Title: | Kadrovski management ter zaposlovanje tujcev iz Bosne in Hercegovine ter Srbije : magistrska naloga |
Authors: | ID Kostanjšek, Katjuša (Author) ID Dubrovski, Drago (Mentor) More about this mentor... |
Files: | RAZ_Kostanjsek_Katjusa_i2019.pdf (1,84 MB) MD5: 38FA20779F33EACD978020E9B9DB48D1
Language: | Slovenian |
Work type: | Master's thesis/paper |
Typology: | 2.09 - Master's Thesis |
Organization: | MFDPŠ - International School for Social and Business Studies
Keywords: | kadrovski management, pomanjkanje kadra, zaposlovanje tujcev, Bosna in Hercegovina, Srbija, management znanja, management kadrov |
Place of publishing: | Celje |
Place of performance: | Celje |
Publisher: | [K. Kostanjšek] |
Year of publishing: | 2019 |
Year of performance: | 2019 |
Number of pages: | VIII, 63 str., [13] str. uvezanih pril. |
PID: | 20.500.12556/ReVIS-6353 |
COBISS.SI-ID: | 15572385 |
UDC: | 331.556(497.4)(043.2) |
Note: | Mag. naloga magistrskega študijskega programa 2. stopnje Management znanja;
Publication date in ReVIS: | 20.02.2020 |
Views: | 2244 |
Downloads: | 175 |
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