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Authors:ID Leskovšek, Nina (Author)
ID Lapanja, Aljoša (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf DIP_Leskovsek_Nina_2025.pdf (1,06 MB)
MD5: 8F714CD7352B1697A7A16B8081350031
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:UNM FZV - University of Novo mesto - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Teoretična izhodišča: Psihološka podpora je ključnega pomena za ohranjanje duševnega zdravja in odpornosti izvajalcev zdravstvene nege v kriznih situacijah, saj neposredno vpliva na njihovo delovno učinkovitost, medosebne odnose in trajnostno delovanje zdravstvenega sistema. Raziskava je pomembna, ker je osvetlila ključne izzive in potrebe izvajalcev zdravstvene nege pri soočanju s kriznimi situacijami ter preučila sisteme psihološke podpore, ki so jim na voljo v Sloveniji in tujini. Namen pregleda literature je bil izboljšati razumevanje teh podpornih sistemov ter identificirati optimalne rešitve za njihovo implementacijo v slovenskem zdravstvenem prostoru. Metoda: Podatke smo pridobili s sistematičnim pregledom znanstvene in strokovne literature. S pregledom literature smo se osredotočili na psihološko podporo izvajalcem zdravstvene nege v kriznih situacijah. Strokovno branje smo nadaljevali, dokler nismo zbrali 16 primernih enot iz prosto dostopnih bibliografskih baz (PubMed, Google učenjak, Google Scholar). Zadetke, ki smo jih v raziskavi analizirali, smo poiskali s pomočjo ključnih besed in besednih zvez, in sicer krizna situacija, psihološka podpora, zdravstveni delavci in psihiatrija. Pri iskanju smo se omejili na vire v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku, na vire, objavljene v obdobju 2013–2023 in tiste, ki imajo dostopno celotno vsebino s področja, ki ga obravnavamo v diplomski nalogi. Ključne besede smo povezali z Boolovim operatorjem (AND). Rezultati: V pregled je bilo vključenih 16 člankov v polnem besedilu, ki so ustrezali vnaprej določenim kriterijem. Podatki, zbrani novembra 2024, so bili analizirani s tehniko kodiranja, kar je omogočilo oblikovanje vsebinskih kategorij. Te so vključevale psihološko podporo v kriznih situacijah, sekundarni in akutni stres, odpornost in obvladovanje stresa, moralno stisko ter etične izzive in tudi institucionalne ter organizacijske dejavnike. Takšen pristop je omogočil bolj strukturirano in jasnejšo interpretacijo rezultatov. Razprava: Ugotovitve pregleda literature kažejo, da je psihološka podpora ključnega pomena za ohranjanje duševnega zdravja in delovne učinkovitosti izvajalcev zdravstvene nege v kriznih situacijah. Kvalitativna analiza potrjuje, da so učinkoviti sistemi podpore, ki vključujejo individualne in organizacijske strategije, bistveni za zmanjševanje stresa, preprečevanje izgorelosti ter krepitev odpornosti zdravstvenih delavcev. Razprava poudarja potrebo po celovitem pristopu, ki vključuje sodelovanje med državnimi institucijami, zdravstvenimi sistemi in delodajalci za zagotavljanje trajnostnih rešitev in izboljšanje kakovosti zdravstvene oskrbe.
Keywords:psihološka podpora, izvajalci zdravstvene nege, krizne situacije, duševno zdravje, stres.
Year of publishing:2025
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-11376 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:228326915 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:25.01.2025
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Secondary language

Abstract:Theoretical background: Psychological support plays a crucial role in maintaining the mental health and resilience of healthcare workers during crisis situations, directly influencing their work efficiency, interpersonal relationships, and the sustainable functioning of the healthcare system. The importance of this research lies in its ability to shed light on the key challenges and needs faced by healthcare workers in crisis situations and to examine the psychological support systems available to them in Slovenia and internationally. The purpose of the literature review was to enhance understanding of these support systems and to identify optimal solutions for their implementation in the Slovenian healthcare con-text. Method: We obtained the data through a systematic review of scientific and professional literature. The literature review focused on psychological support for healthcare providers in crisis situations. We continued the professional reading until we collected 16 suitable sources from freely accessible bibliographic databases (PubMed, Google Scholar). The studies analyzed in the research were identified using keywords and phrases such as crisis situation, psychological support, healthcare workers, and psychiatry. In our search, we limited ourselves to sources in Slovenian and English, sources published in the period from 2013 to 2023, and those with full access to content relevant to the topic addressed in the thesis. The keywords were connected using the Boolean operator (AND). Results: The review included 16 full-text articles that met the predefined criteria. Data, collected in November 2024, were analysed using a coding technique, which facilitated the formation of content categories. These categories comprised psychological support in crisis situations, secondary and acute stress, resilience and stress management, moral distress and ethical challenges, and institutional and organizational factors. This structured approach enabled a clearer interpretation of the findings. Discussion: The literature review findings demonstrate that psychological support is indispensable for maintaining the mental health and work efficiency of healthcare workers during crisis situations. Qualitative analysis confirms the importance of effective support systems, which include both individual and organizational strategies, in reducing stress, pre-venting burnout, and enhancing healthcare workers' resilience. The discussion underscores the necessity of a comprehensive approach involving collaboration among state institutions, healthcare systems, and employers to develop sustainable solutions and improve the over-all quality of healthcare.
Keywords:psychological support, healthcare providers, crisis situations, mental health, stress.
