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Title:Genocid in genocidna dejanja : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Hlupič, Barbara (Author)
ID Petrič, Ernest (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Hlupic_Barbara_i2015.pdf (1,11 MB)
MD5: A64EC83591151D8B1C447D21985F1774
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EVRO-PF - Nova Univerza - European Faculty of Law
Abstract:V sodobni mednarodni skupnosti je sprejetih mnogo obvezujočih pravnih aktov s področja varovanja in zagotavljanja človekovih pravic. Kljub temu pa smo priča številnim grozljivim prizorom, kot so genocid in druga genocidna dejanja. Čeprav so bila v zgodovini človeštva genocidna dejanja razmeroma pogosta, se je koncept hudodelstev zoper človečnost in genocida pojavil šele med 2. svetovno vojno, saj pravo do tedaj ni premoglo izraza, s katerim bi lahko definiralo grozote nacističnih zločinov. Genocid je hudodelstvo, ki kaže najtemnejšo plat človeške civilizacije in kazalec neizmerne surovosti, ki jo je človek sposoben. Je kaznivo dejanje mednarodnega kazenskega prava in kot tako tudi mednarodno kazenskopravno določen. Njegovo definicijo podaja Konvencija o preprečevanju in kaznovanju zločina genocida iz leta 1948. Po konvenciji je pristojnost za kazenski pregon poverjena državam. Poleg genocida pa obstajajo tudi dejanja, ki ne ustrezajo definiciji genocida, kot jo vsebuje konvencija, vendar pa so po svojem bistvu in naravi taka, da se močno približujejo zločinu genocida. Tako se v povezavi z genocidom pogosto omenjajo tudi democid, politicid, množični poboji, etnično čiščenje, etnocid oz. kulturni genocid. Ključnega pomena za uveljavitev in razvoj sodobnega mednarodnega kazenskega prava so mednarodna kazenska sodišča in njihova sodna praksa. Njihov poglavitni namen je, da se tisti, ki so najbolj odgovorni za najhujša grozodejstva, vključno z najvišjimi predstavniki držav in vlad, ne izognejo roki pravice.
Keywords:človekove pravice, genocid, mednarodno pravo, Konvencija o preprečevanju in kaznovanju zločina genocida, kršitve humanitarnega prava, pristojnost sodišč
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Place of performance:Nova Gorica
Publisher:[B. Hlupič]
Year of publishing:2015
Year of performance:2015
Number of pages:V, 105 str.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-3836 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2053141174 New window
Note:Mag. delo 2. stopnje bolonjskega študija;
Publication date in ReVIS:13.07.2018
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Secondary language

Abstract:Numerous binding legal acts in the field of protecting and ensuring human rights have been adopted in the modern international community. However, we are witnessing many horrific scenes, such as genocide and other acts of genocide. Even though, the acts of genocide are relatively common in human history, the concept of crimes against the humanity and genocide came into existence only during the 2nd World War, as the rule of law of that time did not know the term, which could define the atrocities of the Nazis. Genocide is a crime that reveals the darkest side of human civilization and an indicator of boundless brutality that a man is capable of. According to the international criminal law, it is a criminal offence and, as such, it is defined by the international criminal law. Its definition is specified by the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide adopted in 1948. According to the Convention, the jurisdiction to act and enforce law is entrusted to the States. In addition to the genocide, there are also acts that do not meet the definition of the genocide, as defined by the Convention, yet in its essence and nature they draw on the crime of genocide. Thus, democide, politicide, mass killings, ethnic cleansing, ethnocide or cultural genocide are often mentioned in connection with the genocide as well. The international criminal courts and its case-law are vital for implementing and develop the modern international criminal law. Its main purpose is that those, who are most responsible for the worst atrocities, including the heads of States and governments, do not evade justice.
