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Title:Ocenjevanje delovne uspešnosti v policiji : magistrsko delo
Authors:ID Kvaternik, Luka (Author)
ID Dujić, Slobodan (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Kvaternik_Luka_i2018.pdf (1,57 MB)
MD5: 59D76158DAFF573DAEBB2476B87F7E11
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FDŠ - Nova Univerza - The Graduate School of Government and European Studies
Abstract:Ocenjevanje delovne uspešnosti je eden izmed elementov koncepta upravljanja s človeškimi viri. Glavni cilj tega koncepta je spodbujanje rasti in razvoja zaposlenih ter iskanje in izkoriščanje njihovega potenciala, s cimer se poleg njihovega lastnega povečuje tudi zadovoljstvo celotne organizacije. Policija je kot del javnega sektorja glede ocenjevanja delovne uspešnosti podvržena enakim zakonskim podlagam, se pa njena organizacijska struktura in način delovanja od drugih javnopravnih organizacij javnega sektorja precej razlikuje. Zato bi moralo biti tudi merjenje in ocenjevanje delovne uspešnosti v policiji temu prilagojeno. Ker prav preko tega postopka dobimo ključne povratne informacije o posameznih javnih uslužbencih, mora biti izpeljan tako, da lahko pridobljene informacije uporabimo za korigiranje razvoja zaposlenih in tudi za izboljševanje ustreznosti organizacijske klime. Pri zasledovanju tega cilja je treba v cim večji meri omejiti ali celo izločiti subjektivne vplive. Da bi bilo ocenjevanje cim bolj objektivno, mora temeljiti na natančnih in enotnih kriterijih. Pri ocenjevanju v policiji se uporabljajo splošni kriteriji za ocenjevanje delovne uspešnosti z določenimi dodatnimi usmeritvami. S takim načinom ocenjevanja ne zagotavljamo samo enotne in pravočasne izvedbe postopkov ocenjevanja, ampak se izognemo tudi nezadovoljstvu in občutku nepravičnosti, ki bi se lahko pojavil, če bi se kriteriji ocenjevanja in ocenjevalne tehnike prilagajali posamezni organizaciji ali celo posameznemu ocenjevalcu. Ker pa je kljub temu ocenjevalec tisti, ki vrednotenju dela podrejenih doda svoje lastno videnje oziroma svojo lastno presojo, bo taka ocena v določeni meri vedno subjektivna. Aktivnosti na področju ocenjevanja morajo zato potekati tudi v smeri cim večje usposobljenosti ocenjevalcev, da ne bi z napačnim ocenjevanjem po nepotrebnem povzročali upadanja interesa za doseganje boljših rezultatov in motivacije nasploh.
Place of publishing:Kranj
Place of performance:Kranj
Publisher:[L. Kvaternik]
Year of publishing:2018
Year of performance:2018
Number of pages:VII, 126 str.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-5500 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2053286582 New window
Note:Mag. delo 2. stopnje bolonjskega študija; Nasl. z nasl. zaslona; Opis vira z dne 28. 02. 2019;
Publication date in ReVIS:01.03.2019
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Abstract:Assessing work performance is one of the elements of the concept of human resources management. The main objective of this concept is to promote the growth and development of employees, and to find and exploit their potential, thereby benefiting both the individual and the organization. The Slovene Police are subject to the same legal bases in assessing performance as the rest of the Slovene public sector, but its organizational structure and method of operation differ considerably from the rest of the public sector. Therefore, measuring and evaluating work performance in the Police should also be adapted to this. Since it is precisely through this process that we get key feedback about individual public employees, it must be implemented in such a way that the acquired information can be used to manage the development of employees and also to improve the organizational climate. In pursuit of this goal, it is necessary to limit or even eliminate subjective effects as far as possible. In order to make the assessment as objective as possible, it must be based on precise and uniform criteria. For evaluation in the Police, the general public sector criteria for assessing work performance are used, with certain additional guidelines. In addition to ensuring uniform and timely execution of assessment procedures, we avoid the dissatisfaction and feeling of injustice that could have arisen if the evaluation criteria and evaluation techniques were adapted to individual organizations or even to individual assessors. However, since the evaluator is the one who adds his own vision or his own judgment to the evaluation of the work of his subordinates, such an assessment will always be subjective to some extent. Therefore, evaluation activities should also be carried out by highly competent and well-trained assessors, to avoid the negative impacts on employee motivation and interest in professional development which can be caused by an inaccurate appraisal.
