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Title:Pametne pogodbe in pravni vidiki tehnologije veriženja blokov : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Goršič, Nejc (Author)
ID Dežman, Aljoša (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Gorsic_Nejc_i2018.pdf (1,07 MB)
MD5: CDCD502C01D3919898E7B808B7030C68
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:EVRO-PF - Nova Univerza - European Faculty of Law
Abstract:Magistrsko delo obravnava problematiko sklepanja pametnih pogodb in se dotika tudi nekaterih drugih pravnih dilem veriženja tehnologije blokov na splošno. Temeljno se delo ukvarja z vprašanjem primernosti pametnih pogodb za uporabo v vsakdanjem pravnem prometu. V pomoč pri odgovoru avtor potrdi hipotezo, da s primerno uporabo tehnologija veriženja blokov predstavlja varen način sklepanja pravnih poslov. Tveganja izhajajo predvsem iz napačne uporabe ali pomanjkanja znanja in ne iz lastnosti tehnologije same. Verjetno so v tem trenutku pametne pogodbe še vedno preveč zapletene za vsesplošno uporabo. Izziv tako ni le učinkovita in pravno skladna, ampak tudi uporabniku dovolj prijazna tehnološka rešitev. Pametne pogodbe se lahko (in tudi se) na nekaterih področjih civilnega prava brez omejitev uporabljajo že danes. To jim omogoča predvsem načelo zasebne avtonomije, ki pa je, kot vemo, omejeno s kogentnimi predpisi. Na tem mestu nove tehnologije trčijo ob obstoječo pravno ureditev, ki iz različnih razlogov (npr. varovanje pravne varnosti, potrošnikov, osebnih podatkov itd.) deluje omejujoče. Če bomo želeli izkoristiti vse prednosti in priložnosti, ki jih ponujajo pametne pogodbe in veriženje blokov, bo potrebno do določene mere prilagoditi tudi zakonodajo. V precejšnjem delu potrebne spremembe niti ne bi bile drastične in bi bilo potrebno zgolj natančneje določiti izvajanje obstoječih norm. Izzivi, ki stojijo na poti, pa pravnikov ne smejo odvrniti od iskanja načinov primerne uporabe. Pametne pogodbe,zapisane v nespremenljivi in razpršeni verigi blokov,namreč lahko prinesejo veliko konkurenčno prednost in prihranke za gospodarstvo ter so korak naprej v razvoju pogodbenega prava.
Keywords:pametne pogodbe, veriženje blokov, virtualne valute
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Goršič]
Year of publishing:2018
Year of performance:2018
Number of pages:VII, 96 str.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-5181 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2053226422 New window
Note:Mag. delo 2. stopnje bolonjskega študija;
Publication date in ReVIS:25.09.2018
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Secondary language

Abstract:This master thesis discusses the problem of concluding smart contracts as well as some other legal questions about the blockchain technology in general. Essentially, the work deals with the question of the appropriateness of smart contracts for use in everyday legal transactions. To help answer this question, the author confirms the hypothesis that by using the appropriate blockchain technology smart contracts area safe way of concluding legal transactions. The risks arise mainly from the incorrect use or from lack of knowledge, and not from the characteristics of the technology themselves. Presumably, the smart contracts are still too complex for widespread use; therefore the main challenge is not only developing an effective, legally compliant technological solution, but a solution that is also user-friendly. Smart contracts can be (and they are) used in some areas of civil law without restrictions already nowadays. This is enabled by the principle of private autonomy, which is, as we know, limited by the mandatory regulations. At this point, the new technologies collide with the existing legal system, which for various reasons (e.g. safeguarding legal certainty, consumer and personal data protection etc.) functions restrictively. If we want to take advantage of all the benefits and opportunities offered by the smart contracts and block chain technology, it would be necessary to adjust the legislation to some extent. For the most part, the necessary changes would not be drastic and it would only be necessary to specify the implementation of the existing norms. The challenges on the way should not deter the legal experts from searching for the ways of the appropriate use. Smart contracts, written in an unchangeable and distributed chain of blocks, may bring a significant competitive advantage and cost savings for the economy and are a step forward in the development of the contract law.
Keywords:Pogodbeno pravo
