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Title:Stres pri delu - študija primera : primerjava sektorja za izvršbo in sektorja za obdavčitev dohodkov na finančnem uradu Ljubljana
Authors:ID Gregorka, Mira (Author)
ID Miglič, Gozdana (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Gregorka_Mira_i2018.pdf (1,24 MB)
MD5: F043C8D6AB4FEFEA1B1E955CC69BA652
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FDŠ - Nova Univerza - The Graduate School of Government and European Studies
Abstract:Magistrsko delo predstavlja problematiko stresa v delovnem okolju. Razdeljeno je na teoretični in empirični del. V teoretičnem delu smo opredelili pojem stresa, njegove vrste, vzroke, prepoznavne znake, simptome. Predstavili smo stres v delovnem okolju, in sicer dejavnike stresa na delovnem mestu, kako ga je mogoče prepoznati, kako stres vpliva na (ne)uspeh pri delu, kako na zadovoljstvo zaposlenih. V teoretičnem delu smo tudi predstavili posledice, ki jih stres prinaša za zaposlene kot posameznike na eni strani, za delodajalca oz. organizacijo na drugi in za državo na tretji strani. Prav tako smo analizirali in predstavili nacionalno zakonodajo, ki ureja oz. zagotavlja zdravo delovno okolje tudi z vidika duševnega zdravja. V empiričnem delu naloge smo ugotavljali prisotnost stresa na Finančnem uradu Ljubljana, in sicer,kakšno raven stresa predstavljajo posamezni stresorji v sektorju za obdavčitev dohodkov in sektorju za izvršbe ter kateri sektor je bolj izpostavljen stresorjem delovnega okolja. Tako smo opozorili na vsakodnevne stresorje, s katerimi se srečujejo zaposleni v omenjenih sektorjih na Finančnem uradu Ljubljana. Ugotavljali smo razlike med posameznimi stresorji v omenjenih sektorjih ter opozorili na raznolikost v naravi dela pri istem delodajalcu na področju doživljanja stresa. Empirični del raziskave je bil kvantitativen, saj so bili podatki zbrani z anketnim vprašalnikom. Skupaj je v raziskavi sodelovalo 86 anketiranih zaposlenih, od tega je bilo 45 anketiranih zaposlenih v sektorju za izvršbo in 45 v sektorju za obdavčitev dohodkov. Hipoteze smo preverjali s t-testom za neodvisne vzorce. Ugotavljali smo statistično pomembne razlike med posameznimi stresorji v omenjenih sektorjih. Na podlagi rezultatov smo podali predloge za prakso po posameznih področjih.
Keywords:stresor, Finančni urad Ljubljana, zaposleni
Place of publishing:Kranj
Place of performance:Kranj
Publisher:[M. Gregorka]
Year of publishing:2018
Year of performance:2018
Number of pages:VII, 92 str.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-4454 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2053172150 New window
Note:Mag. delo 2. stopnje bolonjskega študija;
Publication date in ReVIS:01.08.2018
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Secondary language

Title:Stres pri delu : magistrsko delo
Abstract:This master thesis presents the problem of stress in the workplace and it is divided into the theoretical and empirical part.The theoretical part provides a definition of stress, its types, underlying causes, signs and symptoms. The thesis deals with the following topics: factors of stress in the workplace; how to identify stress; and how stress affects the (non-)performance and satisfaction of employees. Furthermore, the theoretical part also presents the stress-related consequences for employees and individuals, for the employer/organisation, and for the state. It also contains an analysis of applicable national legislation aimed at providing a healthy workplace, including a healthy workplace from the aspect of mental health. The empirical part of the thesis tries to identify the presence of stress in the Ljubljana Financial Office, i.e. what levels of stress can be attributed to specific stressors in the Income Tax and Enforcement sectors, and which sector is more exposed to stressors at the workplace. We thus highlighted the daily stressors encountered by employees in the above-specified sectors within the Ljubljana Financial Office. In the thesis I try to identify the differences between specific stressors in each sector and highlight the differences of how different type of work with the same employer can lead to different levels of stress perception. The empirical part of the research was quantitative since I collected the data through a survey questionnaire. A total of 90 surveyed employees participated in the survey, of which 45 worked in the Enforcement sector and 45 worked in the IncomeTax sector. I tested the hypotheseswith a t-test for independent samples. I tried to find the statistically significant differences between specific stressors in the specified sectors. On the basis ofresultswe proposed the following practical measures by relevant fields.
