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Title:Načrtovanje rasti podjetja Kavarna 4mačke s. p.
Authors:Križaj, Gita (Author)
Letonja, Marina (Mentor) More about this co-author... New window
Work type:Undergraduate thesis
Tipology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:GeaCol - GEA College - Faculty of Entrepreneurship
Abstract:V diplomskem delu obravnavam družinsko podjetje 4 mačke, s. p. Podjetje se ukvarja z gostinstvom že šestnajst let, ima tradicijo in je v svojem okolju dobro poznano. Predmet diplomskega dela je poslovni načrt, v katerem proučujem investicijo, s katero želi podjetje uresničiti cilje, vezane na povečanje števila gostov. Predpostavljam, da bodo obnovljeni prostori za obstoječe in lojalne goste ter za potencialne nove goste bolj privlačni. Diplomsko delo je razdeljeno na enajst poglavij. V uvodu sta opisana gostinstvo in tematika diplomskega dela. V drugem poglavju so opisani model, dejavniki in strategije podjetniške rasti. V tretjem poglavju je predstavljena panoga, v kateri podjetje deluje. Podjetje se ukvarja z gostinstvom in po standardni klasifikaciji dejavnosti spada k slaščičarnam in kavarnam. Gostinstvo je gospodarska panoga in je ena od oblik turizma. Opisana sta podjetje in podjetnik, kakšni so vizija in cilji podjetja, poleg tega je predstavljeno, kako podjetnik vpliva na razvoj podjetja. Opisala sem podjetniško priložnost in kakšna je izbrana oblika rasti podjetja. V četrtem poglavju je predstavljena tržna analiza, proučila sem razvojne možnosti panoge, kateri so ciljni kupci in kaj je ciljni trg. Naredila sem analizo povpraševanja. Izvedla sem jo s primarno raziskavo s pomočjo ankete. Izbrala sem tri konkurente in opisala, kaj so njihove prednosti in kje se pojavljajo slabosti. Opisala sem odnos podjetnika z dobavitelji. V petem poglavju sem se osredotočila na SWOT-analizo, torej na prednosti, slabosti ter priložnosti in nevarnosti za podjetje. Opisala sem tržne cilje in tržne strategije podjetja. Naredila sem napoved prodaje za štiri leta. Šesto poglavje opisuje razvoj storitve, opis prostorov in lokacije ter kakšna je investicija v prostore. V sedmem poglavju sta predstavitev vodstva in organizacijska shema podjetja. V naslednjem, osmem poglavju je finančna analiza poslovanja podjetja za pretekli dve leti in projekcija, ki zajema bilance stanja in izkaze poslovnega izida ter denarnih tokov za naslednja štiri leta. Deveto poglavje opisuje kritična tveganja, poleg tega so predstavljene možne rešitve. V predzadnjem, desetem poglavju je terminski načrt po mesecih za leti 2017 in 2018, zadnje poglavje pa je zaključek, v katerem so povzete ugotovitve diplomskega dela. V diplomskem delu sem s pomočjo finančnih projekcij potrdila, da je načrtovana investicija v podjetju smiselna in da se bodo prihodki v opazovanem razdobju posledično povečali za povprečno 17 % na leto, donosnost vloženega kapitala bo povprečno 38 %, donosnost vloženih sredstev pa 39 %.
Keywords:rast podjetja, generična rast, rast z diverzifikacijo, kavarna in slaščičarna, poslovni načrt, investicija
Year of publishing:2017
Publisher:[G. Križaj]
COBISS_ID:513660290 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf 391$$gita_krizaj_12_10_2017_(1).pdf (1,64 MB)
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Secondary language

Abstract:In the thesis I examine the family business 4mačke s.p. The company has been operating in hospitality for 16 years and has a tradition and reputation in its surroundings. The main object of this thesis is the business plan in which I will inspect the investment, which could accomplish the goals of the company, i.e. increase of the number of guests, under assumption that the renewed and refurbished premises would be more attractive for the pre-existing and loyal customers as well as potential new guests. The thesis is divided into twelve chapters. The introduction describes the business and what the thesis will examine. The model, factors and strategies of business growth are explained in the second chapter. Next chapter presents the branch in which the company operates, which is hospitality and under standard classification belongs to cafeterias and ice cream parlours. Hospitality is a community industry and one of the forms of tourism. The company and the entrepreneur are presented, his vision and the goals of the business as well as how an entrepreneur influences the development of the company. The business opportunity and the chosen growth model are also outlined. In the fourth chapter I present the analysis of the market, i.e. I have studied the development prospects in that branch, target customers and market. Demand analysis has been conducted with a primary research done by surveys. Three competitors have been chosen, their advantages and also shortcomings analysed. Furthermore, the relationship of the entrepreneur and the vendors has been evaluated. The fifth chapter focuses on SWOT analysis, what are the advantages and disadvantages as well as prospects and potential risks for the company. Market goals and strategies of the company are also defined. An estimate of sales revenue for 4 years has been made. The sixth chapter deals with the development of services, description of premises and location as well as what is the investment in the premises. The following chapter presents the management and the organization of the company. The eighth chapter includes financial analysis of the business for the past two years and the projection, which includes balance sheets and profit, as well as the cash flow for the next four years. The ninth chapter describes critical risks and offers possible solutions. The next chapter is the intended time schedule by months for 2017 and 2018. The last chapter contains the conclusion, which summarizes the findings of this thesis. In this thesis, with the help of financial projections, I have demonstrated that the planned investment in the company is rational and that the income in the observed period of time will consequently increase for average 17 % per year, return on invested capital on average 38 %, and return on the invested funds 39 %.
Keywords:Business growth, generic growth, growth by diversifying, cafeterias and ice cream parlours, business plan, investment
