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Title:Primerjava mediacije v notranjem in mednarodnem pravu : diplomsko delo
Authors:ID Kavčič, Rebecca (Author)
ID Petrič, Ernest (Mentor) More about this mentor... New window
Files:.pdf RAZ_Kavcic_Rebecca_i2019.pdf (814,41 KB)
MD5: 3CA4D97157350BC1EFEEDA62CD06FAE5
Work type:Final reflection paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:EVRO-PF - Nova Univerza - European Faculty of Law
Abstract:Mediacija je ena izmed oblik alternativnega reševanja sporov, pri kateri tretja nepristranska oseba ali skupina oseb (mediatorjev) vodi sprte stranke skozi postopek in jim s svojimi predlogi pomaga doseči sporazum o spornih vprašanjih. Za stranke so bistveni ohranitev moči odločanja, hitrost postopka, nižji stroški in odsotnost stresa. Postopek mediacije se uporablja tako v notranjem kot tudi v mednarodnem pravu. V diplomskem delu je kot notranje pravo obravnavano in uporabljeno nacionalno pravo Republike Slovenije. Bistvena razlika med mediacijo v notranjem in mednarodnem pravu je v pomembnosti mednarodnopravnega načela suverene enakosti držav v povezavi z načelom prostovoljnosti, ki je v mednarodnem pravu ključnega pomena. Razlikujeta se tudi v naravi sporov, ki jih obravnavata, saj so le-ti v mednarodnih mediacijah pretežno politične, v notranjem pravu pa večinoma dejanske in pravne narave. Drugačna sta normiranost postopka in pravni okvir, saj so zaradi odsotnosti enotnega zakonodajalca, pravosodnega organa in izvršilnega organa odnosi v mednarodnem pravu bistveno bolj prepuščeni v oblikovanje subjektom. Razlikujejo se vrste strank in izvajalci mediacije. V mednarodnih sporih so stranke največkrat države in mednarodne organizacije, mediatorji pa tretje države, medtem ko so stranke mediacije v notranjem pravu fizične in pravne osebe, vlogo mediatorjev pa imajo tretje fizične osebe. Na podlagi analitične in komparativne metode se lahko povzame, da sta si postopka na prvi pogled sorodna, cilj obeh je rešiti spor med strankami v konfliktu, vendar ko se poglobimo v strukturo, ugotovimo, da se v pomembnih podrobnostih tudi razlikujeta.
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Place of performance:Ljubljana
Publisher:[R. Kavčič]
Year of publishing:2019
Year of performance:2019
Number of pages:59 str.
PID:20.500.12556/ReVIS-5961 New window
COBISS.SI-ID:2053343670 New window
Note:Dipl. delo 1. stopnje bolonjskega študija; Nasl. z nasl. zaslona; Opis vira z dne 13. 08. 2019;
Publication date in ReVIS:26.08.2019
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Secondary language

Abstract:Mediation is one of the forms of alternative dispute resolution, in which a third impartial party (mediator/s) leads the disputing parties through the process and helps them with prepositions, to reach an agreement. Main benefits in mediation are that disputing parties retain the power of decision-making, the speed of process, low costs and the absence of stress. Mediation is used in internal (domestic) law, as well in international law. In this thesis Slovenian national law is applied as internal law. The essential difference between mediation in domestic law and international law is the key importance of international legal principle of the sovereignity of States in relation to the principle of voluntarism. They also differ in the nature of the disputes they deal with, since in international mediation are mostly politicaly narrowed and disputes in domestic law have mostly real and legal nature. There is also different legal framework of mediation procedure, because in the absence of a single legislator, judicial authority and executive body, relations in international law are significantly more left to the formation of subjects. There are as well different types of disputing parties and mediators. In international disputes, the disputing parties are mostly states and international organizations, and mediators are third countries, while in domestic law the disputes are mostly between individuals and legal entities while mediators are normally impartial individuals. Based on analytical and comparative methods, it can be summarized that the procedures are at first sight related, the aim of both is resolving the dispute between conflicted parties, but when we deepen ourselves into the structure of both procedures, we come to realisation, that they differ in some basic details.
