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Title:Normativna ureditev in izvedba policijsko - tožilske preiskave v Republiki Sloveniji
Authors:Fabjančič, Valter (Author)
Žaberl, Miroslav (Mentor) More about this co-author... New window
Anžič, Andrej (Co-mentor)
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Tipology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:FDŠ - Nova Univerza - The Graduate School of Government and European Studies
Abstract:Raziskava v okviru doktorske disertacije vključuje vse predhodno opisane dileme in vprašanja ter na teoretični ravni ponuja odgovore, ki bodo lahko uporabni tako v teoriji kot v praksi. Poleg sociološke analize družbenih vrednot in virov varnostnih groženj, ki med drugim narekujejo učinkovito prilagajanje kazensko procesne zakonodaje, ter podrobne povojne zgodovinske analize predhodnega postopka in uveljavljenih modelov kazenskih postopkov, v študiji podrobno proučujemo in kritično ocenjujemo posamezne faze (policijskega) predkazenskega postopka, pričenši s sprožilno informacijo o kaznivem dejanju (notitia criminis) in posameznimi procesno uveljavljenimi dokaznimi standardi. Sledi izvirna analiza nekaterih neformalnih policijskih ukrepov, zatem nujnih preiskovalnih dejanj, s katerimi policija posega zlasti v osebnostne pravice posameznika, in naposled še prikritih preiskovalnih ukrepov, ki predstavljajo občuten poseg države v človekove pravice in temeljne svoboščine. Prav tako v raziskavi opozarjamo na dileme in posebnosti tožilskega usmerjanja policijske preiskave, vključujoč izvirno analizo podzakonskega akta, ki ureja njun odnos. V tem delu raziskave je večinoma uporabljena metoda študije primerov, v okviru katere smo poleg različne literature proučili številne domače in tuje judikate ter ugotovitve strnili v jasna izhodišča in jih, upoštevajoč tudi opravljeno mednarodno primerjalno analizo, uporabili za zaključne teze disertacije. Osnovni cilj raziskave je oblikovanje novih znanstvenih spoznanj na obravnavanem področju, z možnostjo implementacije nove kazensko procesne paradigme. Tako na podlagi ugotovitev študije v zaključnem delu doktorske disertacije ponujamo možne rešitve za učinkovitejši predkazenski postopek. Te smo v grobem razdelili na tri skupine. V prvo smo uvrstili izhodišča za snovanje bodočega (pred)kazenskega postopka v okviru sedaj veljavnega mešanega modela ter v ta namen - na podlagi v raziskavi ugotovljenih pomanjkljivosti normativne ureditve in teoretično-praktičnih vprašanj, povezanih s pooblastili policije ter vlogami subjektov predkazenskega postopka - predlagane rešitve strnili v 43 posameznih točk. V drugi dve skupini pa smo uvrstili predloga možnih modelov policijsko-tožilske preiskave, vključujoč oblikovanje osnovnih temeljev za uzakonitev slovenske sodne policije. Pri tem smo zaradi trenutno nejasne smeri dolgoročnega razvoja slovenskega kazenskega postopka v prvem delu nakazali izhodišča za uvedbo sodne policije in policijsko-tožilske preiskave v okviru sedaj veljavnega mešanega modela kazenskega postopka, v drugem pa predstavili možne smernice uzakonitve sodne policije v okviru morebitnega bodočega modificirano adversarnega modela, za katerega je značilna ukinitev sodne preiskave in nadomestitev s tipično policijsko-tožilsko.
Keywords:policija, varnost, policijska preiskava, predkazenski postopek, državno tožilstvo, preiskovalni sodniki, kriminaliteta, kazniva dejanja, policijska pooblastila, disertacije
Year of publishing:2017
Publisher:[V. Fabjančič]
COBISS_ID:290504192 Link is opened in a new window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Fabjancic_Valter_i2017.pdf (2,82 MB)
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Secondary language

Title:Normativna ureditev in izvedba policijsko- tožilske preiskave v Republiki Sloveniji
Abstract:The study conducted within the framework of this doctoral dissertation deals with all of the above-mentioned dilemmas and issues and, on a theoretical level, offers answers that can be applied in both theory and practice. Besides a sociological analysis of social values and sources of security threats which, among others, call for the criminal procedural legislation to be effectively amended, and a detailed post-war historical analysis of the preliminary procedure and the established models of criminal proceedings, the study investigates in great depth as well as critically evaluates individual phases of the (police) pre-trial procedure, starting with the initial information about a criminal offence (notitia criminis) and individual procedurally established evidence-taking standards. Further on there is an original analysis of some informal police measures, urgent investigative actions with which the police interfere with the individual%s personal rights and, last but not least, covert investigative measures that constitute the state%s strong interference with human rights and fundamental freedoms. The research also points out some dilemmas and special characteristics of the prosecutors direction of the police investigation, including an original analysis of an implementing regulation that governs their mutual relationship. In this part of the research, the case study method was mainly applied since, in addition to various literature, we examined a large number of domestic and foreign judicial decisions, summed up our findings in clear-cut positions and, by considering the results of the international comparative analysis conducted, applied them in the concluding theses of the dissertation. The study basically aims to formulate new scientific findings in the researched area, with the possibility of implementing a new criminal procedural paradigm. Based on the study findings, the final part of the doctoral dissertation provides possible solutions for a more effective pre-trial procedure. These are divided into three groups. The first group includes the starting points for formulating the prospective pre-trial procedure and criminal proceedings in the framework of the currently applicable mixed model and, for this purpose - based on the deficiencies of the normative regulation established in our research as well as theoretical and practical issues related to police authorisations and the roles of subjects in a pre-trial procedure - we condensed the proposed solutions into 43 items. The other two groups consist of two proposed police-prosecutor investigation models, including establishing the foundations for introducing the Slovenian court police. Since the direction of the long-term development of Slovenian criminal proceedings is currently unclear, the first part of the dissertation outlines some starting points for introducing court police and a police-prosecutor investigation within the framework of the currently valid mixed model of criminal proceedings, whereas the second part presents possible guidelines for enacting court police in the framework of the potential future modified adversary model, which is characterised by the abolition of judicial investigation and its replacement with a typical police-prosecutor investigation.
