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Title:Statuti z istrskega in kvarnerskega območja kot zgodovinski ustavni dokumenti : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Rejc, Helena (Author)
ID Mavčič, Arne (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Rejc_Helena_i2017.pdf (3,36 MB)
MD5: 2D973A8404C36DDEAF334D000F476FDC
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FDŠ - Nova Univerza - The Graduate School of Government and European Studies
Abstract:Tematika, ki jo obravnavamo v tem magistrskem delu, pri nas še ni bila deležna večje pozornosti. Območje, na katerem so nastali prvi srednjeveški pravni dokumenti, zakoni, statuti in urbarji, je danes del hrvaškega ozemlja. V času njihovega nastanka pa do nedavnega je bil to del naše skupne domovine, zato pri prebiranju dokumentov naletimo na marsikatero slovensko ime. Dokumenti, ki smo jih obravnavali, so bili napisani v različnih jezikih in pisavah, med katerimi smo največjo pozornost posvetili glagolici. Kljub temu da so bili akti prevedeni v sodobni hrvaški jezik, pri analiziranju naletimo na težko razumljive določbe, ki so jih raziskovalci in preučevalci dostikrat povsem različno interpretirali. Do različnega razumevanja pa je prihajalo tudi zaradi napak prepisovalcev in zaradi obrabljenosti dokumentov, ki jih je načel zob časa.Srednjeveški pravni akti nam s svojimi določbami prikazujejo vsakdanje življenje takratnih prebivalcev v povezavi s fevdalnim gospodarjem, občinskim ustrojem in cerkvijo. V njih najdemo vrednote, ki so bile pomembne tedaj,in tiste, ki so v veljavi še danes. Zapisi v zakonih, statutih in urbarjih nam kažejo boj podložnikov za uveljavljanje pravic in na drugi strani obveznosti, ki jim jih je nalagal fevdalni gospod.Kažejo nam tudi bistvo tedanjega življenja: obdelovanje zemlje, skrb za živali in skrb za javno dobro v okviru svoje komune.V želji, da bi kljub jezikovnim in interpretativnim oviram poiskali bistvo predstavljenih pravnih aktov, je nastalo to magistrsko delo. Po analiziranju teh dokumentov smo opravili njihovo medsebojno primerjavo ter v določbah srednjeveških pravnih aktov poiskali temelje, ki se kažejo v posameznih določbah današnje hrvaške ustave.Tematika, v katero smo posegli s tem magistrskim delom in izpostavili bistvene sestavine posameznih pravnih aktov v povezavi s pisavo glagolico in današnjo hrvaško ustavo, strokovnjakom daje še neslutene možnosti za nadaljnje poglobljene raziskave.
Place of publishing:Kranj
Place of performance:Kranj
Publisher:[H. Rejc]
Year of publishing:2017
Year of performance:2017
Number of pages:IX, 113 str.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-4473 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2053172918 New window
Note:Mag. delo 2. stopnje bolonjskega študija;
Publication date in ReVIS:02.08.2018
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Secondary language

Abstract:The theme that we deal with in this master's thesis, has not received greater attention. The area, in which arose the first medieval legal documents, laws, statutes and land registries, is now a part of the Croatian territory. At the time of their appearance until recently this part, however, was a part of our common homeland, so reading the documents we come across many Slovenian names. The documents that we dealt with, had been written in various languages and alphabets, among which the greatest attention, we dedicate the Glagolitic. Despite the fact that the acts were translated into modern-day Croatian language, when analysing we come across difficult-to-understand provisions, which were often quite differently interpreted by the explorers and researchers. Causes for a different understanding were also due to errors made by the cribbers and due to the wear and tear of the documents, which were affected by the ravages of time. With their provisions the medieval legal acts show us the daily life of the then inhabitants in relation to the feudal master, the district structure and the Church. In the documents, we find values that were important at the time, and those that are in force even today. The records in the laws, statutes and land registries show us serfs battles for their rights and on the other side the obligations imposed on them by the feudal Lord. They also show us the essence of life in that period: tillage, caring for animals and concern for the public good in the context of their community. This master's thesis was formed in an attempt to find the essence of the featured acts in spite of the language and interpretative obstacles. After analysing these documents, we passed their mutual comparison, as well as in the provisions of the medieval legal acts found foundations, which are reflected in the individual provisions of the Croatian Constitution today. The theme that we dealt with in this master's thesis and highlighted the essential elements of individual legal acts in conjunction with the Glagolitic script and today's Croatian Constitution, gives the experts new possibilities for further in-depth research.
