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Authors:ID Veladžić, Merima (Author)
ID Rakuša Krašovec, Kristina (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf DIP_Veladzic_Merima_2025.pdf (2,90 MB)
MD5: 50E71FB9341184276139CF706B4E341C
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:UNM FZV - University of Novo mesto - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Teoretična izhodišča: Genski inženiring omogoča natančno prilagajanje in spreminjanje genov organizmov ter umetno manipulacijo dezoksiribonukleinske kisline (DNA). V biomedicini genski inženiring ponuja možnost radikalne izboljšave za potencialno izboljšanje človeških sposobnosti, vendar obstajajo etični in pravni izzivi. Tehnologija genskega spreminjanja omogoča natančno urejanje DNA in ima sicer veliki terapevtski potencial, še posebej pri zdravljenju dednih bolezni. Obstajajo premisleki o uporabi tehnologije za gensko spreminjanje za preprečevanje dednih bolezni, saj ta tehnologija odpira številna etična vprašanja. Gensko urejanje zarodka predstavlja etični izziv v dveh glavnih vidikih: morebitni uspeh in morebitni neuspeh. Rezultat genskega spreminjanja zarodka je lahko želena sprememba oz. nastane ciljni učinek ali pa pride do neželene reakcije oz. nastane negativen učinek ali mutacija. Metoda: Raziskava je temeljila na kvantitativnem raziskovalnem pristopu in deskriptivni metodi dela. Uporabili smo kavzalno-neeksperimentalno metodo dela z uporabo anketnega vprašalnika. Raziskovalni vzorec je bil 121 anketirancev (38 moških in 83 žensk). Med celotno raziskavo in obdelavo podatkov so bila upoštevana etična načela raziskovanja. Rezultati: Iz rezultatov je razvidno, da je večina (60 %) anketirancev že slišala za genski inženiring (gensko spreminjanje ali gensko testiranje), od tega jih je 48 % označilo, da so malo slišali ali brali o genskem spreminjanju, in 17 % jih je označilo, da so o tej temi veliko slišali ali brali. Pri vprašanju, kaj razumejo pod izrazom gensko spreminjanje, so anketiranci velikokrat označili, da je to gen, ki je spremenjen/modificiran/urejen, druga najpogostejša razlaga pa je, da so to geni/celice/DNA, vzeti iz enega organizma in dani v drugega. Na Likertovi lestvici so anketiranci označevali svoje mnenje glede etičnega vidika genskega spreminjanja. Povprečno mnenje anketirancev je bilo, da je spreminjanje zarodkov dopustno, če bi pomagalo pri preprečevanju genskih bolezni (xŻ = 3,8), nedopustno, če gre za izboljšanje sposobnosti (npr. videz ali inteligenca) (xŻ = 2,4), in dopustno v primerih, ko gre za rešitev življenjsko nevarnih stanj (xŻ = 3,7). Mnenje 89 anketirancev je, da so posledice genskega spreminjanja premalo raziskane. 59 anketirancev meni, da je rezultat genskega spreminjanja želena ali ciljna sprememba, medtem ko 62 anketirancev meni, da je to neželena sprememba. V poprečju so anketiranci mnenja, da gensko spreminjanje lahko povzroči socialno neenakost (xŻ = 3,7) in družbene spremembe (xŻ = 3,7) ter da bi gensko spreminjanje zarodkov imelo več koristi kot posledic (xŻ = 3,6). Razprava: Ugotovili smo, da je večina splošne populacije, ki je bila vključena v raziskavo, vedela oz. imela informacije o tem, kaj je to gensko spreminjanje zarodkov. V nadaljnji izvedbi raziskave smo ugotovili, da so se anketiranci strinjali z genskim urejanjem zarodka v terapevtski namen, na primer za zdravljenje bolezni ali neozdravljivih stanj. Mnenje o genskem urejanju zarodka v namen, da se doseže fizična ali intelektualna izboljšava zarodkov, je dobilo negativen odziv. Mnenje splošne populacije v tem kontekstu je zelo jasno, saj je izraženo strinjanje z genskim inženiringom zarodkov v namen, da se izboljša njihovo zdravstveno stanje, ne pa za fizične izboljšave. Ugotavljamo tudi, da je raziskava pokazala, da gensko spreminjanje lahko povzroči nastanek različnih posledic genskega urejanja zarodkov, ki bi lahko privedle do nastanka socialne neenakosti in družbenih sprememb. Mnenje udeležencev v raziskavi je bilo, da imajo genske spremembe več koristi kot posledic.
Keywords:genski inženiring, genske spremembe, etične dileme, CRISPR, posledice genskega spreminjanja.
Year of publishing:2025
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-11419 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:228474883 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:01.02.2025
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Secondary language

Abstract:Theoretical Background: Genetic engineering enables precise adaptation and modification of the genes of organisms, artificial manipulation of DNA. In biomedicine, genetic engineering offers the possibility of radical improvement to potentially enhance human capabilities, but there are ethical and legal challenger. Genetic modification technology enables precise editing of DNA and otherwise has great therapeutic potential, especially in the treatment of hereditary diseases. There are concerns about the use of genetic modification technology to prevent hereditary diseases, as this technology rase many ethical questions. Embryo gene editing presents an ethical challenge in two main aspects: potential success and potential filature. The result of genetic modification of the embryo can be the desired change or a targeted effect occurs, or an unwanted reaction occurs, or a negative effect or mutation occurs. Method: The research was based on a quantitative research approach and a descriptive method of work. We used a causal non-experimental work method using a survey questionnaire. The research sample was 121 respondents (38 male and 83 female). The ethical principles of research were observed during the entire research and data processing. Results: The result show that most respondents (60 %) have already heard about genetic engineering (genetic modification or genetic testing), of which 48 % indicated that the of respondents indicated that they had heard or read little about genetic modification 17 % of respondents indicated that they have heard or read a lot on the subject. What do they understand by the term genetic modification? Respondents often indicated that it is a gene that has been changed/modified/edited. The second most common explanation is that these genes/cells/DNA are taken from one organism and put into another organism. On a Likert scale, the respondents indicated their opinion regarding the ethical aspect of genetic modification. The average opinion of the respondents was that modifying embryos is permissible if it would help prevent genetic diseases (x̄ = 3.8), impermissible if it is to improve abilities (e.g. appearance or intelligence) (x̄ = 2.4) and permissible in cases where to solve life-threatening situations (x̄ = 3,7). The opinion of 89 respondents is that the consequences of genetic modification are insufficiently researched. 59 respondents are of the opinion that the result of genetic modification is a desired or targeted change, while 62 respondents believe that it is an unwanted change. On average, respondents are of the opinion that genetic modification can cause social inequality (x̄ = 3.7), social changes (x̄ = 3.7) and that genetic modification of embryos would have more benefits than consequences (x̄ = 3.6). Discussion: We found that most of the general population that was included in the research knew or had information, was familiar with what this genetic modification of embryos is. In the further implementation of the research, we found that the respondents agreed with genetic editing of the embryo for therapeutic purposes, e.g. treatment of diseases or incurable conditions. The opinion about genetic editing of the embryo to achieve physical or intellectual improvement of the embryos received a negative response. The opinion of the general population in this context is very clear, they agree with the genetic engineering of embryos to improve their health not their physical properties. We also note that research has shown that genetic modification can lead to the emergence of various consequences of the genetic editing of embryos, which could lead to the emergence of social inequality and social changes. The opinion of the participants in the research was that genetic changes have more benefits than consequences.
Keywords:genetic engineering, genetic modification, ethical dilemmas, CRISPR, consequences of genetic modification.
