na raziskovanje razlik v čustvenem, psihološkem in socialnem doživljanju ločitve ali razveze staršev med mladostniki, katerih starši so bili vključeni v podporne skupine za ločene ali razvezane starše, ter tistimi, katerih starši niso bili vključeni v te skupine, s ciljem ugotoviti, kako ta podpora vpliva na njihovo psihološko stanje, prilagoditev in socialno vključenost v obdobju ločitve ali razveze. Glavni rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da so mladostniki, katerih starši so bili vključeni v podporne skupine, ločitev doživljali bolj pozitivno. Poročali so o boljšem razumevanju svojih čustev, večji stabilnosti in sposobnosti za konstruktivno reševanje konfliktov. Teme, kot so občutek varnosti, podpora in razumevanje, podpirajo trditev o njihovi večji čustveni stabilnosti. Mladostniki, katerih starši niso bili vključeni v podporne skupine, so pogosteje doživljali negotovost, strah pred prihodnostjo, dvome o sebi in občutke krivde. Zaključki raziskave poudarjajo pomen starševske podpore med ločitvijo ter njen vpliv na čustveno in socialno prilagajanje mladostnikov. Ti izsledki lahko prispevajo k razvoju učinkovitejših pristopov za podporo mladostnikom v tej ranljivi fazi.
Keywords:Doživljanje mladostnika, ločitev, čustveno doživljanje, kognitivno doživljanje, socialno doživljanje, doživljanje prejemanja medvrstniške pomoči in šolske podpore, skupine za samopomoč.
Year of publishing:2025
Publication date in ReVIS:14.01.2025
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Secondary language

Abstract:The master's thesis examines the experience of parental separation or divorce in adolescents within the context of a support group. The research addresses the dimensions and complexity of family dynamics, particularly in the context of the emotional, cognitive, and social responses of adolescents to parental separation or divorce. In the theoretical part of the thesis, we reviewed the literature addressing the impacts of parental separation on adolescents, focusing on their emotional, cognitive, and social responses. Additionally, we explored the role of professional support that adolescents may receive from peer groups, schools, or self-help support groups. Special attention was given to the theoretical aspects of separation within the context of family dynamics. Our research focused on exploring the differences in emotional, psychological, and social experiences of parental separation or divorce among adolescents whose parents were involved in support groups for separated or divorced parents, compared to those whose parents were not involved in such groups. The aim was to was to determine how this support influences their psychological well-being, adjustment, and social integration during the period of parental separation or divorce. The main findings of the study indicated that adolescents whose parents were involved in self-help support groups, experienced the separation more positively. They reported a greater understanding of their emotions, increased emotional stability, and the ability to resolve conflicts constructively. Themes such as sense of security, support and understanding, reinforce the assertion of their greater emotional stability. Adolescents whose parents were not involved in support groups more frequently experienced insecurity, anxiety about the future, self-doubt, and feelings of guilt. The conclusions of the study emphasize the importance of parental support during the separation process and its impact on adolescents' emotional and social adjustment. These findings can contribute to the development of more effective approaches to supporting adolescents during this vulnerable phase.
Keywords:Adolescent experience, separation, emotional experience, cognitive experience, social experience, experience of receiving peer support and school support, self-help groups.
