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Authors:ID Kordež, Matic (Author)
ID Mažič, Matej (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf 2618$$matic_kordez_diplomska_naloga.pdf (2,47 MB)
MD5: 33D388FC19542D7A4381A0B221591CA7
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:UNM FZV - University of Novo mesto - Faculty of Health Sciences
Abstract:Teoretična izhodišča: Politravmatizirani pacienti predstavljajo enega najzahtevnejših izzivov v zdravstveni negi zaradi kompleksnosti poškodb in potreb po celostni oskrbi. Raziskava je pomembna, ker osvetljuje vlogo medicinskih sester pri obravnavi teh pacientov, pri čemer iz-postavlja pomen strokovnega znanja, učinkovite komunikacije in multidisciplinarnega sodelo-vanja. Namen pregleda literature je bil preučiti aktivnosti zdravstvene nege pri oskrbi politrav-matiziranega pacienta. Metoda: Uporabili smo deskriptivno metodo dela s pregledom strokovne in znanstvene litera-ture. Iskalno strategijo smo oblikovali z uporabo ključnih besed, kot so »politravma«, »huda poškodba glave«, »aktivnosti zdravstvene nege«, »negovalne intervencije« ter Boolovega ope-ratorja AND za kombinacijo izrazov. Literaturo smo iskali v podatkovnih bazah PubMed, Sage Journals in Google Scholar ter jo časovno omejili na obdobje od leta 2013 do 2023. Za identifi-kacijo in selekcijo virov smo uporabili smernice PRISMA. Rezultati: V pregled smo vključili 15 člankov v polnem besedilu, ki so ustrezali izbranim kriteri-jem. Podatke, zbrane v novembru 2024, smo analizirali s tehniko kodiranja in oblikovali vse-binske kategorije, kot so ključne aktivnosti medicinskih sester pri oskrbi politravmatiziranih pa-cientov, kompetence in znanja, potrebna za kakovostno obravnavo, izzivi, s katerimi se medi-cinske sestre soočajo, ter vpliv aktivnosti zdravstvene nege na potek in izid zdravljenja. Takšna kategorizacija je omogočila jasnejšo interpretacijo rezultatov ter vpogled v ključne naloge me-dicinskih sester pri obravnavi politravmatiziranih pacientov. Razprava: Ugotovitve pregleda literature kažejo, da je obravnava politravmatiziranih pacientov kompleksen proces, ki zahteva multidisciplinarno sodelovanje in visok nivo strokovnega znanja medicinskih sester. Celostna oskrba, ki vključuje tako tehnične kot humanistične vidike zdrav-stvene nege, bistveno pripomore k izboljšanju izida zdravljenja. Razprava poudarja potrebo po kontinuiranem izobraževanju medicinskih sester, ki omogoča boljšo pripravljenost za obvlado-vanje zahtevnih situacij ter zmanjšuje tveganje za zaplete pri pacientih.
Keywords:intenzivna medicinska nega, huda poškodba glave, politravma
Year of publishing:2025
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-11499 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:08.03.2025
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Secondary language

Abstract:Theoretical background: Polytraumatized patients represent one of the most challenging aspects of healthcare due to the complexity of their injuries and the necessity for holistic and multidisciplinary care. This research is significant as it highlights the critical role of nurses in managing such patients, emphasizing the importance of specialized knowledge, effective communication, and teamwork across disciplines. The primary objective of the literature review was to explore nursing interventions and responsibilities in the care of polytraumatized pa-tients. Method: A descriptive research method was employed, incorporating a review of professional and scientific literature. The search strategy was constructed using keywords such as "poly-trauma," "severe traumatic brain injury," "nursing interventions," and "critical care nursing," combined with the Boolean operator AND. The literature search was conducted in databases such as PubMed, Sage Journals, and Google Scholar, and was limited to the period between 2013 and 2023. The PRISMA guidelines were followed for the identification and selection of sources. Results: The review included 15 full-text articles that met the predefined criteria. Data collect-ed in November 2024 were analysed through coding and categorized into themes such as core nursing activities in the care of polytraumatized patients, the required competencies and exper-tise for delivering high-quality care, the challenges faced by nurses, and the impact of nursing interventions on treatment outcomes. This categorization provided a structured interpretation of the findings and deeper insights into the essential roles of nurses in the management of poly-traumatized patients. Discussion: The findings indicate that the treatment of polytraumatized patients is an intricate process requiring advanced multidisciplinary collaboration and a high level of nursing exper-tise. Comprehensive care that integrates both technical proficiency and a human-centered ap-proach significantly enhances treatment outcomes. The discussion underscores the necessity for ongoing education and training for nurses to equip them with the skills and confidence needed to address complex clinical scenarios and to effectively manage patient care complica-tions.
Keywords:critical care nursing, severity head injury, polytrauma.
