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Title:Vpliv, pravica in stopnja delavcev do soupravljanja
Authors:ID Furlan, Aleš (Author)
ID Vadnjal, Jaka (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
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MD5: 57293D55132ED94D69E4FB403A80652A
Work type:Master's thesis
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:GeaCol - GEA College - Faculty of Entrepreneurship
Abstract:V magistrskem delu z naslovom »Vpliv, pravica in stopnja delavcev do soupravljanja« smo predstavili in opisali osnovne pravice delavcev, ter stopnjo in vpliv do soupravljanja. Opisali smo, kakšen pomen je soupravljanje in kakšen vpliv je imelo na spremembe delovnih navad v podjetjih oziroma združbah. Raziskovali smo kakšne pravice imajo delavci pri soupravljanju v podjetjih X in Y, ter katere pravice so jim zagotovljene. Preverjali smo ali so delavcem dane vse pravice, ki so predpisane v zakonu o soupravljanju delavcev, oziroma ali imajo v podjetju zagotovljeno manj pravic, ter kako vodilni v podjetju spodbujajo udeležbo zaposlenih v kapitalu podjetja ter spodbujajo zaposlene k večji pripadnosti do podjetja. Ugotovili smo, da je zakonska ureditev soupravljanja in soodločanja vplivala na boljše delovne pogoje in zadovoljstvo zaposlenih. Zaposleni so pridobili možnost, da lahko soodločajo o vprašanjih dela na svojem delovnem mestu in v ožji organizacijski enoti. Iz empiričnega dela smo prišli do ugotovitev, da so pravice in vpliv delavcev v obravnavanih podjetjih enake ali celo višje od pravic, ki jih določa Zakon o sodelovanju delavcev pri upravljanju in sodelovanju v podjetjih. Vodilni v podjetju spodbujajo udeležbo zaposlenih v kapitalu podjetja ter spodbujajo zaposlene k večji pripadnosti do podjetja, saj jim to zagotavlja, da dosežejo skupne cilje. Spodbujajo, da na različnih področjih soodločajo in jim dajejo veliko pravic, ter tako vplivajo na njihovo zadovoljstvo.
Keywords:soupravljanje, lastništvo, podjetništvo, delovno pravo, EU.
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Furlan]
Year of publishing:2016
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-1760 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:513589378 New window
Publication date in ReVIS:03.09.2017
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Secondary language

Abstract:The thesis titled "Influence, and the right of workers to the level of co-management" were presented and described the basic rights of workers, as well as the level and impact of co-management. We have described the importance of co-management is and what impact it had on the changes in working practices in enterprises and society. We studied what rights workers have in the co-management in enterprises X and Y, and what rights they are guaranteed. We examined whether workers are given all the rights stipulated in the law on co-management workers, or whether they have in the company less guaranteed rights, and how to lead the company encourage employee participation in the capital of companies and to encourage employees to greater loyalty to the company. We have found that the regulation of co-management and co-influence on better working conditions and employee satisfaction. Employees have acquired an option to co-decide on issues of labor at the workplace and in the immediate organizational entity. From the empirical work we have come to the conclusion that the rights of workers and the impact of the undertakings of the same or even higher than the rights provided for by the Law on workers' participation in management and cooperation of enterprises. The leading company in promoting employee participation in the capital of companies and to encourage employees to greater loyalty to the company, since it provides them to achieve common goals. To promote in different areas of co-decide and give them a lot of rights, and thus affect their satisfaction.
Keywords:co-management, ownership, entrepreneurship, labor law, EU.
