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Title:Analiza korelacije med izbranimi kriptovalutami in Bitcoinom od leta 2020 naprej
Authors:ID Mikec, Sandi (Author)
ID Devjak, Srečko (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf DIP_Mikec_Sandi_2025.pdf (10,08 MB)
MD5: EAC2EBD69C8805FCF97DE48C089412CB
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:UNM FEI - University of Novo mesto - Faculty of Economics and Informatics
Abstract:Kriptovalute, kot je Bitcoin, so v sodobnem času postale pomemben del finančnih trgov zaradi svoje decentralizirane narave in uporabe blockchain tehnologije. Njihove prednosti, kot so hitre transakcije in neodvisnost od tradicionalnih finančnih institucij, jih naredijo privlačne za vlagatelje po vsem svetu. Vendar pa kriptovalute prinašajo tudi tveganja, kot sta visoka variabilnost in regulativna negotovost. Njihova vrednost in medsebojna povezanost sta močno odvisni od širših gospodarskih trendov ter makroekonomskih dejavnikov, kot so inflacija, gospodarski cikli in monetarna politika, kar še dodatno poudarja njihovo kompleksnost v današnjem finančnem okolju. V prvem delu diplomske naloge so predstavljeni ključni pojmi in opredelitve ekonomskih ciklov in njihovih faz, denarja, kriptovalut, kriptografije, blockchaina. Podrobneje je razložena vsaka izbrana kriptovaluta in njena funkcija. V drugem delu diplomske naloge so s pomočjo metode ročnega zbiranja zbrani podatki, s katerimi je narejena korelacijska analiza med Bitcoinom in izbranimi kriptovalutami med letoma 2020 in 2023.
Keywords:ekonomski cikli, denar, kriptografija, kriptovalute, blockchain.
Year of publishing:2025
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-11396 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:224598531 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:30.01.2025
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of correlation between selected cryptocurrencies and bitcoin form 2020 onwards
Abstract:Cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, have become a significant part of modern financial markets due to their decentralized nature and the use of blockchain technology. Their advantages, including fast transactions and independence from traditional financial institutions, make them attractive to investors worldwide. However, cryptocurrencies also bring risks, such as high volatility and regulatory uncertainty. Their value and interconnections are highly dependent on broader economic trends and macroeconomic factors, such as inflation, economic cycles, and monetary policy, further highlighting their complexity in today's financial environment. The first part of the thesis presents key concepts and definitions related to economic cycles and their phases, money, cryptocurrencies, cryptography, and blockchain. Each selected cryptocurrency and its function are explained in detail. In the second part of the thesis, data collected through manual gathering methods is used to conduct a correlation analysis between Bitcoin and selected cryptocurrencies during the period from 2020 to 2023.
Keywords:economic cycles, money, cryptography, cryptocurrencies, blockchain.
