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Title:Primerjava evro-kontinentalnega pravnega sistema z anglosaškim : diplomsko delo
Authors:ID Rozman, Urban (Author)
ID Dežman, Aljoša (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Rozman_Urban_i2017.pdf (773,48 KB)
MD5: BF9E11261725D0F63F56D1103CC1015A
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EVRO-PF - Nova Univerza - European Faculty of Law
Abstract:Svoje diplomsko delo bom seveda začel z zgodovinskim uvodom. Analiziral bom primerjana pravna sistema od njihovih začetkov pa do sodobnejših časov. Kot vsi vemo so na pravo in njegov razvoj vplivali predvsem štirje dejavniki. Prvi je antika. Rimsko pravo predstavlja mati kontinentalne pravne ureditve, natančneje civilnega prava, še danes se namreč uporabljajo nekatere ureditve, ki veljajo že tisočletja. Drugi dejavnik predstavlja germansko združeno mišljenje. Pravne ureditve germanskih plemen pred pokristjanjevanjem. Tretji dejavnik je srednjeveška cerkev in kanonsko pravo. Zadnji ter nekoliko kasnejši dejavnik pa je moderni liberalizem. Na tej točki različnih virov prava, se ne bom preveč zadrževal, v svoje delo sem jih umestil bolj zaradi začrtanja smeri katere se bom držal. Več pozornosti bom naklonil zgodovinskemu razvoju običajnega prava ali common law, ter kontinentalni pravni ureditvi in njeni zgodovinski poti. Nadaljeval bom z "uvodom" v osrednjo temo svojega dela, to pa je primerjava civilnega prava in comon law danes. Nadalje bom izpostavil vsako od naštetih področji posebej, znotraj njih samih pa sem si izbral nekaj tem, ki jih bom najprej definiral in nato primerjal. Svojo analizo sem ločil na materialno in procesno pravno ureditev sistemov. V primerjalno množico materialnega prava sem zajel causo, pogodbe v korist tretjih oseb, preklic ponudbe, višjo silo in naključje, kršitev pogodbe in krivdo, odškodninsko odgovornost, zamudo in prenos lastništva, menico, hipoteko ter še nekaj drugih. V primerjalni množici procesnega prava pa je zajeto naslednje: vročanje, določitev dejstev, sprejem in zanesljivost dokazov ter rubež. Vse zgoraj naštete teme so zelo obsežno urejene in že za eno bi bilo dovolj gradiva, za celo diplomsko nalogo, zato sem pri vseh izpostavil ter nato primerjal le bistvo.
Place of publishing:Nova Gorica
Place of performance:Nova Gorica
Publisher:[U. Rozman]
Year of publishing:2017
Year of performance:2017
Number of pages:V, 40 str.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-5276 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2053240758 New window
Note:Dipl. delo 1. stopnje bolonjskega študija;
Publication date in ReVIS:23.10.2018
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Secondary language

Abstract:I will begin my thessis with a historical introduction. I will analyze the collated legal system from its beginnings to modern times, along the way I will try to individualize the point where it bagan to come to the disparities. As we all know the law, and its development was mainly influenced by four factors. The first is antique. Roman law represents the mother of the continental legal system, and more particularly of civil law, some modalities are still in use and they have been so for millennia. These cond factor represents the combined Germanic thinking. Legal regulation of Germanic tribes before Christianisation. The third factor is the medieval church and canon law. The last and somewhat later factor is modern liberalism. I will not dwell too much on this poit of the various sources of law, i have placed them in my thess is more for eindications on the direction which I hold. I will dedicate more attention torso the historical development of the common law and the continental legal system and their historical path. I will continue with the "introduction" of the main theme of my work, which is the comparison of civil law and comon law today. Furthermore, I will point out each and every of these areas, than within themselves I will chose some topics that i will first define and then compare. I will separate my analysis in two parts; the substantive and procedural regulation systems. I the unit of substantive law i will include: causa, contracts to third parties, withdrawal of offers, force majeure and coincidence, breach of contract and guilt, liability for damages, delay and transfer of ownership, mortgage, and a few others. In the procedural law uniti i will include: the determination of the facts, admission and reliability of the evidence, seizure etc. All the above topics are very extensive, just in one would be enough material for a whole thesis. That is why i will highlight and than compare only the essence.
Keywords:Običajno pravo
