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Authors:ID Milovanović, Tjaša (Author)
ID Erjavec, Karmen (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf DIP_Milovanovic_Tjasa_2025.pdf (1,26 MB)
MD5: C6D8C9FD35A5978835BA6BC4208B661E
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:UNM FZV - University of Novo mesto - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Izhodišča: Demenca je progresivna bolezen, ki zelo vpliva na sposobnost pacientov za verbalno in neverbalno komunikacijo, kar predstavlja velik izziv za zdravstvene delavce. Ti se pogosto soočajo s težavami pri razumevanju potreb in izražanja pacientov, kar zahteva uporabo prilagojenih strategij za izboljšanje komunikacije. Namen diplomske naloge je raziskati komunikacijske izzive, s katerimi se srečujejo zdravstveni delavci pri delu s pacienti, ki trpijo za demenco. Metode: Raziskava je temeljila na kvantitativnem raziskovalnem pristopu z deskriptivno metodo. Z anketnim vprašalnikom smo pridobili primarne podatke. Vključili smo 100 zdravstvenih delavcev. Kot vir za sekundarno pridobivanje podatkov smo uporabili bibliografske baze (Google Učenjak, PubMed, Cobiss). Rezultati: Komunikacijske težave v zdravstvenem okolju se najpogosteje kažejo kot ponavljanje istih besed, nerazumevanje pomena besed in iskanje ustreznih izrazov. Respondenti za premagovanje teh ovir najpogosteje uporabljajo prijazen ton in besedni izbor (84,3 %), razumevanje in potrpežljivost (66,3 %) ter fizično bližino (48,2 %). Zdravstveni delavci komunikacijske težave rešujejo predvsem z verbalnimi strategijami, pri čemer je ponavljanje navodil, kadar pacient ne razume (M = 4,8), najpogostejša metoda. Med oblikami neverbalne komunikacije pa je najpogostejši očesni stik (M = 4,5). Organizacijski dejavniki, ki otežujejo učinkovito komunikacijo, vključujejo nezadostno število zaposlenih in preobremenjenost delovnega okolja. Pri delu z dementnimi pacienti skoraj polovica respondentov (48,5 %) ne zaznava vpliva na svoje delo, medtem ko je za dobro četrtino respondentov ta vpliv pozitiven (27,3 %). Sklep: Rezultati raziskave kažejo, da se zdravstveni delavci pri delu z dementnimi pacienti pogosto soočajo s ponavljajočimi se komunikacijskimi ovirami, kot so ponavljanje besed, nerazumevanje pomena in iskanje ustreznih izrazov. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da se ovire najpogosteje premagujejo z uporabo verbalne komunikacije, kot je ponavljanje navodil, in neverbalne komunikacije, na primer vzpostavljanje očesnega stika. Organizacijski dejavniki, kot sta pomanjkanje osebja in preobremenjenost delovnega okolja, dodatno otežujejo učinkovitost komunikacije. Kljub tem izzivom večina zdravstvenih delavcev delo z dementnimi pacienti ocenjuje kot nevtralno ali celo pozitivno. Raziskava poudarja nujnost kontinuiranega izobraževanja in dodatnega usposabljanja zdravstvenih delavcev za izboljšanje komunikacijskih veščin pri delu z dementnimi pacienti. Prav tako je ključnega pomena izboljšanje organizacijskih pogojev dela, kar bi lahko pozitivno vplivalo na kakovost oskrbe pacientov in dobrobit zaposlenih. Nadaljnje raziskave bi lahko poglobile razumevanje komunikacijskih izzivov, proučile učinkovitost specifičnih pristopov in identificirale inovativne strategije za izboljšanje komunikacije v praksi.
Keywords:pacienti z demenco, komunikacija pri demenci, komunikacijske ovire, zdravstveni delavci, strategije komunikacije.
Year of publishing:2025
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-11425 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:228776707 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:06.02.2025
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Secondary language

Abstract:Background: Dementia is a progressive disease that significantly impacts patients' ability to communicate verbally and non-verbally, posing a considerable challenge for healthcare professionals. They often face difficulties in understanding the needs and expressions of patients, requiring the use of tailored strategies to improve communication. The purpose of this thesis is to explore the communication challenges encountered by healthcare professionals when working with patients suffering from dementia. Methods: The research was based on a quantitative research approach using the descriptive method. Primary data were collected through a survey questionnaire. A total of 100 healthcare professionals were included in the study. For secondary data collection, bibliographic databases such as Google Scholar, PubMed, and Cobiss were utilized. Results: Communications challenges in healthcare settings most commonly manifest as repetition of the same words, misunderstanding the meaning of words, and difficulty finding appropriate expressions. Respondents most frequently overcome these barriers by using a friendly tone and word choice (84.3%), understanding and patience (66.3%), and physical proximity (48.2%). Healthcare professionals address communication difficulties primarily through verbal strategies, with repeating instructions when the patient does not understand (M = 4.8) being the most common method. Among forms of non-verbal communication, maintaining eye contact (M = 4.5) is the most frequently used. Organizational factors that hinder effective communication include insufficient staffing and an overburdened work environment. When working with patients with dementia, nearly half of the respondents (48.5%) report no impact on their work, while over a quarter of respondents perceive this impact as positive (27.3%). Conclusion: The results of the research indicate that healthcare professionals working with patients with dementia frequently encounter recurring communication barriers, such as repetition of words, misunderstanding meanings, and difficulty finding appropriate expressions. It was found that these barriers are most addressed through verbal communication strategies, such as repeating instructions, and non-verbal communication, like maintaining eye contact. Organizational factors, including staff shortages and an overburdened work environment, further hinder the effectiveness of communication. Despite these challenges, most healthcare professionals rate their work with dementia patients as neutral or even positive. The study highlights the necessity of continuous education and additional training for healthcare professionals to enhance communication skills when working with dementia patients. Improving organizational working conditions is also essential, as it could positively impact the quality of patient care and employee well-being. Further research could deepen the understanding of communication challenges, examine the effectiveness of specific approaches, and identify innovative strategies to improve communication in practice.
Keywords:patients with dementia, communication in dementia, communication barriers, healthcare workers, communication strategies.
