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Title:Vpliv stresnosti dela na zdravje in zadovoljstvo z delom zaposlenih v zdravstveni negi
Authors:ID Pust, Romana (Author)
ID Globevnik Velikonja, Vislava (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf MAG_Pust_Romana_2025.pdf (2,47 MB)
MD5: B71407270FF9FD7220F20568562427BE
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:UNM FZV - University of Novo mesto - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Izhodišča: Delavci, zaposleni v zdravstveni negi, so poklicna skupina, ki je zelo izpostavljena stresnim situacijam na delovnem mestu. Zahtevnost dela, velika delovna obremenitev, usklajevanje službe in družine, slaba organizacija dela in ne nazadnje prenizko plačilo so dejavniki, ki zaposlenega privedejo do razvoja kroničnega stresa in posledično izgorelosti. Stresnost dela vpliva na nastanek simptomov stresa, ki privedejo do težav z zdravjem. Prav tako pa tudi na zadovoljstvo z delom ter kvaliteto življenja posameznika. Metode: Naloga je bila sestavljena iz dveh delov, teoretičnega in praktičnega. V teoretičnem delu smo opredelili stres in njegov vpliv na delovno okolje in življenje zaposlenih v zdravstveni negi. V empiričnem delu smo za raziskavo uporabili anketni vprašalnik in anketiranje izvedli preko spletne strani 1KA, povezavo smo udeležencem poslali po e-pošti. Anketni vprašalnik je vseboval demografska vprašanja in vprašanja za ugotavljanje stresa in njegovih posledic pri delu, zaposlene v zdravstveni negi smo spraševali po simptomih in bolezenskih stanjih, povezanih s stresom, ter ugotavljali zadovoljstvo z delom in z drugimi področji življenja. Sodelovalo je 150 medicinskih sester. Zbrane podatke smo analizirali in statistično obdelali s pomočjo programa 1KA in SPSS. Rezultati: Medicinske sestre so, ne glede na to, kje delajo, podvržene različnim stopnjam stresa. Z raziskavo smo prišli do ugotovitev, da se anketirani pogosto znajdejo v stresnih situacijah, povezanih s plačilom nadur, napredovanji in plačo, z odnosom s pacientom in njegovimi svojci, s prilagajanjem svojega urnika delovnim obveznostim ter z nezadostno podporo pri delu. V največji meri se soočajo s simptomi stresa, kot so: glavobol, nespečnost, nizek nivo energije, napetost, preobremenjenost in prehlad. Bolezenska stanja, kot so: debelost ter glavoboli in migrene so bila najpogosteje omenjena. Rezultati kažejo, da je večina vendarle zadovoljna z delom in ostalimi področji življenja, kar govori o dobri kvaliteti življenja zaposlenih v zdravstveni negi. Bolj zadovoljni z delom in življenjem doživljajo manj stresa na delovnem mestu. Razprava: Raziskava je pokazala, da se medicinske sestre pri svojem delu soočajo s stresom in s stresom povezanimi simptomi in boleznimi. Pomemben zaščitni dejavnik pred stresom je zadovoljstvo zaposlenih z delom in drugimi področji življenja, kar bi bilo smiselno upoštevati pri uvajanju preventivnih ukrepov za zmanjševanje in boljše obvladovanje stresa v zdravstvenem sistemu.
Keywords:stres, medicinska sestra, zdravje, kvaliteta življenja
Year of publishing:2025
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-11372 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:227558147 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:25.01.2025
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Secondary language

Title:The impact of job stress on the helth and job satisfaction of nurses
Abstract:Introduction: Healthcare workers are an occupational group that is highly exposed to stressful situations in the workplace. The demanding nature of the work, the heavy workload, work-life balance, poor work organisation and, last but not least, underpayment, are factors that lead to the development of chronic stress, and consequently, burnout in the worker. The stressful nature of the job has an impact on the development of stress symptoms that lead to health problems. Furthermore, it affects job satisfaction and the individual’s quality of life. Methods: The thesis consists of two parts, theoretical and practical. In the theoretical part, we defined stress and its impact on the work environment and the lives of nursing staff. In the empirical part, we employed a questionnaire and conducted the survey via the 1KA website; the link was sent to the participants via e-mail. The questionnaire included demographic questions and questions to determine stress and its consequences at work. Nursing staff were asked about stress-related symptoms and conditions, and satisfaction with work and other aspects of life. 150 nurses took part. The collected data were analysed and statistically treated using 1KA and SPSS programmes. Results: Regardless of where they work, nurses are subject to different levels of stress. The survey found that respondents often find themselves in stressful situations related to overtime pay, promotions and salary, the relationship with patients and their families, adjusting their schedule to work commitments, and inadequate support at work. The most common stress symptoms are headaches, insomnia, low energy levels, tension, overwork and colds. Medical conditions such as obesity and headaches and migraines were the most frequently mentioned. The results show that most people are satisfied with their work and other aspects of their lives, which indicates a good quality of life among nursing staff. Those who are more satisfied with their work and life, experience less stress at work. Discussion: The study showed that nurses face stress and stress-related symptoms and illnesses in their work. Employee satisfaction with work and other aspects of life is an important protective factor against stress, which should be considered when introducing preventive measures to reduce and improve stress management in the health care system.
Keywords:stress, nurse, health, quality of life
